Ninja Cat Dominates as the Top Early Game Cat

While Ninja Cat definitively eclipses Axe Cat in early game usability, both cats have distinct advantages that may suit different stages and enemy compositions. This guide will crunch the numbers on their stats and analyze how abilities determine key matchups.

Base Stats Comparison

Ninja Cat‘s raw stats already confer major advantages for tackling the early Empire of Cats stages. With triple the HP and nearly double the movement speed of Axe Cat, it can soak more hits and evade threats better until its area attacks obliterate peons.

Base StatNinja CatAxe Cat
Health1 million350k
Attack Power5,2005,500
Attack Range285350
Attack TypeArea (1-4 targets)Area (knockbacks 1 target)
Attack Frequency2.2 seconds2.53 seconds
Movement Speed95

With more durability and quicker mobility, Ninja Cat can unleash its dangerous area attacks more frequently. It outdamages Axe Cat despite slightly lower per-hit damage too.

Matchup Analysis Against Common Threats

We can precisely determine the value of Axe Cat and Ninja Cat against the core Empire of Cats enemies by analyzing how their attack types (area vs knockback) and stats play out:

Against Doge Dark

  • Ninja Cat favoured: Doge‘s 99k health is shredded rapidly by its 2.2s area attacks before the peon lands a hit
  • Axe Cat often dies to a lethal Doge nip before it can even attack once with its slower speed

Against Those Guys

  • Ninja Cat favoured: Can one-shot the 32k HP Those Guys with area splash while resisting knockbacks
  • Axe Cat gets overwhelmed and knocked back easily trying to land singular hits

Against Bun Bun (800k HP)

  • Ninja Cat favoured: Can stack up safely out of Bun Bun‘s 460 range and chip away at the 800k health pool with frequent area damage
  • Axe Cat has insufficient range to strike safely and gets one-shot by savage blows

True Form Boosts Long-Term Potential

While Axe Cat falls off hard after Crazed Axe is acquired, Ninja Cat retains value via the Cool Japan Cat Combo – providing an invaluable +15% damage boost that improves all cats.

Its True Form, Dancing Flasher, also sports 300k more health and a wider 430 range to improve survivability.

So Ninja Cat continues contributing even late game whereas Axe Cat is largely replaced entirely by Crazed Axe.


With advantageous base stats across the board on top of better matchups against the key Empire of Cats threats, Ninja Cat is hands-down the superior early game option that can carry new players through the initial slog. Its excellent mix of offense and defense combined with excellent mobility makes it a perfect balanced attacker.

Once its tricky mechanics are mastered, no other low cost cat comes close to its overall power and versatility during the critical early progression. While Axe Cat isn‘t completely without merit, Ninja will be getting sent out far more frequently.

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