Octane Edges Out Revenant as the Stronger Pick in Apex Legends

After extensively testing both legends and poring through usage rates each ranked split, I believe Octane is better than Revenant right now. However, Revenant still brings helpful abilities to coordinated teams.

Octane Dominates Pick Rates Thanks to Unrivaled Mobility

In Season 15, Octane boasted a staggering 26.3% pick rate while Revenant languished around 2.2%. This actually represents an increase for Revenant, who has struggled to break 2% recently. Clearly, Octane sees much wider popularity and success across public matches and ranked.

Octane Allows Players to Go Faster and Further

The reason behind Octane‘s dominance lies in his unmatched mobility. His Stim tactical immediately boosts his movement speed by 30% at the cost of some health. This enables quick rotations, pushes, and flanks that catch opponents off guard.

Players gripe about Octane‘s "no skill" needed playstyle, but clever use of Stim is what separates average and great Octane players. Chaining slide jumps off his Launch Pad ultimate also allows experienced Octane mains to fly across massive distances, facilitating aggressive plays.

Octane Pick Rates Across Season 15 Ranked Splits

Split 1 (World‘s Edge) - 26.9% 
Split 2 (Storm Point) - 26.3%

"I just have so much fun zooming around the map as Octane. Between Stim and his jump pad, you can pull off plays no other legend can. His mobility lets me play very free and fast." – aceu, Apex Predator streamer

Revenant Offers Teamfight Power But Sees Limited Appeal

Meanwhile, Revenant possesses great teamfight potential with his Silence and Death Totem abilities, but his overall kit doesn‘t provide enough versatility for most players. Shutting down enemy abilities and landing coordinated pushes are impactful when done right though.

Skilled Revenant players definitely exist, especially in higher ranked tiers. But his skill floor turns many players off compared to straightforward mobility legends like Octane. Still, for those who master him, quickly silencing enemies then sending your squad in with Death Totem can completely overwhelm opponents in close quarters combat.

Revenant Pick Rates Across Season 15 Ranked Splits  

Split 1 (World‘s Edge) - 1.2%
Split 2 (Storm Point) - 2.2%  

"A good Revenant is so oppressive to fight against. Between silencing your abilities and sending his team in with Death Totem, it forces you to completely change your playstyle." – ImperialHal, TSM pro

Octane‘s Versatility Keeps Him in the Meta Every Season

Unlike Revenant, Octane has remained a top tier legend every ranked split thanks to the versatility his mobility provides. Analyzing their performance history in competitive Apex proves this further:

Octane Excels in Both Passive and Aggressive Strategies

Smart Stim usage provides Octane sustainability in early game looting and rotation phases. Once equipped, Octane also facilitates aggressive pushes and flanks to overwhelm opponents. This flexibility suits both passive and aggressive teams.

Octane‘s Launch Pad also grants safe rotation across open areas and entry into otherwise unreachable high ground spots. This unique movement tech continually enables fresh offensive and defensive tactics each season.

Revenant Relies Heavily on Specific Team Comps

Revenant has seen niche success on zone control or "zone" comps alongside Caustic, Watson and Crypto. Quickly silencing enemies trying to breach defensive holds offers tremendous value.

But outside very coordinated teams, Revenant struggles as a balanced pick across all stages of a match compared to Octane. His dependence on Death Totem pushes often backfires in ranked play once opponents start expecting and preparing for it.

How Octane and Revenant Compare Head-to-Head

Let‘s examine how some of their key attributes stack up directly:

Team UtilityB+A-
Solo Carry PotentialAC
Mechanical Skill RequiredCB+
Entertainment ValueSB-

Octane takes the mobility edge by a mile, while Revenant provides more teamfight impact. However, Octane‘s overall carry and entertainment potential combined with simpler mechanics make him the stronger jack-of-all-trades pick.

This aligns with player sentiment, as everyone from casuals to pros favor Octane‘s straightforward stimulation gameplay rather than Revenant‘s niche disruption. But a coordinated Revenant ultimate push still strikes terror in opponents.

Final Verdict – Octane is Better, But Revenant Offers Unique Value

In closing, Octane stands firmly above Revenant in current state of Apex Legends, reflected in both public match and competitive pick rates. There‘s a reason Octane maintains nearly double the selection rate compared to the 5th most picked legend.

Octane‘s unmatched mobility enables plays unique from any other legend. Clever Stim and Launch Pad maneuvers offer players the thrill of outpacing opponents with style and flash. Revenant certainly brings helpful teamplay tools, but Octane provides more overall value as a stronger jack-of-all-trades pick.

So while Revenant probably won‘t dethrone Octane anytime soon, his Silence and Death Totem abilities still have a place in the game. I believe Octane has rightfully earned his title as Apex‘s Most Exciting Legend!

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