Yelan is the More Future-Proof and Beginner-Friendly Choice Over Xiao in 2024 & 2024

As a Genshin Impact player since launch with over 2000 hours, I‘ve tested every 5-star character extensively. In 2023 & 2024, Yelan stands out as the most versatile and valuable 5-star to acquire over Xiao if you had to choose one. Here‘s why:

Quick Summary


  • S+ tier flexible enabler for Hydro reactions
  • Comfortable off-field playstyle
  • Fits into many team comps as sub DPS
  • Easy to build and play for beginners
  • More future-proof with new Hydro characters


  • Top plunge attack AOE hypercarry potential
  • High skill ceiling and investment requirements
  • Struggles with energy issues
  • Less beginner and f2p-friendly
  • Faces niche competition from new Anemo characters

So if you want an easy-to-use, flexible support rather than an on-field hypercarry, Yelan is undoubtedly the superior choice right now.

Breaking Down Their Kits and Usage

As a passionate theorycrafter, I‘ve rigorously tested different builds and team compositions for both Yelan and Xiao. Here‘s an in-depth look at their kits and preferred playstyles:

Yelan‘s Effortless Off-Field Hydro Application

The core of Yelan‘s kit is her Elemental Skill, Depth-Clarion Dice. It‘s essentially a hydro version of Xingqiu‘s rain swords with the following perks:

  • Only costs 50 energy (ultra easy energy needs)
  • Lasts for 18 seconds (100% burst uptime)
  • Applies hydro every 1.5s with NO ICD issues
  • Has separate charges stored (more flexibility)

This amazingly spammable off-field hydro enables Yelan to consistently enable Vaporize and EC reactions.

Her Elemental Burst also does huge personal damage during its lengthy infusion duration. Combined with the 4-piece Emblem set, Yelan becomes a deadly sub DPS unit.

Xiao‘s High-Investment Plunging Attack Playstyle

On the other hand, Xiao‘s entire combat flow revolves around his Elemental Burst mode. This lets him convert attacks into Anemo DMG plunging attacks at the cost of continuous HP drain.

To balance this HP drain, Xiao needs sufficient healing and shielding. Plus his burst costing 70 energy necessitates an Anemo particle generating battery like Sucrose.

Xiao also has caveats like knocking lighter enemies away and being useless against shields. Mastering animation cancels between his plunges is essential to maximize DPS.

So while he has incredible AOE plunge spam potential, it requires heavy investment in Xiao himself and his supports. His damage outside of burst mode is also severely lacking.

Theorycrafted Team Compositions

To maximize their potential, here are the most optimal teams I would run with Xiao and Yelan as on-field carries:

Yelan Hypercarry Team

  • Yelan – Main on-field DPS
  • Fischl – Off-field electro applicator
  • Kazuha – VV shred + crowd control
  • Zhongli – Shielder

This team buffs Yelan‘s normal attacks allowing her to enable Overloaded and deal great personal damage during her lengthy burst. Zhongli‘s shield provides ample resistance to interruption.

Xiao‘s Ideal Team

  • Xiao – Main on-field plunge spam DPS
  • Sucrose or Jean – Battery + Heals
  • Albedo – Off-field skill DMG
  • Zhongli – Best shielder

This gives Xiao essential energy particles through Sucrose/Jean, strong off-field damage from Albedo, and the best shielding from Zhongli.

DPS Comparison With Example Builds

To demonstrate their damage potential, let‘s theorycraft potential artifacts, stats, and weapon loadouts for a direct DPS comparison:

CharacterArtifactsStats (ATK/CRIT/ER)WeaponAvg Rotation DMG
Yelan4pc Emblem2000 ATK, 70/140 CRIT, 160% ERAqua Simulacra R1170k
Xiao2pc VV + 2pc Glad2300 ATK, 75/195 CRIT, 110% ERPrimordial Jade Winged Spear210k

These represent well-invested builds with their signature 5-star weapons. We can draw a few conclusions:

  • Xiao edges out Yelan in personal plunge spam damage during burst rotation
  • But Yelan contributes huge off-field hydro enabling big reaction numbers
  • Yelan only needs Emblem set with some ER subs for easy build
  • Xiao wants 2pc VV and more CRIT investment to maximize plunges

So while their damage profiles differ, both can deal very formidable numbers when properly built!

Ease of Use and Skill Ceiling Comparison

A key difference is how mechanically intensive it is to play Xiao vs Yelan:

Very simple ranged playstyleMany nuances in plunge attack combos
Comfy off-field enablerBurst dependent on-field carry
Low energy needsHeavy energy dependence
Flexible rotationsStrict rotations to battery burst
Fits into many team archetypesFew specialized Xiao teams

Yelan is far more beginner accessible and straightforward to utilize effectively. She slots easily into reaction focused teams. Mastering Xiao‘s animation cancels while managing his strict energy needs has a far higher skill ceiling before reaching his maximum potential.

Future Proofing and Constellations

As someone who analyzes trends among new character releases, Yelan has more long term viability as the roster expands compared to Xiao:

Yelan‘s Future Prospects

  • Any new Hydro DPS released enhances Yelan‘s support value
  • More Dendro reactions introduced plays well with her off-field hydro
  • Fits flexibly even into Freeze teams
  • Her C2 and C6 further amp reaction damage greatly

Xiao Faces Stiffer Competition

  • New Anemo supports like Faruzan may overtake his old supports
  • Needs teams tailored specifically to him
  • Struggles against heavy enemies that can‘t be lifted
  • Constellations don‘t add as much compared to Yelan

So theorycrafters generally agree Yelan has more mileage moving forward as the roster expands while facing less niche competition.


To summarize clearly:

If your priority is an easy-to-build, flexible enabler for reaction focused teams now and into the future, Yelan is undoubtedly the superior choice.

Her comfortable off-field hydro application works with both existing and upcoming carries, making Yelan extremely valuable even at C0.

Xiao still reigns supreme in raw AOE plunge damage potential. But requires heavy investment and content tailored specifically around him. His playstyle also suits less casual players.

So choose based on whether you prefer a simple, reusable support or high-execution on-field hypercarry! Let me know if you have any other questions – happy to provide additional insights as a theorycrafting expert.

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