Who is Childe most shipped with?

According to popular fan opinion and shipping trends in 2024, Childe (also known as Tartaglia) is most commonly shipped with the protagonist Lumine or Aether (The Traveler) in the Genshin Impact fandom. This ship is often referred to by fans as "ChiLumi" or "Chilaether".

Why Childe and The Traveler are a popular ship

There are several reasons why this pairing has become so widely embraced by the Genshin fandom:

  • Enemies to lovers trope: Childe and The Traveler start out as adversaries, having an intense rivalry and clash of ideals. This tension sets the stage for romantic development. Fans love seeing how the two may grow closer over time.

  • Interest and care for The Traveler: In his story quest, Childe takes a keen interest in both Lumine and Aether. He invites them to visit his family in Snezhnaya, showing a softer, more caring side beyond just the ruthless Fatui Harbinger.

  • "Hey girlie" scene: Many fans point to Childe calling Lumine "girlie" as a moment that sparked interest in their potential chemistry and dynamic together.

  • Playful banter and teasing: Childe displaying his playful personality around The Traveler, with a bit of gentle teasing and banter, has led many fans to see romantic undertones.

  • Opposites attract appeal: As a Hydro bow user, Childe contrasts nicely with the protagonist‘s Anemo/Geo powers. Their differing personalities and backgrounds also complement each other in an interesting way.

Other popular Childe ships

While ChiLumi/Chilaether tops the list, Childe has been commonly shipped with other characters as well:

  • ChongLi: Zhongli x Childe is popular due to their history together and opposing elements. Some fans interpret their dynamics as having hidden romantic tension.

  • Chiluc: Childe x Diluc is a heated rival ship, playing up their hostility towards one another. But some fans envision them growing closer over time.

So in summary, while Childe has multiple ships, Lumine/Aether remains his most widespread and talked-about romantic pairing according to current fan enthusiasm and trends. Their enemies to friends/lovers arc clearly strikes a chord with much of the Genshin fandom.

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