Who is Clemont‘s girlfriend?

As a longtime Pokémon fan and expert on all things Kalos, one question I get asked often is: who is Clemont‘s girlfriend? Despite his sister Bonnie‘s eager matchmaking efforts throughout their journey, the Gym Leader‘s relationship status remains a mystery. Let‘s break down the facts and analyze if there have been any developments in Clemont‘s love life since we last saw him.

Bonnie Tries and Fails to Find a Wife

Right from the start of the XY series, young Bonnie makes it her mission to find a wife for her dear brother. During their travels she asks a new girl in every city, from Grant‘s protégé Molly to Kalos Queen Aria, for their hand in marriage to the constantly embarrassed Clemont.

But while she has the best of intentions trying to secure Clemont‘s romantic future, her success rate proves dismal. One after another, her efforts fail to land him an actual girlfriend. But why?

Clemont Focused on Goals, Not Romance

Though only 15 himself, Clemont seems firmly focused on running his Gym rather than dating. Even when girls agree to consider Bonnie‘s abrupt proposal, Clemont makes no attempts to further a relationship. It appears finding a girlfriend has not been a priority thus far.

Some fans have speculated his awkwardness around romance ties back to a crush on childhood friend Korrina which may have ended poorly when she left to train with her grandfather. But concrete details on past heartbreaks have not been given.

Lack of Confirmation With Lilia

The closest thing Clemont has to a potential love connection is Lilia, a Trainer encountered while searching for her missing Buneary. After reuniting her with the Rabbit Pokémon, exuberant Bonnie asks if she will marry her brother. To the shock of all, Lilia agrees!

But before Citronshippers get too excited, there is little evidence anything came of this impromptu engagement. We only see Lilia briefly, she and Clemont haven‘t shared any substantive interactions, and her cryptocurrency fascination makes me doubt this relationship progressed far. Though she seemed open to the idea, it appeared to be just another humorously awkward scene played for laughs rather than forming a basis for an actual romance plot line.

Contrast With Amourshipping

To analyze Clemont‘s seeming disinterest in romance, it is useful to contrast with the couplings of other main characters from XY like lovebirds Ash and Serena. Where Ash and Serena clearly have feelings for each other – blushing, gazing longingly, and Serena even kissing Ash on the escalator in the finale episode – there are no similar romantic tropes paired around Clemont.

While Ash and Serena‘s budding relationship took center stage, Clemont seemed perfectly content just focusing on his inventions and the Gym. This contrast shows how romance clearly wasn‘t a priority in his character arc.

Statistics on Ash‘s Female Companions

Analyzing key indicators of romantic interest across Ash‘s past female traveling companions makes the distinction even clearer:

CharacterBlushing Around AshJealous of Other GirlsKiss With Ash

*Yes, I know Clemont isn‘t a girl, but it helps quantify his lack of romantic moments compared to Ash‘s other companions!

This data shows Serena‘s interest in Ash was an outlier, not the norm for his friends. And Clemont shows no tangential signs of a crush either.

What Does the Future Hold?

So in the end, despite his sister‘s best efforts as Kalos region‘s top matchmaker, Clemont has no clear girlfriend by the end of the XY/XYZ anime thus far. But could future seasons change this love dry spell?

Time Skip Reveals Marriage?

Some fans theorize there could be a significant time skip at the start of new series, just like we saw enter the Sun & Moon anime. This narrative device could allow the showrunners to leap forward several years, possibly depicting an older Clemont who did finally find love and is shown with his wife.

As the most logical candidate, perhaps Lilia will make a return after all. Or maybe it will be a brand new character we‘ve yet to meet!

Clemont‘s Crush Yet Unrevealed?

Another possibility is that Clemont could have secretly harbored a crush on one of the girls – human or Pokémon – that he journeyed with through Kalos which hasn‘t been brought explicitly to light yet. The showrunners could be waiting to tie back romantic threads for Clemont in future plot lines down the road.

Will one of Clemont‘s past female friends come back to reunite with him? Only time will tell!

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