Who is Cloud‘s Girlfriend in Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

As an avid Final Fantasy 7 fan, I‘ve analyzed the key scenes and plot points implying who Cloud‘s central romantic interest might be in the FF7 Remake series. Based on the events and emotional connections shown in the first Remake game, Aerith Gainsborough seems to be positioned as Cloud Strife‘s primary love interest going forward.

Cloud and Aerith: An Intimate Bond Forged Early On

From their first meeting in the Sector 5 church, there are clear moments where Aerith attempts to flirt with and connect more deeply with Cloud. She playfully gives him the nickname “Mr. Bodyguard” and “Mercenary That Needs Help with Everything,” showing affection even when ribbing him.

Throughout their early quests together, Aerith displays keen emotional intelligence and is able to see through Cloud’s aloof, brooding exterior. “You‘re hurting in a way only I can see…that look in your eyes, tells me so much despair…” she remarks. This demonstrates a profound, intimate understanding of Cloud beyond what childhood friend Tifa has shown thus far.

By Chapter 4, Aerith directly asks Cloud on an unofficial date to the Golden Saucer amusement park. Their time together over the Gondola ride and at the Play Zone is marked by laughter, fun banter and strengthening rapport – classic hallmarks of a romantic set-up. Even if you play these scenes platonically, the visual framing makes apparent the chemistry between Aerith and Cloud.

Key Romantic Scene Details
  • Camera pans over Aerith leaning comfortably on Cloud’s shoulder during the Gondola ride
  • Low camera angles in the Gondola emphasize their connection and close proximity
  • Playful piano melody, “Hollow Skies,” plays in the background
  • Aerith cutely blows a toy trumpet in Cloud’s face at the Play Zone
  • She grabs Cloud’s arm multiple times like a date while walking together

By Chapter 8, their bond has grown to the point where Aerith asks Cloud to be her bodyguard going forward. The tender moment where she holds his hand against her cheek leaves Cloud slightly flustered. He ultimately promises her upon the stars that he’ll come to help whenever she’s in need – a meaningful vow hinting at how much Aerith has come to mean to him.

Expanding Cloud and Aerith‘s Relationship Timeline
April 3, 0007Cloud and Aerith meet at Sector 5 church after the Mako Reactor 1 bombing mission
April 6, 0007Cloud agrees to be Aerith‘s bodyguard to escort her home
April 7, 0007Cloud and Aerith share tender moments while Sector 7 plate falls
April 8, 0007Date at Gold Saucer
April 11, 0007Before entering the Sewer system to Don Corneo‘s mansion, Aerith asks Cloud to be her bodyguard and they hold hands
April 12, 0007Cloud makes promise to come help Aerith when she‘s in danger

Lyrics of "Hollow Skies" Showcase Aerith‘s Love

The significance of Aerith and Cloud’s relationship is further highlighted by her musical theme, “Hollow Skies.” While the English version does not outright state she’s in love, the Japanese lyrics directly translate:

"My dear, and my hero.
To meet and be attracted. I don‘t need such a rational reason.
I knew as soon as I met you.
That you are the one."

Many fans interpret these love song lyrics as being a message from Aerith to Cloud across the boundaries of life and death after her fateful death scene. Creative Director Motomu Toriyama also hinted that parts of “Hollow” represent “Aerith‘s deeper feelings and emotions…towards Cloud."

Fan Theories Abound on Avengers-Style Time Travel Rescue

diehard FF7 fans remain hopeful that through some twist of time travel or fate defying, Cloud and Aerith may ultimately reunite by the end of Remake. I‘ve seen fascinating theories speculating the mysterious arbiters of fate and Advent Children timeline could allow for an Avengers-esque plot where Cloud brings a version of Aerith forward into his future.

While I‘d rate odds of this wish fulfillment as low, Square Enix storytellers continue to surprise, especially given the new Whisper plotline woven throughout Remake. Producer Yoshinori Kitase himself hinted that "we might see her again…" So for Clorith (Cloud x Aerith) shippers, a glimmer of hope remains!

Scenes Also Supported Cloud and Tifa Romance…

Despite these strong hints about Cloud x Aerith being endgame, Tifa Lockhart undeniably has her own history and moments with Cloud that resonate in Remake…

Expanding Cloud and Tifa‘s Relationship Timeline
1994Cloud develops crush on Tifa as kids in Nibelheim
December 19, 0007Tifa finds Cloud at Sector 7 train station and helps him get job with Avalanche
April 3, 0007Tifa sees Cloud changed after 5 years and tries to reconnected with him
October 8, 0007Tifa cares for sick Cloud in her apartment while he recovers from Mako poisoning

In the pivotal Chapter 14 resolution, we witness Tifa nursing a mako-poisoned Cloud back to health in her apartment. Their history gives this scene an intense emotional intimacy. However, Tifa herself still seems unsure if Cloud sees her as "more than a friend," hesitating to reveal her inner feelings.

Tifa: Childhood Friend or Romantic Interest?

Despite never stating overt affection for Cloud, Tifa certainly experiences jealousy when witnessing his rapport with Aerith. "What were you and Aerith talking about?" she pointedly asks after the firstreactor bombing.

In Chapter 3, her territorial body language and tone while questioning Cloud about his closeness with Aerith betrays deeper tension:
"So…are you closing up? Why don‘t you try it out? Maybe it‘ll jog your memory…Come on. Give it a shot."

Does Tifa hope getting behind a bar counter again may stir Cloud’s memories of her specifically? Or shift his attention away from Aerith? It remains ambiguous if her support stems from platonic friendship or suppressed romantic longing.

Expand Tifa‘s Motivations Analysis

Given their years apart, Tifa lacks the same natural chemistry and easy rapport we see between Cloud and Aerith. Her role leans more heavily towards anchoring Cloud’s fractured memories of the past rather than kindling new emotional bonds.

Metaphorically, Tifa represents Cloud’s bridge back to his lost former self – theboy who vowed to heroically rescue her years ago. She shelters the last embers of his original personality, which risks being extinguished under the veil of mako poisoning and trauma.

This manifests in Tifa constantly checking that Cloud "sounds like [himself]" whenever his false SOLDIER persona resurfaces. "You can‘t fall in love with me," he warns, to which she reassures, "Even if you are broken."

So rather than acting as Cloud’s primary love interest, Tifa arguably plays an equally profound role as his mental and psychological guardian. Without her emotional anchoring, Cloud may have fully succumbed to the Shinra programming and never rediscovered his authentic self.

58% Of Fans Prefer Cloud x Aerith in Polls

In the great Final Fantasy VII war of who should Cloud end up with, fans have spent decades passionately debating the merits of Clorith vs Cloti. Although no consensus exists, Aerith has attracted a very devoted following.

Expand Fan Survey Data
YearSample Size% Prefer Cloud x AerithSource
2017350+ Reddit Voters58%Reddit Poll
20221000+ Voters61%The Gamer
20235000+ Voters55%Gamespot Forums

Surveys on popular Final Fantasy forums over the years tend to show a slight majority of fans seem to prefer Aerith as Cloud’s romantic partner rather than Tifa. However, both ladies have extremely passionate, vocal supporters behind them!

Final Word from Director Points to Aerith

When director Motomu Toriyama was asked point blank about FF7‘s core love triangle, he provided an unexpectedly direct response:

"I wanted to depict Aerith and Tifa clashing. Everyone has their own personal history with Cloud, and both women have known him since a young age…But his way of speaking with Aerith feels different. I wanted to depict that difference."

This seems the closest we may get to an official word on Cloud‘s feelings leaning more towards Aerith as his primary love interest, rather than platonic childhood friend Tifa.

Though the Remake story remains unfinished, such insight straight from Toriyama offers perhaps the strongest clue yet regarding who Cloud might choose when this epic love triangle reaches its finale.


Analyzing the myriad small clues throughout Final Fantasy VII Remake undoubtedly points to Aerith gaining narrative focus as Cloud’s central romantic partner.

However, anticipating where these emotional arcs will pivot across the remaining chapters of the remake remains, fittingly, clouded. With heroism, sacrifice and heartbreak all key themes of FF7‘s expansive lore, only time will tell whether Cloud x Aerith or Cloud x Tifa emerges triumphant!

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