Dante Remains a Lone Wolf in Devil May Cry 5

Despite teaming up with various female demon hunters throughout the series, the legendary dark knight Dante does not have a confirmed romantic partner or girlfriend in Devil May Cry 5. However, there are a few contenders fans speculate could still have a chance at capturing Dante‘s elusive heart.

Longtime Partner Trish

Dante‘s partner-in-demon-slaying Trish holds a special place in the devil hunter‘s life, bearing the likeness of his late mother Eva. Although their relationship has remained platonic for over a decade across four games, some fans hold out hope there could be untapped chemistry.

|         Name          | Appearances|  
| Devil May Cry         |     1     |
| Devil May Cry 2       |     0     |  
| Devil May Cry 4       |     1     |
| Devil May Cry 5       |     1     |
| Total Count           |     3     |

Trish‘s appearances across four mainline Devil May Cry games

However, neither Trish nor Dante have shown clear reciprocal romantic affection. Their partnership is likely to remain platonic.

Flirtatious Frenemy Lady

The fiery demon huntress Lady has never made a secret of her attraction to Dante, openly flirting with him since their first hot-and-cold teamup in Devil May Cry 3. Dante responds in kind with playful banter and nicknames, but has yet to take the bait.

Some speculate that Dante‘s living resemblance of his late brother Vergil may have sparked Lady‘s initial infatuation. However, their continued alliance shows genuine affection.

Could these polar opposites possibly find common ground for a real relationship? It‘s unlikely, but Lady‘s persistence continues to fuel speculation.

|       Name       | Appearances|
| Devil May Cry 3  |     1     |  
| Devil May Cry 4  |     1     |
| Devil May Cry 5  |     1     |  
| Total Count      |     3     |

Lady‘s appearances across mainline DMC games

What Does the Future Hold?

Dante‘s loner personality makes it difficult for anyone to get extremely close to him on a romantic level. However, potential love interests new or old may still emerge when the continuing legend of the demon hunter son of Sparda returns in his next adventure.

For now, Dante remains a lone wolf. But this passionate fan holds out hope that the seductive demon slayer may finally meet his demoness match. She would have to be an impressive woman though to keep up with Dante and capture his wild rebel heart!

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