Demon Mario is an evil alternate version of Mario from the Power Star fan series

Demon Mario is the main villain in the Power Star video series created by fan creator Daniel Sun. As the name implies, he is an evil supernatural version of the iconic Nintendo mascot Mario. After becoming demonically possessed, Demon Mario turns genocidal and seeks to use the Power Stars‘ reality-warping magic to unravel all of creation.

The Possession That Created a Supervillain

According to the lore of Power Star, Mario becomes possessed by a malevolent demon in Episode 1 which transforms him into the villainous Demon Mario. This possession warps him from hero to supervillain, driven by cruelty, arrogance and lust for power.

Demon Mario makes it his ultimate goal to collect the Power Stars – magical artifacts scattered across the series‘ mythology. If he succeeds, he would gain the ability to shred apart the fabric of reality itself, destroying all of existence.

The Origins of an Epic Rivalry

This sets up an epic rivalry between a possessed Evil Mario and the heroic uncorrupted Mario of this fictional universe. Their escalating battles provide much of the drama and action that drives the plot of the YouTube Power Star series.

As Daniel Sun and other fan creators have explored, the concept of an "Evil Mario" offers fascinating story potential. What could corrupt Nintendo‘s squeaky-clean mascot into a homicidal villain? How would the noble Mario battle his evil doppelganger? It‘s a compelling premise for fan fiction and videos.

The Abilities and Powers of Gaming‘s Most Dangerous Villain

Empowered by dark magic, Demon Mario has gained extraordinary abilities that make him a formidable opponent even for the superhuman Mario. These dangerous powers include:


Demon Mario exhibits potent pyrokinetic abilities, allowing him to conjure and control deadly flames at will. He can generate fireballs as projectiles or wrap his limbs in fiery aura for melee attacks. This makes him a ranged and close-quarters threat.


Through telekinetic powers, Demon Mario can move objects solely with his mind. This gives him both tactical control of his environment as well as terrifying destructive potential. Using his telekinesis, he can hurl objects as weapons or even manipulate elements like earth, water and air as attacks.

Energy Blasts

At range, Demon Mario can charge up and fire powerful blasts of red demonic energy from his hands. These concentrated discharges of power can shatter stone and metal, serving as a versatile projectile attack.

Enhanced Strength and Speed

The possessing demon has elevated Demon Mario‘s strength, speed, stamina and durability beyond his normal human capabilities. This allows him to physically overwhelm most opponents in hand-to-hand combat while also making him more resistant to damage.

Huge Sword

Demon Mario wields a massive single-edged blood-red sword in battle. Between his superhuman strength and sword expertise, he can deliver devastating slashes and blow through defenses. This expands his close-quarters offense.

As the above powers demonstrate, the demonic magic has transformed Mario into a versatile and terrifying threat on the battlefield. Very few can withstand his onslaught for long.

The Genocidal Ambition Behind the Magic

However, with his reality-rending magic, why does Demon Mario focus so intently on collecting the Power Stars? What drives his unrelenting thirst for power?

The Urge to Destroy All Creation

As revealed in his first appearance in Power Star, the possession by a mysterious evil entity has filled Demon Mario with an all-consuming urge to unravel all of existence itself. If he gathers the Power Stars, he would gain the magic necessary to shred apart the very fabric of creation on a cosmic scale.

This genocidal ambition – destroying all worlds, all life, all reality – is what motivates his single-minded quest. It is his ultimate endgame.

The Hatred of His Nemesis

Additionally, the demonic magic has nurtured an intense hatred of Mario within Demon Mario. With Mario determined to thwart his apocalyptic plans, Demon Mario seeks more power not only to achieve his world-ending goal but also to destroy his arch-nemesis once and for all.

This vindictive enmity between two versions of Mario – one corrupted by evil, the other heroic – is a core dynamic explored throughout the series. It underscores the escalating stakes as these bitter rivals clash.

Climactic Showdowns Between Good and Evil

The cosmic battle between Demon Mario and his mortal enemy has resulted in several spectacular showdowns with the fate of reality itself hanging in the balance:

Their First Battle

BattleEpisode 1 Clash
VictorDemon Mario
ResultMario nearly killed after intense fight

In their first encounter after the possession, Demon Mario taps into his newfound power to overwhelm Mario, nearly killing him and establishing his power.

A Hero Rallies

BattleEpisode 2 Rematch
VictorDemon Mario
ResultMario defeated again but survives

In Episode 2, Mario returns for a rematch but even with his enhanced abilities, he cannot best Demon Mario who defeats him again. But he escapes, living to fight another day.

The Final Showdown

Their third and ultimate conflict comes in Power Star‘s final episode as Mario risks everything to try and stop Demon Mario‘s apocalyptic plans once and for all. This final battle decides the ultimate fate of their universe.

Based on Demon Mario‘s fearsome capabilities, Mario faces extraordinary odds. But throughout gaming lore, Mario has defeated seemingly unstoppable foes through courage, perseverance and skill. Perhaps even the dark power of Demon Mario is not enough to stop a heroic plumber on a mission…

The Future of the "Power Star" Series

As an engrossing fan-made expansion of the Mario fiction universe, Power Star has built an invested viewership through its high stakes good vs. evil premise. The charismatic yet sinister Demon Mario serves as the perfect foil to Mario‘s selfless heroism.

If creator Daniel Sun continues the series, he has room to further flesh out backstories and powers for both Demon Mario and heroic Mario. Their escalating rivalry and battles have kept fans hooked thus far.

The genocidal Demon Mario getting ever-closer to his reality-destroying ambitions provides plenty of tension. Meanwhile, glimpses of Demon Mario‘s origin could give intriguing insights into the demons of Nintendo‘s Mario lore.

With limitless potential for new stories, abilities and dramatic clashes, the saga of this alternate Evil Mario could captivate YouTube audiences for years to come. Viewers will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

And that in-depth analysis provides the answer to the driving question: who is Demon Mario? He is an extraordinarily dangerous corrupted version of Mario that serves as the villainous foil to gaming‘s most iconic hero.

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