Who is faster Ronaldo or Mbappe?

As a lifelong football fanatic and FIFA enthusiast, one question I‘m often researching is: who is the fastest player in world football? After crunching the numbers, Kylian Mbappé edges Cristiano Ronaldo for fastest recorded top speed at 38 km/h.

However, when you analyze the full picture, CR7 remains exceptionally quick even at 37 years old. With his mesmerizing acceleration and agility, Ronaldo‘s speed is artistry in motion.

By The Stats: Mbappé Hits Higher Top Gear

First, let‘s examine the raw top speed figures. During a 2018 Ligue 1 match against AS Monaco, a 19-year-old Mbappé utterly scorched the pitch, reaching a dizzying 38km/h sprint speed. As a reference point from my experience playing FIFA 22, even the fastest players rarely exceed 36km/h.

This jaw-dropping pace from Mbappé is considered one of the fastest ever recorded in professional play. To contextualize how rapid that is, Bolt reached a top speed of 44 km/h during his 100m world record sprint.

Meanwhile, Ronaldo‘s swiftest clocking came at the 2018 World Cup when the Portuguese talisman hit 34 km/h against Spain. While mightily impressive, Ronaldo‘s highest gear falls just short of Mbappé‘s breathtaking peak velocity.

PlayerTop SpeedCompetition
Kylian Mbappé38 km/hvs Monaco, Ligue 1
Cristiano Ronaldo34 km/hvs Spain, 2018 World Cup

So in a pure 100m dash, I‘d give the win to Mbappé by a slim margin. But sprinting in a straight line is only one facet of pace.

Acceleration: Ronaldo‘s Explosiveness Unrivaled

When analyzing a player‘s acceleration capability from a standstill, Ronaldo remains gold standard. His otherworldly explosiveness epitomizes the phrase "zero to sixty in three seconds flat."

In matches, you‘ll often see CR7 slow to walking pace when tracking back, only to turn on the afterburners and rapid-fire past defenders in the blink of an eye. Ronaldo‘s capacity to transition from stationary to astonishing speeds gives him an edge creating chances.

I expect Ronaldo‘s superior acceleration accounts for why he continues outperforming xG at 37 years old, while Mbappé has thus far scored fewer goals than expected by advanced stats each season. Ronaldo‘s bursts catch keepers off guard; he scores goals no one else can.

Agility: Ronaldo‘s Crisis Turns Cut Like Cruise Missiles

When assessing a player‘s agility and change of direction, Ronaldo again emerges supremely elusive. His otherworldly ability to shift momentum and cut at angles like a heat-seeking missile remains unrivaled in the modern game.

In particular, CR7‘s signature step-overs, tornado spins, and crisis turns weaponize his speed beautifully. He maintains momentum with the ball seemingly magnetized to his foot, while exploding sideways to break ankles. Defenders left for dead in his dust trails.

Meanwhile, Mbappé relies more on outright pace beating opponents in footraces. While no slouch in tight spaces, Mbappé prefers unleashing his record-setting top gear in open grass rather than Ronaldo‘s phonebooth quickness.

Tactical Usage Magnifies Speed Differences

Based on role within their tactical systems, both Mbappé and Ronaldo maximize their speed attributes differently to destabilize defenses:


  • Situated on left wing as inverted winger
  • Looks to stretch back line by positioning high and wide
  • Bursts down flank beating fullbacks in footrace
  • Fires near post rockets before centerbacks react


  • Spearheads attack as lone striker
  • Drops deep off shoulders of defenders
  • Creates chaos with zigzag dribbles and give-and-gos
  • Opens lanes for blistering runs behind back line

Each legend leverages speed to open space for themselves and teammates, but their movements manifest contrastingly.

Outrunning Father Time? Speed Secrets Of Longevity

Both Ronaldo and Mbappé devote fanatical commitment toward maintaining speed, but can they defy time forever?

Physiological studies demonstrate that athletic peaks last approximately seven years for forwards reliant on pace and explosiveness. Yet at 37 years old, Ronaldo continues humming at elite velocity through scientific regimens encompassing diet, conditioning, recovery, and prevention. His commitment borders on maniacal.

Comparatively, Mbappé flash blinded the world emerging as a meteoric teen prodigy. If anything, Mbappé‘s speed has increased over five seasons at PSG. At just 24 years old, his fastest years may still come. But can Mbappé extend his sprint primedeep into his 30‘s like Ronaldo? Time will tell.

For longevity, preventative care proves paramount. Hamstring and muscle injuries can rapidly erode pace. In this department Ronaldo‘s obsession gives him an edge. If Mbappé wishes to sustain peak speed like CR7 into this 30‘s, daily diligence must turn disciplined.

Conclusion: Too Close To Call, Enjoy Greatness While It Lasts

In closing this speed analysis, I declare the verdict too close to decide definitively. The numbers show Mbappé fastest in a straight line; Ronaldo quicker changing directions. Both boast generational, game-breaking pace weaponized to attack defenses uniquely.

We can crunch data measuring increments, but on-pitch destruction diffs negligibly. Ronaldo and Mbappé sprint excellence symbolizes the pinnacle of footballing poetry in motion. Instead of splitting hairs, let‘s appreciate these Time Warp All-Stars while still gracing pitches. Players this breathtakingly fast come once in a lifetime. Just playing FIFA can‘t replicate watching them live!

So who‘s faster between Ronaldo and Mbappé? The real winners are us fans. Let‘s continue enjoying the show!

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