Who is faster than Zoom?

For us diehard fans, few questions get the blood pumping faster than "Who is the fastest speedster?" The DC universe has introduced some of fiction‘s most outrageously overpowered runners – beings who move so fast they can rewrite reality itself. While menacing supervillain Zoom certainly sits near the top with velocities surpassing Mach 10, there are a few speed demons that have shown an extra gear even Zoom lacks. Based on their jaw-dropping performances across comics and shows, these three stand out as faster than Zoom:

Godspeed – Breacher of Limits

When it comes to sheer acceleration, none come close to August Heart, aka Godspeed. After a failed experiment gifted August with otherworldly Velocity manipulation direct from the Speed Force itself, Godspeed was born. This hot-headed antihero becomes a veritable speed god – racing faster than thought, delivering thousands of blows per second, and generating explosive kinetic blasts through sheer momentum.

Writer Joshua Williamson wasn‘t exaggerating when he called Godspeed the "fastest speedster that has ever been established." We‘re talking transcending spacetime itself levels of speed. While raced against Flash and other top-tier runners, Godspeed has never even approached his limits. One can only imagine the reality-warping velocity he could achieve if fully unleashing his power.

Yet raw speed is only one devastating aspect of this speed savant. That custom conduit suit of his also grants unmatched stamina, ensuring Godspeed never slows down no matter how many eons his runs last across time and space. For Zoom to stand a chance, he better have enough temporal juice to activate Flashtime for centuries on end. Even then, I wouldn‘t bet against this unbound speed force anomaly. Advantage: Godspeed

Savitar – Infinite Stamina of a Fallen ‘God‘

Speaking of power-hungry maniacs with god complexes, the self-proclaimed Speed God Savitar also boasts blistering pace beyond Zoom‘s capabilities. After being outcast from the Speed Force, Savitar gained a cult following and began building power to get revenge and control all speedsters across reality (standard Tuesday scheme). Though Savitar has been bested before by Flash and Kid Flash, keep in mind those battles all provide one critical weak point for speedsters – stamina.

You see, typical speedsters like Flash and Zoom may be able to achieve velocities faster than light, but such speeds burn tremendous energy and can only be maintained mere moments at a time. Here‘s where Savitar‘s banishment from the Speed Force becomes a blessing – he experiences NO limits on how long these physics-breaking runs last. Cut off from the very source that empowers speedsters, Savitar feels no fatigue and can battle at ballistic speeds indefinitely.

This critical advantage tips the scales in Savitar‘s favor decisively. Even if Zoom can accelerate faster for a split second, his human limits would force him to return to normal pace to rest. Meanwhile, Savitar could run circles around Zoom all day while channeling endless god-mode energy. Stamina wins races, and Savitar is always in it for the long haul.

Black Flash – the Unstoppable Hunter

If I had to place money on any speedster taking down the menacing Zoom, the Black Flash stands as my pick. Sure, this ghoulish speed wraith may not measure up to Zoom‘s pure acceleration…but the Black Flash boasts a terrfying ability perfect for defeating any temporary speed boost – perpetual power dampening.

You see, what makes the Black Flash unique is he serves as a grim reaper-like enforcer for the Speed Force itself, hunting down those who abuse their velocity-based abilities. With a single touch, the Black Flash can completely rob speedsters of their powers, shriveling their connection to the Speed Force permanently.

We‘ve seen Black Flash shrug off attacks from world class sprinters like Flash and Kid Flash to lock down targets with his debilitating touch. My money is on Black Flash‘s relentlessness and hax dampening powers to eventually neutralize Zoom into a sitting duck. It may take time skipping, phasing between dimensions, and a few Mach 10 burst first – but this specter always gets his mark.

The clincher that solidifes Black Flash‘s winning potential? His status as an "unliving" construct composed of pure Speed Force energy. There‘s no tiring out an embodiment of death itself. While Zoom gasps for breath and finally collapses from exhaustion, Black Flash will just keep on phasing through walls and realities relentlessly until he saps Zoom‘s speed for good.

So while on paper Zoom may have some impressive accolades under his belt, he just can‘t stack up against speed freaks of this higher caliber. My money is on the Godspeed juggernaut blitzing his way to victory, but Savitar and Black Flash certainly have the abilities to clinch a win themselves. Here‘s hoping we one day get to witness poetic cinematic justice against Zoom. Ideally with DCEU cameos from Flash and Shazam for additional hype! Until then, we‘ll have to settle for debating these iconic showdowns amongst fellow fans and theorists. Let me know who YOU think is claiming the title of the fastest speedster!

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