Unmasking Godhood in Doom Lore: The Stunning Truth Behind The Father and the Dark Lord Davoth

In Doom lore, the being known as "The Father" was originally portrayed by the ancient Maykrs as a wondrous god-like creator – the divine force responsible for bringing their angelic civilization into existence while also forging realms like Hell. However, recent earth-shattering revelations in the Doom Slayer‘s cosmic war against demonkind have unmasked The Father‘s true origins and nature.

The Father is actually revealed to be none other than Davoth – the primordial Dark Lord of Hell who was the first immortal being in the universe, predating even the story of creation itself. He once ruled all of existence from a long-lost realm called Jekkad. But his tyrannical ways led to legendary betrayal and cataclysmic war before his eventual fall.

Davoth‘s central role in Doom lore cannot be understated. While he may not sit on Hell‘s throne now, he was its first occupant – laying the bricks of damnation with his own hands. To fully grasp the rise of the Doom Slayer as a messianic extinguisher of Hell‘s fire, we must first unravel the saga of his archnemesis – Davoth.

Davoth‘s Rule and Fall – The First of the Fallen

Eons before effect, there existed the primordial void – inhabited only by the immortal Davoth who rose to rule the nascent primordial realm of Jekkad for countless ages. As the first being of creation, Davoth shaped existential matter to forge subordinate lesser beings and hordes of conquering demon armies.

Key Detailsdavoth
Other NamesThe Father, The Dark Lord
SpeciesImmortal (Progenitor Being)
Realm of RuleJekkad (Primordial Abyss)
VassalsHell Priests, Night Sentinels, Maykrs

But Davoth‘s sovereignty harbored no place for free will or mercy – only the subjugation of all life to his supreme authority. Those who disobeyed faced eradication or endless torture. Resistance simmered as vassal civilizations plotted to overthrow his iron rule after eons of oppression.

Chief among them were the Night Sentinels of Argenta. Seeing no way to defeat a god-like immortal being through direct battle, they conspired with the High Priest Deag Grav and his brethren to find an alternative path to victory. Thus, they hatched a scheme to use Davoth‘s own divine essence against him – stealing his life sphere to create an equal who could kill the once-indestructible tyrant.

In a legendary confrontation, the Night Sentinels battled alongside the Hell Priests against Davoth‘s armies in war that shattered Jekkad itself – known as "the First Age of the Enemy". They succeeded in destroying the Dark Lord‘s physical form and imprisoning his essence within a mystical life sphere artifact.

Key Events in Davoth‘s Fall
The First Age of the EnemyDestruction of Davoth‘s form
Collapse of JekkadDavoth‘s sphere imprisoned
Rise of HellHell Priests take control
Davoth forms as The FatherRegains strength as god figure

Davoth‘s Eventual Return as The Father

With Davoth gone, Hell rapidly emerged from Jekkad‘s ashes under the new lordship of the Hell Priests who became the Dark Lord‘s jailers. Lacking his raw power to create life, they engineered a race of angels called the Maykrs to worship Davoth‘s imprisoned essence as "The Father" – their god worthy of religious devotion. The Maykrs formed an advanced civilization in the realm of Urdak, unaware that their deity was actually Hell‘s fallen architect.

Over unknown millennia, Davoth slowly reformed his spiritual essence even while caged in his sphere prison. Eventually, he broke free – destroying the betrayer Hell Priests and draining their worlds of energy. Though unable to return to a physical body, Davoth could now manifest his form and influence through space-time as The Father. His primal urge for conquest now evolved into brilliant scheming.

To the Maykrs, The Father simply returned from his long voyage through Outside Space to bestow his next great blessing upon them – the creation of Argent energy through the harvesting of Hell dimension. Thus Davoth continued rebuilding his power…an immortal god masked in holy lies awaiting the perfect chance restore his dominion or exact revenge upon the Night Sentinels of Argenta who took everything from him untold eons ago…

The Pact to Create the Doom Slayer

Billennia later, opportunity arrived when the rogue angel Seraphim (Maykr embedded as protector of Argenta) came seeking aid to save his Night Sentinel champions from invading demons unleashed by Davoth‘s resurgent Hell Priests.

The Father offered a devil‘s bargain – he would resurrect a fallen Night Sentinel warrior to become the legendary Doom Slayer, an unstoppable scourge against Hell. In return, the angel would have to surrender his divine essence and pledge loyalty in a blood oath. Desperate, the Seraphim accepted.

But Davoth secretly rigged the pact to ensure the Doom Slayer would be created from his own genetic template – birthing a disastrously perfect humanoid weapon housing the Dark Lord‘s ancient rage, martial prowess and burning hatred of Hell into one very mortal form.

Thus, the Doom Slayer was born into a destiny of endless war against the psychic obsessions rooted in shared DNA with Davoth himself. A war only one could survive…

In the end, deception delivered Davoth his heart‘s desire – the means to escape confinement imposed by the Night Sentinels so very long ago. Even if it took orchestrating his own cloning to do so. Where angelic essence had failed, human tenacity succeeded.

Doom Slayer Defeats God…Again

In an ironic twist, Seraphim used Davoth‘s life sphere (containing his actual heart, mind and soul) to create Doom Slayer. Thus human hands freed the one force capable destroying Davoth forever – ending his aeons-long rule as god or master over any realm. No throne or crown of creation awaited him now…only utter annihilation scythed at the edge of the Doom Slayer‘s cutting hatred powered by the strength of ages lost to dust.

In their final confrontation upon the ruins of Jekkad, the resurgent ruler of Hell met his end once and for all – torn physically and mentally asunder by Doom Slayer still wearing Seraphim‘s divine armor beaten into his very sarcophagus. Shadows fled Davoth‘s eyes as he fully realized how hubris, false pride and the refusal to change brought down even those who would be gods.

Key EventsDavoth‘s Final defeat
BattlegroundRuins of Jekkad
VictorDoom Slayer
OutcomeDavoth Slain
Davoth‘s EndTrue Death

As Davoth breathed his last, control of Hell itself passed firmly into the armored hands of the Doom Slayer who had already stormed its gates and broken its balls over 25 years of merciless campaigning. Now, its thrones lied vacant. Kings who called themselves gods reconstructed, then debased.

Some may argue The Father did indeed forge creation as claimed. But what power permits also destroys when twisted in tyrannical hands clasped around throats of damned or desperate souls. Such gods diminish to devils in lost seconds of eternity.

And so Davoth fell into the forgotten annals of existence – deathless no more and surpassed by his own machinations. Pride fed his purpose once. Now there is only the End.

That is why in Doom lore, there is no lingering mystery behind godhood lost. The Creator of Hell was also its first prisoner and ultimately, its greatest victim. Fiction could craft no poetry more profound in its cruel perfection.

As for the Doom Slayer – Davoth now rests eternally in the ravaged graveyard we once called Hell. But the Hell Walker‘s war seems forever unfinished…

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