Axl Heimdallson is Heimdall‘s Son

You may have noticed an important new character in the recent Thor: Love and Thunder film – Axl, the son of Asgard‘s all-seeing guardian Heimdall[1]. As a fellow Marvel gaming enthusiast, I‘m here to provide the full download on this surprise addition to the godly family tree!

Like Father, Like Son

In both Norse mythology and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Heimdall stood watch over the rainbow Bifrrost Bridge into Asgard, guarding the gateway thanks to his ability to see all the souls in the Nine Realms[2]. After his moving sacrifice in Infinity War, Heimdall left behind a son named Axl who seems to have inherited some of his father‘s gifts.

During Love and Thunder, we learn Axl was born Astrid but changed his name – more on that rock and roll twist later! First, let‘s break down what we know about the next generation all-seer of Asgard:

Axl Heimdallson‘s Abilities and Destiny

All-Seeing EyesCan seemingly perceive events across dimensions like Heimdall
LeadershipServes as a guardian/leader for other Asgardian children
StrengthLikely possesses superhuman strength like typical Asgardians
CompassionProtects the innocent children from harm

While young, Axl already demonstrates similar values and potential to Heimdall‘s legacy. When Gorr the God Butcher comes seeking vengeance against the gods[3], Axl is kidnapped alongside other Asgardian children to lure Thor into a trap.

Thanks to a thrilling rescue by the God of Thunder, Valkyrie, and the Guardians of the Galaxy, Axl and the children escape Gorr‘s dark shadow realm. In the face of great peril, Axl never loses hope – could he one day take up his father‘s mantle as Guardian of Asgard?

From Astrid to Axl – A Rock and Roll Revelation!

Now for the truly amazing twist – Axl wasn‘t always Axl! Born Astrid Heimdallson, here‘s what we know about the story behind his epic name change:

  • Lived in New Asgard, Earth after the fall of original Asgard
  • Became a die-hard fan of rock band Guns N‘ Roses
  • Idolized lead singer Axl Rose in particular
  • Legally changed his name to Axl as a tribute to his music hero

Talk about an utterly badass origin story! As a fellow rock music worshipper, I can relate to the passion behind this God of Thunder-approved decision.

Imagine blasting "Sweet Child O‘ Mine" or "Welcome to the Jungle" in the streets of New Asgard – Axl Heimdallson just skyrocketed to the top of my favorite new Marvel characters! 🤘

The Future Guardian of the Galaxy?

With his bravery, leadership, and ties to Thor himself, could Axl follow the footsteps of the original spacefaring Guardians? As wild as it may sound, hear me out:

  • All-seeing eyes would provide tactical advantage in space battles
  • Superhuman genes could unleash impressive combat skills
  • Compassion for innocent lives motivates heroic tendencies
  • His fearless rock star attitude would fit right in with the Guardians

Plus, with James Gunn promising some beloved MCU characters will make their last ride with Vol. 3[4], might Axl help fill the gap? An older battle-hardened Axl fighting alongside Groot and Rocket with Axl Rose blasting in the background is almost too perfect to resist!

Of course, this theory remains purely in the realm of fun speculation. But avec some more experience under his red cape, Heimdall Junior seems destined for greatness among the stars. Can the MCU fast-forward a few decades already? I NEED to see more Axl!

The Guardian Bloodline Lives On

Hopefully this inside scoop has shed some light on Axl Heimdallson‘s identity and rad backstory. It was a genuine thrill to analyze Thor‘s latest adventure and realize Heimdall‘s courageous legacy is still very much alive in his rock star son!

What did you think of Axl‘s potential future roles? Are you also now dreaming of a Guardians of the Galaxy team-up? Let me know in the comments below! Until next time, remember – sometimes you gotta have a little faith, trust, and pixie dust. Excelsior!



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