Kotal Kahn and Jade – An Edenian and Outworld Romance That Could Change Mortal Kombat‘s Future

As revealed in the events of Mortal Kombat 11, Jade‘s romantic love interest is none other than Kotal Kahn, the formidable Osh-Tekk warrior who claimed Outworld‘s throne from the treacherous Mileena. This unlikely pairing between an assassin from Edenia and an emperor from Outworld has fascinating implications for the future of Mortal Kombat.

Understanding Jade and Kotal Kahn‘s Backgrounds

To appreciate the significance of Jade and Kotal‘s relationship, it‘s important to first understand their origins.

Jade – Loyal Edenian Warrior

Jade hails from Edenia and served as a close friend and protector of Princess Kitana for over 10,000 years. She possesses lethal fighting abilities thanks to her masterful use of a bo staff and razor-sharp boomerangs. Jade has remained one of Outworld‘s few noble warriors despite enduring years of oppression and turmoil across the realms.

Kotal Kahn – Formidable Outworld Emperor

Kotal Kahn is the last known survivor of the Osh-Tekk race. Once a respected general under Shao Kahn‘s rule, he developed a strong sense of honor and duty during his military campaigns. After Shao Kahn‘s death, Kotal Kahn defeated Mileena and claimed Outworld‘s throne with hopes of moving his realm beyond its brutal history.

JadeAssassin, BodyguardEdeniaEdenian
Kotal KahnEmperorOutworldOsh-Tekk

Based on their backgrounds alone, no one would have expected these two to form a romantic connection. And yet, their relationship shows that there is more depth to these characters than their factions may suggest.

How Their Relationship Developed

Very little is explicitly stated regarding how Jade and Kotal Kahn‘s romance first sparked. But some clues in Mortal Kombat 11‘s story mode shed light on when their bond likely formed:

  • They were already romantically involved before Kotal Kahn took Outworld‘s throne
  • Their relationship endured after Kotal overthrew Mileena with Jade at his side
  • Jade continues serving as Kotal‘s loyal advisor and voice of reason

It‘s implied that Jade and Kotal Kahn recognized commendable qualities in each other as they worked to install a new rule free from corruption and madness. In a franchise dominated by betrayals, their trust and care for one another stands out.

Why This Relationship Matters for Mortal Kombat

So why does the love between an Edenian and Outworlder matter? Within Mortal Kombat‘s expansive lore, their romance carries great symbolic significance.

It demonstrates that two characters need not be bound by the prejudices and hatred between their realms. Jade and Kotal were able to form an intimate bond despite coming from enemy nations with a long history of war and oppression.

Kitana has voiced faith that Kotal Kahn could be reasoned with because of visions showing an Outworld united rather than fractured. Perhaps Jade and Kotal‘s unity helps bring this vision to fruition.

What Fans Are Saying

Among Reddit and Twitter discussions, fans seem excited by the prospect of seeing Edenia and Outworld alliance achieved through Jade and Kotal‘s romance:

"I love seeing relationships develop from past enemy lines in fiction. It gives me hope for reconciliation in the real world."

"Kotal becoming more heroic thanks to Jade‘s influence would be amazing! Outworld needs strong, just leadership."

"Would be awesome if Jade gets pregnant down the road. A hybrid Edenian-Osh Tekk heir would shatter so many barriers."

How This Could Impact Mortal Kombat‘s Future

As a long-time Mortal Kombat theorist, I speculate that Jade and Kotal represent the next generation of leadership moving toward unity.

  • With heirs born of their union,Outworld may gradually turn from its savage history under past khans
  • A strengthened alliance with Edenia could ensure stability and prosperity for both realms
  • Kotal embracing human emotion thanks to Jade symbolizes major redemption and evolution for a realm typically hated by others

If NetherRealm‘s writers craft this thoughtfully, Jade and Kotal‘s romance has potential to influence positive change unforeseen in over 25 years of Mortal Kombat lore.

Only time will tell how impactful this groundbreaking relationship becomes. But the possibilities have this passionate fighting game fan eagerly anticipating future titles!

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