Chris Redfield is Jill Valentine‘s Primary Love Interest in Resident Evil

Throughout the iconic survival horror game series Resident Evil, Jill Valentine‘s closest bond and most significant quasi-romantic relationship has been with her long-time partner Chris Redfield. While never officially becoming a couple in canon, Chris and Jill have proven their unwavering loyalty and devotion to each other across over 25 years of Resident Evil storylines. Their one-of-a-kind connection has made "Valenfield" both a fan-favorite and controversial ship in the fandom.

A Timeline of Chris and Jill‘s Partnership

Chris and Jill first teamed up in 1996 as members of Raccoon City‘s Special Tactics And Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.) unit. As the only survivors of the Mansion Incident, they formed a tight bond and trusted each other unconditionally. They continued partnering for missions even after Chris joined the B.S.A.A. When Jill sacrificed herself for Chris in Resident Evil 5, Chris never gave up on saving her. Their history proves an unbreakable loyalty.

YearKey Moments in Chris & Jill‘s Relationship
1996Chris and Jill become S.T.A.R.S. partners
1998Survive the Mansion Incident together
2003-2006Jill searches for Chris after his disappearance
2009Jill sacrifices herself for Chris against Wesker
2010Chris saves Jill from Wesker‘s control

Evidence of Romantic Undertones

Across numerous games, Chris and Jill have shared scenes and quotes highlighting their deep chemistry and bond – even if Capcom has not taken it to an official romantic level yet.

In the original Resident Evil, Jill can find a photo of Chris in the mansion and remark "Chris, I miss you." She also jokingly asks "Should I take the shot?" when seeing him in danger, underscoring their playful rapport. Chris prioritizes finding and protecting Jill multiple times, like when he says earnestly "Please, Jill, you have to hold on…" if she becomes poisoned.

In Resident Evil 3, Jill tells Carlos "Chris is…my partner." Her hesitant wording suggests potentially more than platonic feelings. Carlos even calls Chris "one lucky man" for being Jill‘s partner.

In the RE1 remake, Chris grasps Jill‘s hand supportively when she doubts herself, telling her "We‘re in this together." Their tender moment gets interrupted by Wesker, symbolizing how their duties often prevent them acting on their feelings.

When Jill is freed from mind control in RE5, her reunion scene with Chris overflows with emotion. Chris tenderly asks "Let me take care of you," as he holds her weakened body and promises to get her home safely.

Why Fans Are Invested in a Jill and Chris Romance

Valenfield (a portmanteau of Valentine and Redfield) has become one of the most debated and supported romantic pairings among Resident Evil fans. What makes this ship so compelling?

Parallels – As the two founding members of S.T.A.R.S., Chris and Jill share similar backgrounds, duties, and trauma. Their parallels allow them to deeply understand each other.

Chemistry – Chris and Jill‘s natural chemistry and witty banter reveals a fun, flirty dynamic that many want to see become romantic.

Shared trauma – Having survived horrors like the Mansion Incident together has bonded Chris and Jill through trauma and forged an unbreakable connection.

Trust – Their total faith in each other even in life or death situations reveals profound trust, adding intensity to their relationship.

Hints at more – Moments like Jill‘s hesitation talking about Chris with Carlos suggest hidden romantic feelings on her end. Fans love analyzing these breadcrumbs.

Jill‘s Other Potential Love Interests

While Chris is Jill‘s most poignant relationship, there have been hints of romance with other characters like:

Carlos Oliveira – Jill‘s ally in Raccoon City who openly flirts with her. However, Jill mostly brushes off his advances, keeping Carlos squarely in the friend zone.

Barry Burton – Her S.T.A.R.S. colleague with an overt interest in Jill initially. However, Barry‘s existing family life prevents this from going anywhere substantive.

Rebecca Chambers – Some fans ship Jill with her female ally Rebecca based on their reunion scene in RE5. But there is little canonical evidence of romantic interest between them.

Albert Wesker – Her former captain who develops an obsessive control over Jill against her will. This twisted dynamic lends itself more to analysis than romance.

These other connections pale in comparison to the depth and intimacy of Jill‘s relationship with Chris over decades. Chris understands Jill‘s personality, motivations, and background more profoundly than anyone else because of their shared experiences battling bioterrorism side by side for years.

What Does Capcom Say About Jill and Chris‘s Relationship?

Capcom has strategically left Chris and Jill‘s status ambiguous. However, developers have shared insights suggesting romantic undertones were intentional.

RE5 director Jun Takeuchi said Chris and Jill "have their own drama to deal with" after her return, hinting at a complicated history.

RE1 director Shinji Mikami stated that a romance between Chris and Jill was considered but not made explicit. This allowed players to interpret their chemistry and bond in their preferred way.

So while not definitively labeled as a couple by Capcom, it‘s clear Chris and Jill were designed to embody intimacy and loyalty beyond ordinary partners.

Could Jill and Chris Become Romantically Involved in Future Games?

As Resident Evil evolves, there are compelling reasons Capcom could take Chris and Jill‘s relationship to the next level:

  • It would reward fans who have longed to see Valenfield become canon after years of devotion.

  • Having protagonists solidify their romance after prolonged tension is a popular and dramatic narrative trope.

  • It would add juicy character drama and high interpersonal stakes to the plot moving forward.

  • Chris and Jill settling down together could provide an emotional conclusion to their journeys across the franchise.

However, practical hurdles remain that could prevent Capcom from ever making Valenfield officially romantic:

  • Preserving the status quo avoids alienating any fans wanting them to remain platonic.

  • Capcom may worry romanticizing their most popular male and female leads could backfire.

  • They may decide Chris and Jill are stronger symbols by remaining uncompromised allies focused only on their duties.

Who Is Most Likely to Be Jill‘s Love Interest Going Forward?

Based on fan polls and franchise clues, Chris Redfield has the strongest probability of becoming Jill‘s official love interest if Capcom pivots in that direction.

In a 2020 Valenfield poll on Reddit, 81% voted that Chris and Jill should become an official couple in future Resident Evil storylines. Only 19% preferred they remain platonic partners.

Similarly, a 2022 poll on the best love interest for Jill saw Chris chosen by 43% of respondents, far exceeding alternatives like Carlos, Wesker, or Sheva.

With Chris and Jill‘s upcoming return in the Resident Evil 4 remake, speculation has reignited about how Capcom could treat their deeply-teased relationship moving forward. Regardless of whether they remain "partners" or become "lovers," Chris Redfield has proven himself to be the most impactful person in Jill Valentine‘s life throughout 25 years of acclaimed survival horror games.

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