Kuki Shinobu – Itto‘s Most Trusted Friend and Right-Hand Woman

Kuki Shinobu serves a vital role in Arataki Itto‘s adventurous life as his loyal deputy of the Arataki Gang and closest confidante. Though not related by blood, their unbreakable bond transcends friendship into "found family" territory as their fates intertwine across teahouses and battlefields alike.

A Buddying Kinship Forged Through Fire

As youths, both Itto and Shinobu were considered outsiders and treated as such by villagers fearful of Itto‘s oni heritage and disapproving of Shinobu abandoning her shrine duties. But where others shunned them, they found acceptance in each other.

Itto admired Shinobu‘s steely nerve in the face of adversity. And for Shinobu, Itto‘s bravery in proudly proclaiming his identity, consequences be damned, was a revelation. Their shared status as outcasts brought them together, but genuine affection and laughs cemented the foundation of a lifelong partnership.

Over the years, the pair weathered many storms — some of their own making — with Shinobu often pulling Itto‘s tail out of the fire. Like when Itto issued a foolish challenge to Sara and the Tenryou Commission that nearly triggered all out war. But clever Shinobu intervened in the nick of time and negotiated terms for a non-lethal duel that satisfied both sides‘ honor.

"None know Itto better than I. His intentions spring from noble seeds, though their vines sometimes grow wildly. My duty is to gently guide them toward the light." – Shinobu‘s private journal

Through such tribulations, their rapport deepened into an unshakable trust.

StrengthsPhysical might,

As the table shows, Shinobu and Itto balance each other out superbly. Where one falters, the other excels. This Yin and Yang dynamic enables them to achieve what they never could separately.

An Inseparable Duo Bound By Duty and Destiny

In his heart, Itto considers Shinobu the sister he never had. And as Arataki Gang deputy, Shinobu feels bound to Itto by honor and hellfire.

"Any road Itto takes, I shall walk by his side. Any burden he bears, I shall lighten its load. This I solemnly swear as his second."

Though their relationship foundation sprouted from similarity, its walls were erected through service and sacrifice. Shinobu has never hesitated to stand as Itto‘s shield against threats both physical and political. Her dedication is his strength.

In return, Itto entrusts Shinobu with leadership duties that enable the Arataki Gang to function in his absence. Between tussles with Sara and the Komission, Itto often runs off on personal quests without warning, leaving Shinobu to pick up the pieces. But he knows he can count on her to keep the rowdy gang in line.

And so the Oni and the Shrine Maiden march forward together come storm or strike. For where Itto wanders, Shinobu shadows not far behind. And Itto wouldn‘t have it any other way.

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