Who is Leo‘s real father?

As a gamer who analyzes political dramas, the question of "Who is Leo‘s real father?" in Designated Survivor fascinated me. Leo Kirkman, son of suddenly turned President Tom Kirkman, sees his family dynamic turned upside down, which hits close to home. Like any good RPG subplot, the show keeps you guessing around Leo‘s dad: is it Tom or someone else? Let‘s dive deeper into this mystery story arc!

Getting to Know Tom Kirkman and His New Role as POTUS

Tom Kirkman makes for an unlikely hero. As a low-key Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, he never imagined being abruptly made Commander-in-Chief after a tragic attack kills his predecessors. I‘m reminded of ordinary protagonist origins in games like Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger.

But with little political prowess or allies, Tom leans hard on his brilliant wife Alex and two kids, Leo and Penny, as his administration comes under fire. Family becomes Tom‘s emotional anchor.

Tom‘s Personality and Principles

A former architect and urban planner, Tom oozes creative nerd energy similar to Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV with his glasses and dorky dad sweaters. He‘s an idealist guided by integrity – traits that both hinder and empower his new leadership role. I‘d peg Tom‘s morality points at about 8/10.

Leo Kirkman – The President‘s Gamer Son

As Tom‘s eldest child, teenager Leo fills the stereotype of sullen, sarcastic gamer kid. He rolls his eyes at his dad‘s corny jokes while fiercely protective of his family. Leo plays basketball and proudly rocks a ‘Quest Master‘ T-shirt, suggesting his gamer credentials.

I appreciate Designated Survivor portraying a gamer protagonist as central rather than a sidekick for once!

The Mystery: Is Tom Really Leo‘s Father?

Leo‘s paternity first gets questioned in episode 1×05 "The Mission" when Leo overhears a dubious conversation hinting at a past affair between Alex and Tom‘s old friend Aaron Shore.

This subplot plays to family drama tropes in shows like This Is Us with a shocking paternity reveal. As a gamer, I had to know: stats check – what‘s the likelihood Tom is actually Leo‘s dad?

Analyzing The ‘Reveal‘ and Possible Subversion

Leo demands a paternity test, confronting Tom with the painful idea that he may not be his bio dad. For probabilistic drama analysis, I estimated chances at:

Tom NOT being Leo‘s father – 35% odds

Much like the protagonist‘s world getting shaken in Kingdom Hearts II when Nobodies appear, this plot twist threatened to destroy the Kirkmans.

Ultimate Confirmation – Tom is the Father

To resolve the subplot, Tom takes a paternity confirming he‘s Leo‘s dad after all. This aligns with typical show resolution structure, finishing Leo‘s character arc coming to terms with Tom‘s demanding presidency.

I‘d still speculate the writer‘s held a 12% chance of extending this mystery subplot longer given its dramatic potential. But family unity ultimately wins out – an uplifting message particularly resonant today.

Relatable Family Struggles Amidst Chaos

While not made explicit, Leo likely channels his pent-up frustration with his dad‘s responsibilities as leader of the free world onto suspicions about his patrnity. It‘s a relatable response given Leo‘s age and coping with his family‘s new political spotlight.

As Tom‘s Press Secretary, Emily actually has a memorable quote that sums it up:

"Leo‘s not the first kid to wonder if his dad has been straight with him."

This highlights how the uncertainty Leo feels about his place in the family dynamic isn‘t unique.

Relatability Counts

Beyond empathizing with Leo‘s emotional arc, this storyline importantly humanizes an office like the presidency. It grounds the tremendous weight and sacrifices public leaders confront in their private lives.

As gamers, seeing prominent characters balanced with ordinary struggles makes them more real. It heightens our investment when their very humanity hangs in the balance as they press forward against all odds.

The Verdict: Tom‘s Integrity Resonates

While initially shocking, the resolution of Leo‘s paternity question captured the integrity and leadership that defines Tom Kirkman‘s inspiring character arc in Designated Survivor.

Rather than dodging responsibility or extending the mystery, Tom confronts the situation head-on by taking the paternity test. He puts Leo‘s well-being first, even if it means facing the demise of his nuclear family.

In the end, the truth comes out as it should. Tom has nothing to hide.

I have mad respect for someone willing to sacrifice reputation and power for accountability – an uncommon quality amongst leaders today just like in so many political games.

Tom doubling down on the truth – no matter how painful – sends a powerful message in an era where facts and science themselves are under fire. And his reward is preserving the family that gives his presidency purpose.

The odds of finding principled leadership like Tom Kirkman‘s? 1 in 10000. This subplot captures that and why he‘s the hero needed not just on the show, but in real life.

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