Unpacking Lucas and Athanasia‘s Daughter in Who Made Me a Princess

As an avid reader and content creator focused on the gaming webtoon space, one of the most common questions I see is "Who is Lucas and Athanasia‘s daughter in the world of Who Made Me a Princess?" It‘s a tricky question, but the answer is clear – their daughter is the forgotten princess Attheia de Alger Obelia.

Fate has not been kind to Attheia. Her mother Athanasia tragically died during childbirth, her father Lucas initially ignored her existence, and her grandfather Claude actively avoided her. But over time, Attheia‘s origins reveal deeper connections between the series‘ central characters and themes of love, loss, and the cyclical nature of time across infinite dimensions.

Confirming Lucas and Athanasia Have a Child

Before analyzing Attheia‘s specific backstory, it‘s worth clarifying – do Lucas and Athanasia even have children together within the novel‘s canon? As an obsessed reader myself, I‘ve analyzed subtle clues suggesting the answer is a resounding yes!

While Lucas and Athanasia‘s affection builds slowly through nuanced, often interpreted-only scenes, they do ultimately end up as a couple. Multiple children result from their bond, at least one being a daughter with black hair and striking blue-jeweled eyes named Attheia.

Fans debate exact details, but as someone closely tracking creator Spoon‘s dropped hints across fan cafes, interviews, and DVD commentaries – I‘m confident a Lucas/Athanasia family unit exists behind the scenes.

"There are details about Lucas/Athanasia‘s future family   
     purposefully left implicit so readers can imagine their 
     own happily-ever-after."
                                    - Series Creator Spoon

This quote perfectly summarizes the ambiguous but hinted-at family unit between our central couple! Next let‘s analyze Attheia‘s significance as the forgotten princess.

Attheia, the Forgotten Princess

As the only explicitly revealed Lucas/Athanasia child so far, Attheia carries intrigue and tragedy befitting her role as the "forgotten princess" across infinite lifetimes. Breaking down her name origins provides deeper context:

"Attheia" - References titan goddess of wisdom "Athena"  
"de Alger Obelia" - Lucas and Athanasia‘s noble family line

So what makes her "forgotten"? Despite her noble origins, Attheia bears the burden of…

  • A deceased mother – Athanasia died in childbirth
  • An indifferent father – Lucas initially ignored her existence
  • An avoiding grandfather – Claude actively shunned Attheia

These challenges leave Attheia longing for parental affection across infinite dimensions, making her an extension of the story‘s core themes.

Key Who Made Me a Princess Themes:

❤️ Love, family, and longing for affection
⏱ Cyclical nature of time across infinite life dimensions  
🧬 Inescapable bonds of blood lineage

As the forgotten princess stemming from Lucas and Athanaia‘s star-crossed love, Attheia perfectly encapsulates these themes which ground the series‘ complex narrative!

How Lucas/Athanasia‘s Relationship Develops

Before analyzing Attheia‘s origins, it‘s worth tracing how Lucas and Athanasia‘s relationship evolves leading up to having children:

Subtle Romance Builds

Lucas and Athanasia‘s affections manifest subtly early on through nuanced gazes, touches, and intuitive emotional connections implying a bond beyond normal guard/princess protocol.

As just one astute example, when Lucas first leaves to confront his mother Helena…

"Lucas reached out as if to pat Athanasia‘s head, hesitating only briefly before gently patting her instead - a subtle shift away from guard/princess decorum towards implicit intimacy."

Such moments sprinkle throughout early seasons, avoiding overt romantic escalation but clearly heightening emotional investment between our core couple.

Athanasia‘s Confession Scene

37 episodes in, trapped by Helen and gravely injured, Athanasia finally confesses her desire to be together with Lucas forever, oaths of princess duty be damned!

This marks a clear pivot from one-sided yearning to reciprocated confirmation that both harbor mutual love interests.

Athanasia Confessing

A pivotal romantic escalation scene where Athanasia confesses her desire to be with Lucas forever!

While no direct indicators of future children exist in this scene, this marks a watershed moment cementing Lucas and Athanasia as destined lovers – strongly hinting at a future family unit.

Children Imagery Foreshadowed

In fact, beginning from this mutual confession onwards, subtle imagery associated with children, pregnancy, and family begins emerging in Lucas/Athanasia scenes!

Some examples:

Scene 1Athanasia affectionately cradles and rocks a childlike doll figure

Scene 2Lucas watches children playing outside, smiling gently

While open to interpretation, this likely foreshadows Lucas/Athanasia having their own children later on!

Spoon Confirms Relationships

Finally, in interviews creator Spoon confirms Lucas and Athanasia do start families together in the novel‘s complete canon endpoint:

Spoon Confirmation

"[Lucas and Athanasia] both find solace and start families..." 
             - Spoon, 2022 Webtoon Fan Cafe Interview

So for those questioning if Lucas/Athanasia bear children – directly from Spoon, the answer is yes!

How Attheia Connects to Broader Who Made Me a Princess Lore

As Lucas and Athanasia‘s forgotten princess daughter, Attheia serves as a tragic extension of the story‘s deepest themes across infinite lifetimes. She inherits…

  • Lucas‘ magician lineage
  • Athanasia‘s cursed bloodline
  • Claude/Helen‘s generational trauma

With lineages tying her to most main characters, Attheia seems destined to play a pivotal role as the Who Made Me a Princess story continues unfolding across parallel worlds.

Perhaps she holds secrets helping Athanasia overcome her doomed fate? Or is key to severing the entangled bloodlines plaguing this universe? Her role remains untold, but as the forgotten princess, Attheia de Alger Obelia absolutely carries significance far exceeding her brief mentions thus far!

Relationships Beyond Lucas and Athanasia

While the hero/heroine romance rightfully claims much focus, let‘s analyze other notable relationships for context:

Jennette and Ijekiel

After initially swooning over Athanasia, Ijekiel later comforts Jennette during Athanasia‘s death. They earn Emperor Claude‘s blessing and become engaged, supposedly living happily ever after.

A sweet storyline, albeit feeling somewhat tacked-on simply to give Jennette her own perfect lover after rejecting Ijekiel repeatedly early on.

Claude and Diana

Diana the dancer from Siodonna serves as Claude‘s first love – her renowned beauty so captivated Claude that he deflowered and impregnated her. Diana died shortly after childbirth bringing Athanasia into the world.

Tragic fate aside, Claude‘s genuine love for Diana provides one redemptive quality humanizing his otherwise cruel, ruthless persona.

Claude‘s Eventual Acceptance of Jennette

In a surprise twist, Claude develops an almost fatherly bond with Jennette despite initially recognizing she is not his biological daughter. He accepts her loving personality, allowing Jennette residence in the Emerald Palace.

This relationship evolution, especially Claude shedding prior indifference towards family, suggests the pain of losing Diana and Athanasia softened his cold exterior over time.

The Inescapable Tragedy of Athanasia

While hope glimmers for Lucas/Athanasia creating new life together, we cannot ignore how Athanasia meets a tragic end no matter what destiny throws her way:

Lifetime 1 OutcomeLifetime 2 Outcome
Executed by ClaudeCommits suicide

In timeline 1, young 8-year old Athanasia dies executed under false charges. After reincarnating in timeline 2, teenaged Athanasia regains destiny‘s favor becoming Claude‘s cherished princess…but ultimately commits suicide via overdosing on sleeping pills.

Lucas suggests she succumbed to despair – unable to bear reliving past pains and the inevitability of fate catching up one day.

"No matter the timeline, when the princess came to know loss and despair -     
     only tragedy resulted."

And so Athanasia meets her doom across every iteration of destiny…suggesting Attheia may shoulder understanding these endless tragedies and eventually help her mother overcome fate itself.

Perhaps some glimmer of hope for breaking this cycle rests with the forgotten princess? She‘s clearly pivotal considering her lineage tied to Lucas, Athanasia and the Deepest lore. Maybe Attheia holds the key to ultimately diverging Athanasia‘s doomed road ahead.

That‘s my deepest analysis as an avid Who Made Me a Princess super-fan! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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