Who is Luigi's lover?

After over three decades of adventures, one question still looms over the Mario universe – just who is Luigi‘s lover? According to in-game hints, developer intent, and fan perspectives, the answer seems clear: Princess Daisy is portrayed as Luigi‘s romantic partner across many Mario games and media. Their affection has blossomed since her debut in 1989.

Origins of Luigi x Daisy

Luigi‘s first romantic moments with Princess Daisy came in NES Open Tournament Golf in 1991, where Daisy took the role of Luigi‘s caddie. This game laid the foundation for their relationship, implying Daisy‘s affection and dedication to Luigi.

While Mario sports games continued to pair up the two, later Mario RPGs provided deeper looks at Luigi and Daisy‘s budding chemistry and dates. One heartfelt scene in Super Mario RPG showed Luigi daydreaming about a dinner date with Daisy, where she recites a poem just for him.

Symbolic Hints at the Relationship

Nintendo developers have hidden symbolic nods towards Luigi and Daisy‘s romance over the years. One overt example came in Mario Kart 7, where a statue depicted the two frozen in a dance, gazing into each other‘s eyes.

Daisy‘s trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee also straight-forwardly labeled her as "Luigi‘s lover" – perhaps the clearest official confirmation that Nintendo intended to canonize the relationship.

Contrasting Portrayals of Mario Couples

Unlike overt romantic relationships like Mario saving Princess Peach, Luigi and Daisy have had a more subtle depiction over the years. Yet when contrasted with other characters and relationships in the franchise, signs point to them intentionally being shown as a couple:

Romantic RelationshipEvidence of AffectionConfirmed as Canon?
Mario x PeachNumerous rescue plots, kissing, implied marriage proposalsYes
Bowser x PeachBowser repeatedly trying to force Peach to marry himOne-sided
Luigi x DaisyDates, dancing, statues and trophies depicting a romanceStrongly implied
RosalinaNo defined love interest, space guardian backstoryNo

Whereas not every character has a confirmed soulmate, Luigi x Daisy stands out with recurring hints from developers that they are an item.

Fans Demand to See More

Many Mario fans ‘ship‘ Luigi and Daisy, eagerly speculating about future plots or new games where this affair of the heart gets spotlight. One poll on Reddit showed 86% of over 1,000 respondents support seeing more moments between this shy power couple.

So while the full story remains unfinished, Nintendo developers undoubtedly have more planned for Mario‘s tall, awkward brother and Princess Daisy – arguably video game‘s cutest secondary romance.

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