Who is Marika‘s Husband? An Elden Ring Relationship Analysis

As an avid fan of FromSoftware games, I‘m fascinated by the rich lore and worldbuilding that often requires digging deeper to unravel. The mystery behind Queen Marika‘s two marriages in Elden Ring presents an intriguing case study in the complex relationships between these powerful figures. As a gaming guide creator, I want to provide the known facts but also share my own theories about these cryptic unions that shaped the Lands Between.

Introducing Queen Marika, the Eternal

Before analyzing Marika‘s two husbands, it‘s important to understand her own origins and role as the goddess-like ruler of the realm. Marika is described as being of the divine Numen race and somehow gained the power to become a living vessel for the Elden Ring and Greater Will. She helped establish the Golden Order by defeating the giants and dragons long ago.

As the Eternal Queen, Marika wants order in the Lands Between and loyalty to her reign. However, she also covets greater power and control for unknown reasons. This complex mix of devotion to Order and rebellious ambition sets the stage for speculation about her relationships.

Theory: As an Numen ascendant obsessed with god-like power over reality itself, Marika always planned to manipulate or discard those closest to her if needed to advance her mystic visions of Order.

Godfrey, Her First Elden Lord

Marika‘s first husband was Godfrey, a warrior of legendary skill and size. Together they waged mythic battles across the Lands Between to establish the age of the Erdtree and Golden Order. Their children were the original demigods – Godwyn the Golden, Morgott the Omen King, and Mohg the Lord of Blood.

As her husband and Elden Lord, Godfrey led armies that conquered in Marika‘s name, slaying dragons and giants. Marika rewarded his loyalty by blessing him with grace and a crown.

The Exile of Godfrey

However, Godfrey was eventually stripped of grace and exiled from the capital as punishment for becoming Tarnished later in life.

Theory: This exile shows Marika‘s cold calculations – she discarded Godfrey despite his loyalty because he was no longer useful as her holy champion.
Marika and Godfrey‘s Marriage Timeline
Ancient TimesGodfrey proves himself in combat and weds Marika
Age of the Erdtree BeginsGodfrey named 1st Elden Lord, leads conquest of the Lands Between
Godfrey ExiledLoses grace and exiled, leaving Marika without a champion

Radagon, Her Mysterious Second Husband

The red-haired Radagon was summoned as a new champion and husband after Godfrey‘s fall from grace. Far less is concretely known about this second marriage between Radagon and Marika.

Radagon was a mighty sorcerer and incantation master. Together he and Marika bore two more empyrean children with great runic power – the divine twins Miquella and Malenia.

Clues About Their Relationship

But the most intriguing clues come from vague item descriptions:

"Radagon despised his own red locks, as they symbolized a curse of his birth."

This hints at possible shame or regret. But what was this curse? And why enter a marriage carrying this burden?

Even more shockingly:

"Marika and Radagon are one and the same."

This reveals they somehow share the same being – but the implications are wildly unclear. Is Radagon Marika‘s alter ego? Another aspect of her godly form?

As an avid lore-diver, I have so many questions! My gut says this "curse" involved Marika splitting herself or transforming to create Radagon. Perhaps she grew weary of ruling alone and sought a prophetic union to bear more empyrean successors.

Radagon Upkeeps Order, Delays Destiny

Whatever truths lie behind their mythic merger, as Elden Lord Radagon upheld the Golden Order and stalled the fateful Shattering. Yet in time, Marika‘s own children would spark a war and shatter Elden Ring itself.

In the end, Marika and Radagon‘s marriage spanned the final, tense years before Queen Marika‘s own impenetrable will brought the realm to ruin to undisclosed ends. Their fused legacy remains central to untangling Elden Ring‘s mystical plot!

Radagon and Marika Marriage Timeline
Godfrey ExiledRadagon summoned as new champion and consort
Empyrean Twins BornMiquella and Malenia are children of Radagon/Marika
Shattering BeginsDemigods battle and Elden Ring is shattered

As one hollow says: "Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle, unto eternity." This sentiment reflects Marika‘s inscrutable designs – she manipulates kings, shatters realms, all to bring about her vision of order. So in the end Radagon too seems destined to serve Marika‘s endless ambitions above all else. Their mythic marriage spurs many theories but reveals Marika‘s dominance as the Eternal Queen ruling with impunity.

I hope this analysis has shed some light on the complex question of Queen Marika‘s husbands! Please let me know if you have any other lore theories in the comments.

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