Who is Meowscles married to?

The cats have a new queen in town – Fortnite character Meowscles shocked fans this week by marrying a mysterious feline named Catastrophe. This whiskered wedding marks a new chapter for one of the game‘s most popular animalistic skins.

Meowscles‘ Previous Romance

Long-time Fortnite fans will remember that Meowscles has a son named Kit with his former flame Lynx. The two seemed destined for a fur-ever relationship until splitting up unexpectedly last year.

Lynx is the one who built Kit‘s adorable mech suit so he can ride around the island in style. She and Meowscles used to fight side-by-side as members of the Ghost faction with high security clearances. Many fans speculated that these two cats were soulmates.

But alas, it seems their love ultimately ran out of lives. Their breakup was never explained in detail, leaving the Fortnite community to wonder what caused the rift. Lynx has made herself scarce this season while Meowscles continues his agent duties at The Agency.

Enter Mysterious Newcomer Catastrophe

Shortly after his split from Lynx, players noticed Meowscles spending more time with a new face – Catastrophe. This slick kitty enchantress showed up out of the blue one day, sparking interest from Meowscles. The two felines began dating casually across the island, from sharing fish at Camp Cod to dancing together at the summer party this season.

Little is known about Catastrophe‘s backstory so far. Some fans think she was a spy sent to investigate Midas and his doomsday device plans. Others believe she arrived in the meteor that crashed near The Agency. No one can quite figure out where this foxy cat originated, but she has clearly won Meowscles‘ heart.

A Shocking Wedding Ceremony

Just yesterday, Catastrophe and Meowscles gathered all of their closest friends for a wedding ceremony near Holly Hedges. Lynx was notably absent from the guest list, but party attendees included other agents like Skye, Brutus, and TNTina.

Kit stood by his father‘s side as the best man for the impromptu nuptials. The groom donned a slick secret agent tuxedo for the big day. Images show Catastrophe in a lovely white wedding dress with lace and frills fit for feline royalty.

Their cake featured banana frosting and silver fish decorations – a nod to the newlywed‘s favorite snacks. Instead of rice, guests threw catnip at the couple as they sprinted off towards their honeymoon hotel suite.

Reactions from the Gaming Community

Not all Fortnite fans were thrilled to hear about this surprise wedding. Many players expressed disappointment, claiming that Lynx was Meowscles’ one true soulmate. “It should have been Lynx in that dress,” wrote Reddit user KittyFan87. “Epic is just messing with us now.”

Others celebrated the new power couple, saying that Catastrophe seems a better match for the muscular Meowscles. “Lynx is too quiet and serious all the time,” explained user MEOWTASTIC. “Catastrophe will bring out Meowscles’ fun side.”

Predictably, the conversation devolved into debates over which female has a better figure. “We all know Catastrophe has the curves to pull Meowscles out of his post-breakup slump,” fired back user CATACLYSMIC.

No matter where your feline faction loyalties lie, this wedding will undoubtedly shake up alliance dynamics across the island.

What’s Next for the Newlyweds?

For now the couple is enjoying a private honeymoon before returning to their investigation duties. There is no word yet if Catastrophe will become an official ghost agent or continue working independently. We also have yet to see how Kit is adapting to his new stepmom.

And what about Lynx? Will this former flame stay in the shadows or reappear someday for revenge? Epic developers have been quiet about their storyline plans. But with the doomsday storm brewing again, anything is paws-ible.

One thing is certain: this marriage means double trouble for anyone who tries to sneak up on Meowscles or Catastrophe. With two fierce feline fighters watching each other’s backs (and fronts), their combined talents make them a deadly duo.

We can’t wait to see what kind of chaotic chapters they’ll write together in Fortnite’s ever evolving soap opera. Mazel tov to the happy couple! May your nine lives together be adventurous and full of affection. Just steer clear of the storm – we heard weddings can be a little cataclysmic!

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