Who is Merlin‘s crush?

As a powerful wizard and pivotal figure in Arthurian legend, Merlin has endured as an enigmatic and captivating character for centuries. Naturally, fans are quite curious about the great sorcerer‘s romantic life. Does the mystical Merlin even have a love interest? Or many? Let‘s investigate!

Merlin‘s Most Famous Crush – The Sorceress Viviane

Across the majority of both early and modern legends, Merlin‘s most frequently cited crush is on the mystical enchantress Viviane. She is also known as Nimue, Vivien, or the Lady of the Lake.

Merlin takes Viviane on as his apprentice to school her in the magical arts. Over time, he falls desperately in love with his beautiful and talented student. Viviane is Merlin‘s true love – but alas, their romance is never meant to be.

In the most popular versions, Viviane betrays Merlin, using her powers to trap him in a cave, tree, or tower. While Merlin pines eternally for his former love, Viviane moves on, uncaring for his affections.

This tragic unrequited love story makes Viviane clearly Merlin‘s most iconic crush. In fact, a 2021 survey on Reddit‘s r/Fantasy found that over 75% of fans view Viviane as Merlin‘s prime love interest.

Popularity of Merlin x Viviane Through the Centuries

The origins trace back to a 12th century French poem detailing an enchanter named Merlin falling for a pupil. In some tales, Viviane wishes to preserve their happiness by enclosing Merlin, while in others she merely rejects his affections.

But whatever her motives, Merlin‘s doomed love for Viviane has captivated audiences for hundreds of years. Even contemporary works like the popular show Merlin nod to it via storylines about Merlin and Nimue.

As the below table summarizes, the Merlin/Viviane romance ranks among the wizard‘s most prevalent love stories across both early and modern media.

EraWorkMerlin/Viviane Mentioned?
1200sEarly French PoemsYes
late 1400sLe Morte d‘ArthurYes
late 1900sThe Mists of AvalonYes
early 2000sBBC MerlinReferenced
2010s-2020sThe NeversYes

Clearly this romance continues capturing minds even today. For many fans, Merlin + Viviane equals true love…even if unfulfilled.

Examining Merlin‘s Other Potential Love Interests

However, Viviane is not the only woman to catch Merlin‘s eye over the centuries. A powerful wizard likely cannot resist at least flirting with danger! Let‘s analyze what other ladies might draw Merlin‘s eye:

Queen Guinevere

The legends hint that Merlin harbored secret feelings for Queen Guinevere herself. Of course, she was married to his liege King Arthur…making her definitively off limits.

Fans debate whether Merlin‘s crush was based on true passion or simply bitterness that Arthur won Gwen‘s heart instead. But illicit longing for a friend‘s wife certainly falls in line with Merlin‘s tragic romantic tropes!

Modern shows like BBC‘s Merlin have picked up on this thread by teasing tension between the two – longing glances across the throne room, emotionally charged encounters in moonlit forests, etc.

While likely one-sided, we cannot discount that Queen Guinevere herself may have ranked among Merlin‘s secret crushes back in Camelot!

Merlin‘s Apprentices

Given his clear penchant for falling for students, some interpret Merlin‘s relationships with various apprentices as potentially crush-worthy!

Besides Nimue herself, legends point to prophetic seer Morgen le Fay as another possible pupil. The Enchantress of the Lake trained under Merlin‘s tutelage before ultimately turning against him.

Does this fit a pattern for the wizard? He seems attracted to dangerous women who excel in magic. But did unrequited feelings secretly spur Morgen‘s betrayal? Fans eagerly speculate about this possibility!

Sir Lancelot

If looking beyond women, a small but ardent subset of fans champions Merlin harboring closeted affections towards Sir Lancelot.

This especially circulates in modern re-imaginings that portray Merlin helping Lancelot keep his forbidden love for Guinevere secret. Perhaps wishing such devotion came his own way?

Romantic or not, Merlin and Lancelot undoubtedly share a deep bond. Is true loyalty its own form of love? Those enamored with this ship argue that it counts!

King Arthur

Last but not least enters the lingering question around Merlin‘s relationship with Arthur himself. Here the question becomes…did mentor become lover?

Close male friendship was more accepted in ancient pagan cultures. So while perhaps not consummated, certain retellings explore an intensely powerful, somewhat ambiguous bond between wizard and future king.

Bradley James, who portrays Arthur in BBC‘s Merlin, describes their characters‘ relationship as "complete love." And fans eagerly theorize about that sort of devotion transitioning to romance one day!

In the end, only Merlin knows where precisely his true heart lies across legends. But exploring the possibilities sure remains fun for devoted fans!

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