Raiden and Miko: An Electro Archon and Her Loyal Friend

As the eccentric Guuji of Grand Narukami Shrine, Yae Miko is far more than the Raiden Shogun‘s head priestess. She is Raiden‘s closest confidante, her guiding voice of reason, and quite possibly her one true friend.

Friends Since the Archon Era

Miko and Raiden Ei‘s profound bond was forged over 500 years ago, long before the cataclysmic Archon War. As goddess of lightning, the Raiden twins – Ei and Makoto – gathered loyal followers on their rise to power. Among them was the cunning Guuji Yae Miko, who immediately took a liking to the pair.

While Makoto was a benevolent, universally loved ruler, Ei was a fierce warrior frozen in time. Yet somehow, Miko‘s wit and warmth cracked the armour around Raiden‘s heart. From the shadows, she backed the twins‘ ascension until aiding them in claiming Inazuma and the Electro Archon title.

YearEventImpact on Miko & Raiden‘s Relationship
~2000 years agoArchon WarMiko supports the Raiden twins as they claim the Electro Archon title
500 years agoMakoto passes awayMiko grieves with Ei, becomes her sole confidante
1 year agoVision Hunt DecreeMiko disagrees but remains loyal to Raiden

When Makoto passed 500 years ago, a grieving Ei became more isolated and cold than ever. Still, Miko stood steadfastly by her side as counselor and friend during this devastating transition – very likely the only one Raiden still trusted.

The Conscience of the Shogun

In her identity as the Raiden Shogun, Ei now singularly rules Inazuma with absolute authority. Yet even as an Archon drunk on power, she keeps her oldest ally close, relying heavily on Miko‘s guidance behind the scenes.

Miko has openly criticized Raiden‘s more questionable decisions, like establishing the Vision Hunt Decree. And still, Raiden refuses to replace her even after this public defiance – a sign of deep implicit trust. Raiden clearly both values and needs Miko to act as her moral compass.

My personal theory is that Miko actually shaped Raiden‘s decision to reverse the Vision Hunt Decree more than we realize. Her years of wisdom and connection to public sentiment likely helped Raiden recognize the suffering she was causing.

When Opposites Attract

On the surface, the cerebral Archon and her chaotic priestess could not be more different. Raiden is disciplined, focused, and stern while Miko delights in mischief and revels in freedom.

Still, as complementary opposites their traits perfectly balance – forming a powerful, cohesive team both on and off the battlefield. Just look at how their combat specialties so seamlessly interlock!

Raiden ShogunYae Miko
Combat RoleOn-field DPSOff-field sub-DPS
Energy RechargeRestores team‘s Elemental BurstGenerates high energy particles for Raiden‘s Burst

With Miko batterying Raiden‘s all-important Elemental Burst via Es and Q, then enabling her Eye of Stormy Judgment state for massive DPS, this duo forms an electrifying team core.

And in terms of personality – Raiden‘s stoicism is balanced by Miko‘s humor. Miko‘s impulsiveness is reined in by Raiden‘s levelheadedness. It‘s an age-old adage: opposites attract because they fill each other‘s gaps.

Eternity and Temporality Entwined

Raiden‘s concept of Eternity – static permanence and order – conflicts with Miko‘s focus on the exciting impermanence of now. Yet instead of growing apart, somehow these contradictory outlooks only mesh more beautifully with time.

What endures is their connection through chaos – reminders to live and to laugh even amidst loss. They anchor one another from extremes: Miko preventing Raiden from fixating too intensely on Eternity, while Raiden keeps Miko‘s tricks from going too far. This balance is the heart of their improbable bond.

Miko has watched generations flourish and die; she understands better than anyone the futility of Raiden‘s quest for true Eternity. And so behind Raiden‘s back, Miko works to protect what her Archon cherishes most – those fleeting, temporal moments she herself has come to appreciate.

The Friendship that Captured Fans‘ Hearts

Given their rich history and oddly harmonious dynamic, it‘s no wonder Miko and Raiden have emerged as Genshin Impact‘s most popular non-romantic "ship." Something about an all-powerful god relying on a wily fox envoy just resonates.

Fans affectionately depict them as either platonic soulmates or unlikely lovers. And truly, no matter what lens you view them through, their enduring connection is incredibly touching. The loyalty and care binding an eccentric priestess to her Archon-in-arms across eras is a beautiful rarity.

In this turbulent world, such steadfast partnerships are sadly uncommon. Yet if Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko can discover friendship through all they‘ve weathered, there remains hope for us all. May their foxlights continue guiding the way for centuries yet to come!

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