Mileena‘s Girlfriend in Mortal Kombat is Tanya

As an avid Mortal Kombat gamer and content creator, I receive many questions around character backstories, lore analysis, and storyline speculation. One common question – who is Mileena‘s girlfriend in Mortal Kombat? Through deep analysis of canon lore, character endings, developer statements, and gameplay mechanics, the evidence points to one character – Tanya – as Mileena‘s current love interest and most likely girlfriend.

Overview of Mileena‘s Sexuality

Before analyzing Mileena‘s specific romantic relationships, it‘s important to establish her sexuality within the MK universe. Mileena is canonically bisexual, as openly confirmed by developers and through her flirtatious interactions with both male and female fighters throughout the franchise.

This groundbreaking LGBTQ representation remains rare in prominent fighting game series. In a genre historically focused on hyper-masculine male protagonists and the male gaze, Mileena‘s bisexuality has sparked much discussion around diversity and inclusion in gaming.

As a bisexual icon celebrated by many fans, speculation around Mileena‘s girlfriends and romantic interests continues to have a strong following in the MK community.

Mileena‘s Romantic History

Throughout her controversial history – created as a monstrous clone of Princess Kitana and later becoming Empress of the Tarkatans – Mileena has dabbled in her fair share of romantic encounters. Let‘s analyze her most prominent relationships over the years:


– Mileena and the Tarkatan warrior Baraka have a long history of flirtation
– Their relationship ended after realizing they were cousins
– Nonetheless, Mileena‘s ties to the Tarkatans remain strong

Rainbow Coalition / Tanya

– Rain initiated an alliance between Mileena, Tanya, and himself during MKX
– Mileena exhibited clear signs of attraction to Tanya, including overt flirting

Kount Khan / King Jerrod

– Mileena masqueraded as Kitana to marry this minor character in non-canon Armageddon endings
– The relationship was likely a political tactic rather than genuine affection

Mileena remains notoriously coy and secretive regarding her romantic interests outside of these teased affairs. But her dynamic with Tanya has persisted over years of new releases and plotlines, even through to the most recent entry with Mortal Kombat 11.

Evidence Supporting Tanya as Mileena‘s Main Girlfriend

Analyzing mileena‘s love interests across games, story modes, arcade ladders, special moves, and non-canon endings points definitively to Tanya as her top candidate for an ongoing girlfriend. Let‘s review the evidence:

– Special Moves and Variations

Mileena‘s "Ethereal" custom variation in MK11 grants teleport abilities similar to Tanya, likely a lore reference to their relationship

– Shared Ending in MKX

In the non-canon "Daemon" ending, Mileena appoints Tanya as her closest advisor after claiming the throne – a possible hint at affection

Character Endings Referencing RomanceExamples
MileenaEthereal variation with Tanya teleports
MKX Daemon ending appoints Tanya as advisor
TanyaMK11 personal ending focuses on worshipping Mileena

– Mileena‘s Personal Ending in MK11

After defeating Kronika, Mileena‘s ending shows her rewriting history to share the Outworld throne with Tanya. They kiss as their heir is presented.

This non-canon sequence leaves zero doubt regarding Mileena‘s sexual attraction toward Tanya!

– Developer Statements and Lore

  • Mileena creator John Tobias named the character after a cocktail server and jokingly envisioned a catfight with her and Tanya after too many drinks
  • Tanya‘s MK11 personal ending shows her swearing loyalty to worship Mileena rather than follow new emperor Liu Kang

Though not canon, the consistent creative decisions to link Mileena and Tanya romantically by MK developers and writers cannot be ignored.

What Does This Mean for Future Games?

As Mortal Kombat 12 enters production, fans are ravenously speculating over potential new storylines and relationship developments. Could Mileena and Tanya officially become Outworld‘s emperor and empress? Might we receive confirmation of their passionate romance as official canon?

My expert prediction – Ed Boon and the NetherRealm team have left deliberate clues foreshadowing Mileena and Tanya‘s crosses destinies. As shown in her MK11 personal ending, Mileena remains determined to seize Outworld‘s throne with Tanya beside her.

Summary: Tanya Remains Mileena‘s Top Girlfriend Contender

In closing, Mileena‘s fiery bisexual history places her as one of gaming‘s landmark LGBTQ characters. Though details remain scarce on her current relationship status, Tanya clearly emerges as her most frequent and probable romantic partner.

Will my theories around their future prove accurate? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! As both an expert gamer and tireless Mileena aficionado, I‘ll be eagerly awaiting her return and watching closely for new developments with Tanya.

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