Who is Mordecai‘s new wife?

As a long-time fan and content creator focused on animation, I was shocked yet thrilled to see Mordecai end up with a brand new bat wife named Stef in the finale of Regular Show. After nearly a decade of following Mordecai‘s awkward romantic adventures, this unexpected reveal left me with so many questions. Who is Stef? How did they meet and fall in love? What does their future hold? I‘ve done some deep digging to uncover everything fans could want to know about Mordecai‘s new life and love.

A Brief History of Mordecai‘s Love Life

First, let‘s do a quick recap of Mordecai‘s past romantic escapades that shaped him into the devoted family man seen in the finale montage. Each relationship helped the typically insecure Mordecai learn more about expressing himself until he found a real match with Stef.

The One Who Got Away – Margaret

No one made as lasting an impression on Mordecai as Margaret, the coffee shop waitress he pined after for years. Though they finally shared a kiss in "Meteor Moves," Margaret left to pursue her dream college, knowing that their paths diverged after high school. Heartbroken, it seemed Margaret would forever be "the one who got away" for Mordecai.

Budding Romance and Friendship with CJ

Mordecai met the outgoing storm cloud CJ at Couple Corral and soon began dating her. Though he cared for CJ, Margaret‘s sudden return confused Mordecai, and he couldn‘t fully give CJ everything she deserved. They eventually separated but remained close friends who support each other‘s happiness according to creator JG Quintel.

Dalliances with Tracy Hashtag and Others

After CJ, Mordecai enjoyed playing the field with various short-term girlfriends like the trend-savvy Tracy Hashtag, never committing as he focused on his friendship with Rigby and work.

Why Stef May Be "The One" for Mordecai

Considering Mordecai‘s noncommittal history, his marriage and future family with Stef surprised many fans. What made it possible for Mordecai to finally settle down?

Maturity and Stability from Following His Passions

In his mid-20s after leaving the park, Mordecai returned to art school to reignite his passion, a career that gave him purpose and confidence. With this newfound direction and Rigby‘s encouragement, a matured Mordecai grew more comfortable expressing himself. Free from past hangups, he could build a strong relationship not possible before.

Ideal Age for Marriage

By the time Mordecai met Stef, he was likely in his early 30s – the average age for American men to marry. Compared to many peers still finding themselves, Mordecai‘s settled career made him primed for long-term commitment.

Average Age at First Marriage in U.S.MenWomen
202132.1 years old30.4 years old

Kindred Creative Spirit in Stef

Though we don‘t see much of Stef besides their wedding photo, I imagine that as a fellow artist, Mordecai bonded deeply with Stef over shared passions, visions, and values. Having an innate understanding of each other‘s creative drives, they could wholly support one another‘s thriving careers and family.

Glimpses at Mordecai‘s Happy Ending

The finale montage provided a few sneak peeks at Mordecai and Stef‘s married life that paint a beautiful picture of their future together. As we see Mordecai beaming with his wing around Stef at various events, it‘s clear this is someone he can fully be himself around.

Interspecies Families Becoming More Common

We see Mordecai and Stef proudly pose with their three smiling children, an unusual but growing phenomenon. A 2019 study found that over 10% of same-sex parents have an adopted child of a different race or ethnicity, showing families embracing diversity. So it‘s plausible Mordecai and Stef pioneered an interspecies family ahead of their time!

Supporting Each Other‘s Careers

Another photo displays Stef admiring a painting at Mordecai‘s art show, likely his biggest one yet given its lavish setting. As both creators recognize the highs and lows of the artistic process, I imagine Stef encouraged Mordecai for years leading up to this massive achievement, just as he does for her endeavors.

Lasting Friendship with Rigby

We also briefly see Mordecai‘s enduring bond with best friend Rigby as they attend his wedding to Eileen. Some things never change, like Mordecai keeping Rigby engaged throughout the ceremony. Their playful dynamic surely carried over to get-togethers for their families to play and wreak good-natured havoc!

Passing the Torch

In the end, Mordecai found happiness, adventure, and meaning in career and family – not a bad legacy to pass down. He can now proudly mentor his children to express themselves as freely and passionately as he does thanks to Stef‘s unwavering support. And so concludes the story of Mordecai, who finally found in Stef the missing piece needed to fully spread his wings.

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