Who is Nathan Drake‘s wife?

The wife of the legendary treasure hunter Nathan Drake is none other than intelligent and courageous TV journalist Elena Fisher. Nathan and Elena first crossed paths during his dangerous exploits searching for lost pirate loot. What began as a working relationship grew into friendship, partnership and finally marriage.

Getting to Know Elena Fisher: Brains, Beauty and Bravery

Hailing from a military family, Elena Fisher grew up moving from place to place. She channeled this restless upbringing into an acclaimed journalism career focused on travel and exploration. Her show "Uncharted!" features Elena journeying to exotic locales to uncover hidden wonders.

Elena first encountered Nathan Drake while on assignment in Panama investigating the murdered ancestor of famous explorer Sir Francis Drake. This meeting kicked off a long collaboration between the intrepid reporter and treasure-seeking adventurer across the Uncharted games.

While lacking Nathan‘s experience, Elena proves herself remarkably capable on their escapades. According to Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells, "She’s strong, she’s intelligent, she’s tenacious. All the qualities that allowed her to become probably the top field reporter are the things that make her an interesting match for Drake."

Key Elena Fisher Statistics:

  • Occupation: Journalist, TV Host
  • Notable Skills: Investigating, Combat, Climbing, Puzzles
  • Voice Actor: Emily Rose
  • Motion Capture: Emily Rose
  • Total Game Appearances: 6

The Evolution of Nathan and Elena‘s Romance

The inherent hazards of treasure hunting push Nathan and strong-willed Elena together. While their bond grows across games, so does the romantic tension. Let‘s trace key points in their relationship timeline:

Uncharted: Drake‘s Fortune (2007)

Elena accompanies newcomer Nathan on his first sól0 quest. Their banter reveals a chemistry between the pair, even as they focus on the deadly tasks at hand.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009)

Reunited with globe-trotter Nathan, feelings between him and Elena get serious. However, Nathan disappears following a mission gone awry. A bitter Elena moves on.

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (2011)

Crossing paths with Nathan again, the spark reignites for Elena. By the game‘s climax amidst sinking sands, they commit their love. The two marry soon after.

Their epic romance faced rocky times, but ultimately survived. According to game director Bruce Straley, “The relationship grew out of these two people going on these wild adventures together…They’ve been through so many ups and downs, the bonds there are hard to break.”

Married Home Life and "Happily Ever After"

Following the events of Uncharted 3, Nathan Drake shocks his friends by settling into married life with Elena Fisher. They live modestly, with Nathan taking up a marine salvage business. While not quite the same thrills as lost treasure, he seems content.

Elena continues to travel for her show “Uncharted!”. Only now she has a home to return to with Nathan, who admits “I think she likes that I’m just the guy at the dock waiting to say hey honey, how was your day?”

The couple later conceives a daughter named Cassie, glimpsed briefly at the close of Uncharted 4. Cassie inherits her parents’ boldness, based on hijinks shown getting her grounded. Still, the family appears to have found their “happily ever after” – even Nathan and Elena can’t resist one last treasure hunt bringing the saga full circle!

Naughty Dog designer Emilia Schatz remarks on designing Cassie Drake: “She’s definitely a little explorer. That’s all I’m allowed to say about her!” Cassie‘s climbing gear shows she takes after bold mom and dad.

Nathan‘s Other Romances: Chloe Frazer

While Elena Fisher claimed Nathan Drake‘s heart, she wasn‘t his only romantic interest. Nathan also shared a complicated history with fellow treasure hunter Chloe Frazer.

Chloe and Nathan were involved before the Uncharted games. The fiery British woman‘s antics prove too chaotic for Nathan though. They split but remain friends – albeit with clear chemistry lingering.

This surfaces when Chloe seduces Nathan in Uncharted 2 to help her swipe a valuable artifact. Ultimately though, Nathan commits to Elena upon realizing Chloe remains an unreliable free agent. He cuts ties once the mission concludes.

Chloe later redeems herself aiding Nathan in Uncharted 3. She also stars in the acclaimed spinoff Uncharted: Lost Legacy on her own adventure. However, her rakish days with Nathan seem over as he settles with Elena.

While other ladies catch Nathan Drake’s eye, it’s ride-or-die Elena Fisher who captures his heart for good by game’s end. Through so many death-defying trials and tribulations, their bond holds fast. Truly, Nathan and Elena‘s love stands as the greatest treasure!

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