Kyrie – Nero‘s Childhood Sweetheart and Anchor in the Demonic Storm

For those wondering "who is Nero‘s girlfriend?", the answer is his fierce songstress Kyrie. She‘s been his emotional anchor since childhood while Nero has had to contend with the burdens of his demonic heritage. Let‘s dive into how these two have kept their young love alive even as supernatural disasters swirl around them.

A Love Born in Hardship

Nero and Kyrie grew up together in the religious Order of the Sword. They were both orphans taken in by Credo and his family. During their early years, Kyrie‘s singing voice would comfort a rambunctious Nero whenever he got into fights.

"Her voice always leads you back home." – Nero in DMC5 Novel

This childhood friendship blossomed into romance. The prequel novel depicts Kyrie confessing her love by kissing Nero unexpectedly.

So by the events of DMC4, Kyrie and Nero are firmly established as boyfriend and girlfriend. Nero sports a necklace with her song lyrics while Kyrie keeps photos of them together at her orphanage.

Several moments in DMC4 showcase their dedication:

  • Nero pushes himself to the limit attempting to rescue Kyrie from the Order of the Sword Cult.
  • Even when grievously injured by Sanctus, Nero makes sure Kyrie is unharmed first.
  • While held prisoner, Kyrie puts on a brave face so Nero won‘t sacrifice himself for her safety.

Their bond drives much of DMC4‘s plot.

Staying Strong Through Demon Invasions

DMC5 shows that even after surviving major disasters, Nero and Kyrie‘s relationship endures.

They now share a home together, having adopted several orphans. In her voice messages, Kyrie talks about mundane domestic life like Nero forgetting to buy groceries again.

"We‘ll be waiting for you, so come back soon, okay?" – Kyrie in DMC5

Though Kyrie herself doesn‘t physically appear in DMC5, her presence is a guiding motivation for Nero.

In a genre full of tragic backstories, Nero and Kyrie‘s romance represents a rare bright spot. While no relationship is perfect, they support each other against daunting adversity.

Key Moments of Nero & Kyrie‘s Relationship
Childhood friends who grow up in the Order of the Sword orphanage
Kyrie‘s singing voice comforts young Nero
They progress from friends to lovers as teens
Kyrie is kidnapped in DMC4; Nero desperately tries to save her
They live together between DMC4 and DMC5, taking in orphans
Kyrie leaves encouraging voice messages for Nero in DMC5

TheSongstress Who Calms the Storm in Nero‘s Soul

Throughout his DMC journey discovering his origins, Nero exhibits a fiery temper. His demonic powers are directly linked to his volatile emotions.

Kyrie‘s gentler presence balances this stormy nature. She reminds him of his core human goodness, keeping Nero from spiraling out of control.

When they were younger, Kyrie would say:

"I know you cry quietly so no one notices. But it‘s OK to let them flow."

In DMC5, Kyrie‘s call gives an enraged Nero clarity amidst his fight with Vergil and unlocks his full power.

Nero then spares Vergil‘s life upon realizing from Kyrie‘s keepsake that he needs compassion.

So in an ironic twist, this innocent songstress wields immense influence over even part-demonic warriors because she touches their buried humanity.

More Than Just Childhood Sweethearts

It would be easy to dismiss Nero and Kyrie as just cliché childhood friends. But looking deeper, they subvert expectations:

  • Where the DMC protagonists are flippant bachelors, Nero commits to Kyrie wholeheartedly
  • Nero has an anchor amidst the chaos where even twin brothers Dante and Vergil become estranged
  • Kyrie uplifts Nero whereas love interests in fiction tend to need rescuing
  • They provide family and home for orphaned children, nurturing the next generation

That‘s why fans overwhelmingly support Nero/Kyrie as a relationship. On Reddit polls, they are the clear fan-favorite DMC ship, surpassing heavyweight champs like Dante/Lady:

DMC RelationshipFan Poll Support %
Nero & Kyrie56%
Dante & Lady31%
Dante & Trish5%
Other Ships8%

poll from r/DevilMayCry subreddit

In an otherwise turbulent world of devils and destruction, Nero and Kyrie represent an oasis – proof that even demons can hold on to their humanity.

We leave fans asking one final question: "So when‘s the Nero/Kyrie wedding guys??"

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