Who is Nero‘s Girlfriend in Devil May Cry 5?

Nero‘s steadfast girlfriend in Devil May Cry 5 is Kyrie, his kindhearted childhood friend and enduring love interest throughout his demon-hunting adventures.

All About Nero and Kyrie‘s Relationship

Nero and Kyrie grew up together in the Fortuna orphanage, forging an unbreakable bond from a young age. Though they‘ve faced hardships, their romantic relationship has endured every trial thrown their way.

A Turbulent History

Ever since witnessing his adoptive family slaughtered by demons as a child, Nero has lived a dangerous life fighting supernatural foes. Despite the havoc Nero‘s demon-infused powers have at times unleashed on Fortuna, Kyrie has remained his emotional cornerstone.

Nero risked life and limb battling the false Savior to rescue Kyrie from the machinations of the Order of the Sword back in DMC4. The calamities they‘ve overcome together have only strengthened their relationship.

Unwavering Loyalty

While Kyrie herself lacks combat prowess, she supports Nero steadfastly nonetheless with her compassion and humanity. Her voice over the phone renews Nero‘s motivation, reminding him what he‘s fighting for – to protect the ones he loves.

Though seldom seen, Kyrie‘s presence is a guiding light, giving Nero strength to persevere against the darkness threatening to consume him and their world. Such unflinching loyalty and love is rare in the war-ravaged realms Nero traverses.

A Bright Spot in the Darkness

Though seldom seen, Kyrie‘s presence is a guiding light, giving Nero strength to persevere against the darkness threatening to consume him and their world. Such unflinching loyalty and love is rare in the war-ravaged realms Nero traverses.

Nero and Kyrie

Nero embracing Kyrie after rescuing her once more

Domestic Bliss

With much blood spilled securing a more peaceful way of life in Fortuna, Nero and Kyrie now share an apartment together along with three orphan children they‘ve taken into their care.

Dante may tease Nero as his sidekick, but to Kyrie at least, her man is undoubtedly the main hero in their world. Their idyllic domestic life is a testament to an enduringyoung love that has conquered all obstacles thrown their way.

Kyrie‘s Background

To fully appreciate her bond with Nero, it helps to understand where Kyrie comes from. Here are some key notes about her history and personality:

  • Grew up with Nero in the same orphanage in Fortuna from a young age
  • Biological sister of Credo, a high-ranking Holy Knight of Fortuna
  • Abducted by the villainous Sanctus to power the Savior demon statue as its core
  • Survived being trapped within the animated Savior statue during Nero‘s frantic rescue mission
  • Continues caring for children as director of the rebuilt orphanage in Fortuna
  • Committed to humanitarian work helping disadvantaged youth in the community
  • Deeply compassionate and beloved by children for her kindness

Though only a normal young woman without special powers, Kyrie‘s own fortitude and inner strength have been tested by the fires of adversity. Her selfless spirit remains gentle and full of love despite the violence and chaos Nero brings with him.

Kyrie Supports Nero Morally in His Demon-Hunting Missions

Nero derives courage from Kyrie‘s moral support during his most harrowing assignments. Her voice over the phone inspires him to uphold honor and mercy – qualities in short supply on the hellish battlefields he traverses.

During the events of DMC5, Kyrie herself is safe at home caring for orphan children while Nero travels abroad. But her influence stays with him as his motivation for fighting. Their mutual faith in each other sustains his resolve to heroically vanquish the demonic hordes no matter the odds stacked against him.

Knowing Kyrie still believes in him, Nero fights on with determination through injury and exhaustion – a beacon of light guiding him back home where his beloved waits faithfully.

By the Numbers: Nero and Kyrie‘s Relationship Timeline

Here‘s a statistical look at key events in Nero and Kyrie‘s lives:

2000Nero bornBaby
2001Kyrie bornBaby
2008Witness demon attack killing their families8
2015Fight together against False Savior18
2016Restore Fortuna orphanage19
2018Defeat Urizen and reunite with Vergil21
2021Feared dead defeating demon king24
2022Confirmed alive with Kyrie25

They have over 15 years of history together, forging an unbreakable bond since childhood which has endured demon invasions.

How Kyrie Differs From Other Devil May Cry Women

The majority of female characters in the DMC universe are badass demon hunters like Trish and Lady who fight alongside the legendary devil hunters Dante and Vergil.

Kyrie offers a refreshing change of pace as an ordinary young woman without supernatural powers or combat training. Yet her inner strength and unwavering faith empower Nero in his endless struggles.

Her compassion provides refuge to Nero from the harsh realities of the demon-hunting lifestyle. And her fidelity rewards him after each hard-fought victory on the battlefield by welcoming the weary warrior home with warmth and affection when so many others fear and shun him.

Verdict: Kyrie as Nero‘s Girlfriend

In conclusion, Kyrie clearly stands out as Nero’s steadfast girlfriend in DMC5 – the faithful woman behind the man. Her humor, compassion, and support renew Nero’s dedication to the good fight, shielding his humanity from the hellish abyss.

No demon-hunting temptress or femme fatale, Kyrie’s down-to-earth relationship with Nero is a grounded counterpoint to Dante and Vergil’s bombastic world-saving exploits. With his Kyrie to come home to, Nero fights hardest of all to defend their little corner of sanctuary against the encroaching forces of darkness.

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