Who is Princess Peach‘s Husband in 2024?

As a longtime gamer and Mario franchise enthusiast, this is a question I‘ve pondered for decades. Princess Peach remains one of gaming‘s most iconic damsels-in-distress – endlessly kidnapped by Bowser, and rescued by the heroic Mario.

Many of us fans have wondered, will Mario and Peach ever officially tie the knot? Or is Peach fated to stay single for all of Nintendo eternity?

Peach and Mario: Gaming‘s Longstanding "Will They Won‘t They"

Since her debut in 1985, Peach‘s relationship with Mario has played out in largely subtle ways on the sidelines of their platforming adventures. They‘ve never outright declared themselves an official couple.

But across countless quests to save Peach, cheerful celebrations after she‘s rescued, and even that ambiguous ending scene in Super Mario Odyssey – clues suggest a budding romance.

Gaming news sites have followed every hint of Mario and Peach growing closer through the years:

  • 1996: Peach‘s emotional thank you letter in Super Mario 64
  • 2006 fan poll shows 75% want them to get married
  • 2020: Wedding theme & extended dance scene in Paper Mario: The Origami King

But the relationship status remains eternally vague. Are they just close friends, hopeful lovers, or soon-to-be newlyweds?

Theories from Developers and Voice Actors

Nintendo creators have played coy when asked for input on Mario and Peach as a potential couple. Longtime Super Mario game producer Yoshiaki Koizumi gave this cryptic response in 2012:

"If I answer this, Mr. Miyamoto will come get me!"

But Charles Martinet, who has voiced Mario since the 90‘s, shared a much more enthusiastic perspective on a possible wedding storyline:

“I’m hoping that there will be an escalation […] Maybe we’ll have the pitter-patter of little feet and more characters added to the Mario universe.”

So at least the man behind Mario‘s voice is rooting for his on-screen relationship to keep progressing!

Will Upcoming Projects Confirm a Romance?

Rumors have circulated for years that Nintendo may revisit the Mario film adaptation concept, whether as animated movie or live-action blockbuster with stars like Ryan Reynolds and Chris Pratt.

If a new Super Mario movie does finally get made, that presents the perfect opportunity to canonize Mario and Peach as an official item! Film writers could easily incorporate a marriage proposal or wedding scene to culminate their history of uncertain courtship from the video games.

And the games themselves continue hinting in that direction…

In late 2022 footage, Peach is shown wearing a diamond ring in new Nintendo Switch Sports boxing gameplay. Is this merely an accessory choice by creators? Or a subtle confirmation that wedding bells may finally be on the horizon for gaming‘s eternal "love interests"?

Only time will tell when or whether Mario and Peach officially tie the knot. But as a gamer who has relished seeing this romance bloom through subtle moments across incredible adventures, I‘m hopeful that in an upcoming game or movie the ultimate power-up will come…when Princess Peach gains a husband!

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