Who is R in Hogwarts Mystery?

As an avid Hogwarts Mystery player myself, I couldn‘t help but dive deeper into analyzing one of the game‘s most compelling mysteries: who exactly is the shadowy R group? After spending countless hours uncovering clues across the game‘s seven years of content, here‘s what fans like myself have pieced together about this secret society – and what questions still remain.

R‘s Ominous Goals and Influence

While R‘s exact motivations remain obscure, their interest in the legendary Cursed Vaults suggests their larger aim is claiming powerful magical artifacts for currently unknown purposes. Given their willingness to recruit (or coerce) Hogwarts students like Merula Snyde, they clearly don‘t hesitate to identify potential new allies early on. And considering the looming war depicted in the main Harry Potter series, purist politics could very well influence R‘s ideology and worldview as well.

In fact, J.K. Rowling herself has hinted that the First Wizarding War likely involved more factions than just the Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters – perhaps R represented another splinter group operating in the shadows? Fans have even theorized that R might have fomented conflict behind the scenes between the two established factions for their own benefit.

Is R Working Inside Hogwarts?

We know R certainly has no qualms with interfering at Hogwarts, whether through informants like Merula Snyde or directly like former professor Patricia Rakepick, who quickly became one of the story‘s central antagonists. This begs the troubling question – could other faculty like Severus Snape also have ties to the Cabal? Circumstantial evidence is there: Snape shows little distress over Rowan‘s death and Penelope‘s petrification during Year 6, and already has a background as a reformed Death Eater to boot…

While we can‘t rule out benign explanations, Snape‘s history with the Dark Arts clearly warrants suspicion. As both a Slytherin Prefect myself in the game and a Potter lore nerd, I‘m keeping a close eye on his involvement moving forward!

Theories on R‘s Enigmatic Leader

Suspected LeaderEvidence ForEvidence Against
Patricia RakepickFormer R member; obsession with Cursed VaultsSeems to have her own agenda
Merula Snyde‘s ParentsHistorical connections to Cabal; passed down ideology?Identity never confirmed
New CharacterFresh villain with unknown backstoryBreaks franchise conventions

While Patricia Rakepick and Merula Snyde seem to have strong ties to R, neither feels like an obvious sole mastermind behind the society. As an avid consumer of Potter theories myself, my personal hunch is that the ultimate reveal of R‘s high commander will end up surprising long-time fans.

Perhaps a figure assumed innocent for years or someone lurking more subtly than a clear antagonist like Rakepick. A confrontation is undoubtedly coming between R and the player as the Cursed Vaults storyline progresses – but I don‘t expect an easy victory once their leader emerges from the shadows!

The Missing History Between R and Jacob

As exciting as speculation can be however, the most frustrating gaps in R‘s background perhaps center around my own character‘s sibling. What was Jacob‘s actual involvement with this secret group? What made a promising young Gryffindor and aspiring professor consort with such sinister allies to begin with?

Hopefully resolving Year 7‘s cliffhanger plot twist will finally unveil more concrete details about R‘s past operations. Jacob himself likely holds answers that could contextualize the Cabal‘s aims during the era before You-Know-Who‘s downfall. What‘s clear already is that deception and layered ulterior motives rule the day when it comes to unlocking R‘s secrets!

In any franchise with decades of mythology though, persistent fans willing to put in the investigative work are rewarded with those thrilling ‘a-ha‘ moments when obscure clues fit together. And with mystery after mystery in this game still awaiting resolution, Hogwarts Mystery devotees like myself will keep hunting for answers!

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