Who is Raiden Mei in Love With?

As a passionate gamer and Honkai Impact 3rd expert, I get asked this question a lot from fans who want the inside scoop on Mei‘s romantic relationships. After analyzing all of the lore and scenes across the Honkai universe, the answer is clear:

Raiden Mei is deeply and truly in love with Kiana Kaslana.

A Deep Bond Forged in Childhood

Mei and Kiana have an extraordinarily close relationship that formed when they were children growing up together at an orphanage. Even at a young age, Mei was very protective of Kiana, who had repeated health issues. She would stay by Kiana‘s side for days whenever she was sick.

As they grew older, their affection and dedication to each other only grew stronger. Though they bicker at times, they care immensely for one another and would sacrifice anything to keep the other safe.

Intensely Romantic Feelings

While some fans speculate that Mei and Kiana‘s relationship is merely a close childhood friendship, there are countless scenes and moments that make the romantic nature crystal clear:

  • Kiana frequently publicly declares her love for Mei in very direct terms, causing Mei to blush and get flustered
  • The two are openly affectionate, hugging, handholding, and cuddling together even in combat situations
  • Mei tenderly caresses Kiana‘s face and protects her in combat with fierce devotion
  • The depth of feeling and protectiveness Mei shows towards Kiana goes far beyond ordinary friendship

In the Second Eruption manga, Mei directly calls Kiana "the one I love most in this world." And in recent chapters, Kiana declares she wants to be Mei‘s bride. While Mei gets embarrassed by such overt shows of affection, there is no doubt she reciprocates Kiana‘s romantic feelings based on her actions, gaze, and dedication to Kiana above all else.

What About Kevin Kaslana?

Some fans point to Mei‘s close relationship with Kevin Kaslana as evidence she may harbor romantic feelings for him as well. However, a close analysis shows that while Mei cares deeply for Kevin, those feelings are not romantic in nature:

  • Mei created a test tube baby using their genes only to try to pass on Kevin‘s special powers to a new human that could survive, not out of romantic interest
  • Their interactions, while filled with caring and trust, lack any overt signs of romantic attraction
  • Mei‘s devotion to Kevin pales in comparison to the utterly selfless love she shows towards Kiana

Kevin himself shows no romantic interest in Mei either. His only romantic relationship was with Dr. MEI (a different character) 50,000 years ago.

The Evidence is Clear

So after looking closely at Mei‘s various relationships and scenes across the expansive Honkai universe, the evidence overwhelmingly points to Kiana Kaslana being Raiden Mei‘s one true love. She displays a fierce, protective, unconditional devotion to Kiana that goes beyond friendship into an intensely romantic bond. And while she cares for Kevin as a dear friend and comrade, those feelings simply don‘t compare to the depth of her love for Kiana.

As a Mei expert, I hope this breakdown helps explain exactly why she and Kiana are so perfectly matched together! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about Mei‘s romantic interests.

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