Who is Raiden Shogun‘s Son?

Let‘s cut to the chase: Scaramouche, also known as Kunikuzushi or “The Balladeer,” is considered to be Raiden Shogun’s secret “son” of sorts. I know, crazy right?! As a long-time fan who analyzes Genshin lore and fan theories for a living, unraveling this bombshell has been wild.

The Shocking Truth About Scaramouche’s Origins

While his past remains shrouded in mystery, various artifact sets and character bios confirm one thing: Scaramouche was spawned from Raiden Ei‘s divine consciousness, as an early prototype for the Raiden Shogun vessel.

Created to be a peerless prototype capable of holding an Archon Gnosis, Raiden Ei seemingly poured her energy and ambition into Scaramouche’s design. His Pale Flame artifact description says it all:

“He was born with a face fairer than any other, destined to a long life and a hollow will.”

A face fairer than any other?! That sounds like the doting description of a mother about her beloved child. What’s more, Scaramouche’s very name means “little skirmisher” — could it be an old pet name from Raiden herself?

The implications boggle the mind. While not biological, their bond echoes that of a mother and son at creation. Of course, this connection turned sour when Scaramouche fled Inazuma after failing to meet Raiden’s sky-high expectations. Hell hath no fury!

Still, their fates seem forever interlinked. Like a prodigal son, might Scaramouche eventually return to Raiden’s side? Or will he oppose her as the leader of the Fatui Harbingers? Only time will tell…and you bet this lore hound will be watching!

Comparing Scaramouche and the Raiden Shogun Puppet

Now, the Raiden Shogun as we know her is merely a second attempt by Ei to create a perfect vessel after Scaramouche’s defection. But the similarities between them highlight their “family” connection:

  • Same Element and Energy: They both wield Electro energy and power. Like mother, like son!
  • Similar Appearances: Pale skin, dark hair — even facial structure bears uncanny resemblence!
  • Identical Eye Sigils: As many fans have pointed out, their eye markings are practically the same. A dead giveaway about their relationship!

Very similar eye sigils between Scaramouche and Raiden Shogun (credit: silvershard on Tumblr)

With connections this blatant, their bond seems obvious in retrospect. What’s most fascinating is speculating how Raiden viewed Scaramouche centuries ago.

Raiden’s Mindset and Motivations

Creating new life is no trivial matter, even for a goddess. So why did Raiden Ei take this monumental risk by spawning Scaramouche as a Gnosis vessel test?

Likely, she saw this as the first step towards eternity by replacing fallible biology with perfect artificiality. And with the Gnosis system itself on the decline, these ambitions would have been at their peak.

In Scaramouche, I believe Ei tried pouring her deepest hopes and dreams, aiming to shape a flawless heir that could carry on her legacy. His Pale Flame description shows how highly she must have thought of him initially. Though when he abandoned her ideals entirely, well…scorned mothers have limits!

While mere speculation, wondering about Ei’s thought process never ceases to intrigue me as a writer. And after recent Archon quests humanizing her character, this “what if” seems more relevant than ever!

Concluding Thoughts and Theories

To conclude, Scaramouche occupying such a personal, painful place in Raiden Ei’s conscience perhaps foreshadows their confrontation in later updates. Either path leads to emotional fireworks!

As for theories? My personal bet says Scaramouche further rebels by claiming the Electro Gnosis for himself from Lesser Lord Kusanali. Outlandish maybe, but he has the cunning and means to disregard divine authority. And for one so obsessed with godhood and destiny, seizing De facto Archon status would fulfil his ultimate validation!

Of course I could be totally off-base. That’s the fun with theorycrafting! But after uncovering his tragic origins as Raiden’s “son”, Scaramouche’s role in the Genshin Impact narrative feels too central to not reemerge. Just remember where you heard these predictions first once his banner goes live!

Over six centuries past, Raiden Shogun may view her wayward progeny as merely a failed experiment. But with the truth unearthed, their surprising yet undeniable “family history” remains an emotional anchor for Scaramouche Defines their conflict going forward. And that alone speaks volumes.

So tell me, what do YOU think comes next for Genshin’s most startling “mother and son” saga once the dust settles in Sumeru? Let’s connect on Discord to swap theories!

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