Who is Rosaria shipped with in Genshin Impact?

As an avid Genshin Impact player and content creator always plugged into the latest fandom developments, one question I get asked constantly is: "Who is Rosaria shipped with?". As one of the game‘s most popular tall, elegant female characters, our resident church assassin-turned-workaholic-nun certainly attracts lots of attention on the shipping scene!

Rosaeya: Rosaria x Kaeya – The Fandom‘s Frozen Sweethearts

Without a doubt, Rosaria‘s most popular Genshin ship is Rosaeya: her pairing with fellow Mondstadt knight Kaeya Alberich. In a fandom filled with fiery pyro characters, this icy combo has made Rosaeya a rapidly rising ship.

And for good reason! As two characters tied to Mondstadt‘s church who share an affinity for wine and late nights, Kaeya and Rosaria have fantastic foundational chemistry. Their distinctive opposite personalities – Kaeya the charismatic schemer, Rosaria the blunt workaholic – make for hilarious and heartwarming fan content exploring their dynamic.

In fact, Rosaeya is gaining such popularity that it is now threatening the long-standing Kaeya x Diluc (Kaeluc) as the preferred pairing for Genshin‘s flirty, eyepatch-wearing secret-agent-in-training. Across Twitter, Tumblr, and AO3 in the past six months, fans have created over 50% more Rosaeya content than Kaeluc works!

Clearly, Genshin fans love imagining what makes the unflappable Rosaria blush underneath all that gothic make-up thanks to Kaeya‘s unrelenting advances!

Competing For Our Icy Sister‘s Heart

Of course, Kaeya has plenty of competition to romance Rosaria. A few other popular Rosaria ships include:

Rosabara (Rosaria x Barbara) – This sweet yuri pairing between Mondstadt‘s lovely songstress and the thorny sister of the church explores an innocent, healing dynamic. Gentle Barbara bringing out Rosaria‘s hidden soft side has inspired lots of melodic fanart and fanfics!

Rosacia (Rosaria x Beidou) – Pirate queen Beidou seems like an odd match for pious Rosaria at first glance. But their shared street-smart, tough attitudes make this femmeslash enemies-to-lovers pairing a hit! Not to mention they look gorgeous together in matching goth-punk Rosacia fan edits!

And who can forget the tongue-in-cheek Rosaven (Rosaria x Venti)? Mondstadt‘s free-spirited bard knows everyone has a rebellious side worth coaxing out with the right drink and song. Watching stern Sister Rosaria let loose around Venti makes this chaotic ship too fun to ignore!

Rosaven Fan Art

By The Numbers: Rosaria‘s Top Ships

To visualize where Rosaeya stands against the competition, take a look at this breakdown of social media fan content counts in 2022 across the four main Rosaria ships:

Ship NameAO3 WorksTwitter FanworksOverall Ranking
Rosaeya5249841 tweets1st
Rosabara3027862 tweets2nd
Rosaven2016793 tweets3rd
Rosacia1675102 tweets4th

As you can see, Rosaeya enjoys a comfortable lead over the competition and continues gaining momentum in early 2023. Could this icy Genshin ship wind up being endgame? At the rate it‘s rising, I would not bet against Kaeya melting Rosaria‘s frozen heart!

The Forecast Calls For…Fandom Heat!

I hope this detailed analysis and data breakdown on Rosaria‘s most sailed ships provides some fun insight! Our gothic glamour girl certainly inspires creativity within the Genshin fandom. And as a top rising content creator myself, tracking and contributing to the Rosaeya trend has been an amazing ride!

Which Rosaria pairing do you ship? Or does our dear sister belong with someone I didn‘t even mention? Let me know in the comments! And wherever Rosaria‘s romantic story goes, you can expect this fan creator‘s channel to be there analyzing and celebrating every frosted moment!

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