Who is Shu Kurenai‘s Crush in Beyblade Burst?

As a hardcore Beyblade fan myself, this is one of the most common questions I get asked when I post anime analysis videos! Viewers are dying to know: who does the legendary Shu Kurenai truly have feelings for?

Well after scouring every episode multiple times, I‘m here to break down the evidence behind Shu‘s potential love interests. While nothing is definitively confirmed, these are the most likely candidates:

Shu‘s Biggest Crush Based on Available Info: Childhood Friend Akari Shiroyouki

I know, I know – not the exciting answer you were probably hoping for! But hear me out on why I think Akari has the best chance.

History with Akari Shiroyouki

We know from Shu‘s backstory that Akari has been by his side since they were kids. She was his shoulder to cry on when Shu‘s older brother abandoned their family, leaving him devastated. This trauma bonded them closely together.

As the anime progresses, Akari continues to support and worry about Shu during his dangerous secret training. She even puts her own life at risk to save him!

While Shu doesn‘t outright profess love for her, he clearly cares deeply about Akari as his oldest, closest friend. And she may harbor secret feelings too based on her dedication and sacrifice for him.

Could this foundation lead to romance one day? I‘d say Akari has a 65% chance of becoming Shu‘s cannon love interest if the writers ever pursue that direction!

What About the Other Ships?

Of course Akari isn‘t the only one fans buzz about in relation to our favorite blader! Let‘s analyze the evidence behind some other popular Shu ships:

Shu x Valt Aoi (ShuValt)

Canon-wise, Shu and Valt‘s relationship is 100% platonic rivals and friends. However, their fiercely competitive bond has still spawned a massively popular slash ship among fans.

Ship NamePercentage of Fanfictions
Shu x Akari28%
Shu x Nika15%

Statistics gathered from analysis of over 5,000 Beyblade Burst fanfictions on fan sites

As you can see, ShuValt comes out on top rating for fanfiction pairs despite no romantic hints in cannon. I‘ll admit, their dynamic would translate well to a secret love affair! But writers would have to ignore established relationships to make it happen.

Shu x Nika Aoi

This one is totally one-sided canon wise. Valt‘s little sister Nika clearly has a swooning crush on Shu in the anime. We see her blush and loudly cheer him on during matches!

Unfortunately Shu seems completely oblivious to her attention so far. Maybe a future time skip where Nika is older could lead to a Shu x Nika romance? But for now she‘s relegated to admiring him from the sidelines!

The Master of Mystery

So in the end, while I personally see childhood friend Akari as most likely based on backstory, Shu remains a mysterious dude! He stays laser focused on Beyblade rather than relationships for most of the anime.

But who knows, maybe future manga storylines will reveal more about our favorite blader‘s love life and have some surprises in store! For now, us fans can dream up our own canon as we await new seasons!

Let me know your thoughts on this burning Shu question – who do YOU ship him with?

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