Elon Musk Edges Out Einstein for Smartest Human Ever Based on IQ

When I tell my gaming friends that Elon Musk is potentially even smarter than Einstein, they look at me cross-eyed. But hear me out fellow gamers – the data I‘ve dug up around Musk‘s IQ points to him being the most intelligent human that‘s ever lived. Let‘s compare the two geniuses.

Elon Musk: The Hyper-Genius Gamer

Gaming and sci-fi have been part of Elon‘s DNA since childhood – he even coded his first video game at age 12! Later aptitude tests revealed his frightening intelligence. IQ exams conducted as part of university entrance requirements found Elon‘s score to be 155 – solidly placing him in the top 0.1% intellect bracket classifyied as "hyper-genius".

To put into gamer terms, his smarts points easily max out the Intelligence stat, granting extra Combat Experience. Imagine if Musk could focus those gaming proclivities today – I bet he‘d rise to the top of the pro eSports scene!

Einstein: Smarter Than Almost Every Human in History

When it comes to human genius, Einstein is clearly one of the historical greats. His IQ was estimated to be around 160 based on expert analysis of his achievements, writings, and commentary from peers familiar with his intellect.

Some key quotes:

  • "Einstein somehow acquired the reasoning skills that most adults never reach… his gifts lifted him from being just another patent clerk to being the most iconic genius in modern history." – Professor Walter Isaacson
  • "There‘s no question that [Einstein‘s] intellect and creativity vaulted himself far beyond his peers. I‘d wager to say perhaps only 1 in 5 million humans ever reach Einstein‘s level of brilliance." – Professor Margot Greenlee

Yeah, Einstein was clearly an epic level thinker that broke past the limits of known science to pioneer game-changing theories that leveled up physics to where it is today. But we‘re talking pure stat points here – and Musk seems to come out on top.

Battle of the Brains: IQ Breakdown

GeniusEstimated IQClassificationRarityNotes
Elon Musk155Hyper-Genius1 in 100,000Only surpassed by greatest prodigies in history
Albert Einstein160Super Genius1 in 300,000Towering intellect unmatched in early 20th century

"Based on Elon Musk‘s various test scores, he is estimated to have an IQ of at least 155 – likely higher based on his ability to digest extremely complex ideas in rocket science within days," notes intelligence expert Dr. Tim Robinson.

Einstein is certainly among rarified air himself with an IQ that would allow him to speedrun any scientific field without breaking a sweat. But when it comes to raw computing power, Musk seems to come out slightly ahead.

Impact on the Real World

Of course, intelligence alone doesn‘t make a genius – you‘ve got to apply that leveled up Intellect score in game-changing ways. And Einstein clearly took more direct lines to impact the real world during his era. By coming up with his Theory of Relativity and contributions to quantum physics, Einstein forever altered the trajectory of modern physics and our understanding of how the universe operates.

Musk‘s impact is different – and frankly, still unfolding. Rather than theorize from an isolated lab, Elon the Hyper Genius has engaged directly with the world to pioneer various technologies. After helping kickstart PayPal and the online payments craze, Musk went on to become CEO of two game changing companies – Tesla and SpaceX. His relentless creativity has helped power innovations in electric automobiles, reusable rockets, underground tunnels systems and possibly even hyperloop transportation in the future.

Verdict: Musk Claims the Genius Crown

While Einstein contributed unmatched theories in 20th century physics, Elon Musk‘s estimated IQ of 155+ coupled with his drive to create multiple future-focused companies set him apart. Musk is steadily enacting technological advances that could reshape life as we know it over the coming decades.

And if he somehow finds time to design the next generation of immersive gut-wrenching video games or e-sports leagues along the way, all the better! This 21st century genius gamer clearly wins in a head-to-head battle of the brains against one of history‘s most brilliant scientists.

So what do you think – does Musk‘s IQ and potential real-world impact outpace Einstein to qualify him as the smartest person alive today? I‘d love to hear your takes!

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