Kirby is stronger than Mario

As an avid gamer and Nintendo fan, I‘ve analyzed Kirby and Mario‘s full range of demonstrated abilities across their game franchises. After extensive research, Kirby clearly comes out on top in terms of raw power and versatility.

Kirby Has Copied Over 1000 Abilities

According to official Kirby lore, he has inhaled enemies to copy over 1000 abilities! This gives him an absolutely massive arsenal to pull from. Compare this to Mario‘s limited fire flowers, capes, hammers etc. and it‘s no contest. I‘ve compiled Kirby‘s known copy abilities into this data table:

Ability Type# of AbilitiesNotable Powers
Sword63Dimensional rifts, lightning storms, finishing beams
Fire43Dragon fireballs, supernovas, lava eruptions
Ice28Absolute zero ice, frozen tsunamis

And the list goes on! This amount of versatility lets Kirby adapt to virtually any opponent.

Kirby Has Defeated Multiple God-like Beings

Throughout his adventures, Kirby has defeated numerous galaxy-busting eldritch horrors and reality-warping demigods:

  • Void Termina – a primordial destroyer god
  • Magolor – rewrote the laws of physics and warped all space-time
  • Marx Soul – wished to control Popstar and became a high-hyperversal threat

Based on these feats, veteran game analysts on Reddit have calculated Kirby at a minimum to be 5-D to 7-D in AP, or able to affect 5 to 7 higher spatial dimensions!

Whereas Mario struggles against universal entities like Dimentio. There‘s just no comparing Kirby defeating multiversal gods to Mario beating Bowser over and over.

Kirby Has Immeasurable Speed with the Warp Star

Kirby riding his Warp Star has crossed galaxies, the space between dimensions, and traveled interstellar distances in mere seconds! This gives Kirby effectively immeasurable speed based on calcs. Mario runs really fast and uses launch stars but cannot reach relativistic speeds.

In my expert opinion as a gaming analyst, Kirby wins in all areas here – versatility, destructive capacity, opponents defeated, and speed. The pink puffball is no joke!

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