Who Can Rival the Viltrumite Empire? Heroes That Surpass Omni-Man

As passionate gaming fans know, Nolan Grayson (Omni-Man) is one of the most powerful alien warriors from Invincible. But hardcore power scalers have debated – who can actually challenge or defeat Omni-Man and the Viltrumite Empire? In this guide, we analyze heroes that rival or surpass even top-tier Viltrumites.

Top Dog of the Viltrumites – Thragg‘s True Power Level

When it comes to sheer stats and combat experience, Thragg far exceeds any Viltrumite. As revealed in later Invincible arcs, Thragg was trained from birth to lead the conquest of worlds. His Viltrumite Power Levels across the board prove why:

Strength100+, able to one-shot ThaedusClass 100+
SpeedMassively Hypersonic+, battles in microsecondsHypersonic+
DurabilityMulti-Continent Level via powerscalingSmall Country Level+

With twice the power and triple the battle class of other Viltrumites, Thragg dominated Omni-Man in their final confrontation – nearly ripping Nolan in half before Omni-Man‘s timely escape. In a prolonged slugfest, Thragg‘s training and experience would allow him to outlast and pummel Omni-Man.

Verdict: Thragg far eclipses any Viltrumite. But enough about these space conquerors – on to rival heroes!

Stronger and Faster – It‘s Superman!

Let‘s analyze how the iconic Superman compares to facing off against Nolan and his Viltrumite allies:

NameTop AttributeFeat
SupermanStrengthSneezed a Solar System away
Omni-ManStrengthTop Viltrumites cracked 1 planet after days

The disparity in Superman‘s casual demonstration of power versus Omni-Man‘s best quantifiable feats shows why the Man of Steel dominates. Factor in speed, durability, versatility – and Superman batters away all Viltrumite challengers.

Verdict: No contest – a bloodlusted Superman snaps even Thragg like a twig. Onto more Omni-Man versus debates!

Hulk Smash Puny Viltrumite!

Now let‘s dive into an analysis on everyone‘s favorite Green Goliath – the Incredible Hulk!

While Omni-Man can trade blows with an enraged Hulk, there is no lasting victory against a hero with infinite strength scaling. We break it down in this table:

Hulk Header Image

CombatantWin ConConditions
Omni-ManEarly speed blitz + combat skillBefore Hulk gets angry
HulkGoes into max Worldbreaker rage modeIf fight drags on

A quick ambush by Omni-Man may catch the Hulk offguard for an early win. But the longer the Hulk fights – the exponentially greater his power grows. And once Worldbreaker Hulk comes out at 100+ rage stacks, Omni-Man gets thunderclapped into oblivion.

Omni-Man Fodder for God-King Thor

Let‘s see how an ascended Thor powered by the Odinforce would demolish all challengers from Viltrum:

NameWin ConditionFeats
Thor (Odinforce/Rune King)Reality warping abilitiesRewrote Marvel continuity
Thragg???Planet-Level DC

Once wielding the Odinforce or becoming Rune King Thor, the God of Thunder becomes ridiculously overpowered – exceeding cosmic entities in might. No amount of Viltrumite strength or speed can answer literal rewrite reality abilities. GG Omni-Man – he gets blinked out of existence!

While destroyer of worlds Omni-Man and top dog Thragg sit firmly as S-tier powerhouses, they face stiff competition from DC/Marvel‘s best. Versatile warriors like Superman, Thor, Hulk at max power not only match Nolan‘s might – but utterly eclipse Viltrum feats. Omni-Man flies high as Invincible‘s #1 hero, but remains outclassed by these legendary juggernauts.

So what do you think – can anyone topple the Viltrumite war machine? Let us know your takes in the comments!

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