Who is stronger: Tory or Sam?

As a long-time Cobra Kai fan, one of the most hotly debated questions in the fandom is: who would prevail between the series‘ two strongest female fighters, Tory Nichols and Samantha LaRusso? Both are gifted martial artists with contrasting styles and a bitter rivalry that has produced epic, brutal fights over the past two seasons. But who has the edge? Let‘s explore what the canon tells us so far.

The Case for Tory

Tory showcases tremendous physical gifts including strength, speed, agility and endurance. According to the Karate Kid Wiki, her Cobra Kai training under Kreese and Silver hones these natural talents into a lethal, aggressive fighting style. She also demonstrates a killer instinct, using spiked knuckles and attacking Sam‘s prior injury without mercy.

Tory currently leads their rivalry 2-1 in major fights:

Season 2 School FightTory
Season 4 All Valley FinalTory
Season 5 Underground FinalSam

Her All Valley win is contentious due to cheating allegations, but she earned a decisive, legal point against Sam last season. With her athletic gifts and ruthless mentality, many fans argue Tory has proven herself the superior fighter.

The Case for Sam

Yet Sam should not be underestimated. Daniel LaRusso‘s daughter has her own impressive resume: defending All Valley champion, trained in Miyagi-do karate, and the only fighter with winning records against both Tory (1-2) and Miguel (2-0).

What Sam may lack in raw physicality she makes up for in skill and adaptability. The Karate Kid Wiki notes her evasive, counterattacking style targets opponents‘ weaknesses – allowing her to defeat bigger, stronger foes like Tory.

While Tory dictated their Season 4 fight, Sam still managed an illegal point by capitalizing on an opening, showcasing her skill despite injury issues. Their Season 5 bout was incredibly close, decided by a single, disputed point – indicating how evenly matched they remain.

Assessing the Rivalry

When these bitter rivals square off, victory always hangs in the balance. While impossible to definitively call, based on in-universe canonical feats so far I would currently give Tory a slight 55-45 edge. Her final-round All Valley win is the biggest achievement between them, and her physicality could gradually overwhelm Sam in extended fights.

However, Sam has an undeniable heart, grit and karate pedigree of her own. With Chozen‘s training now supplementing her skills, I anticipate she will continue closing the gap next season. Their rivalry feels destined for at least one more saga-defining showdown.

So who do you have in a fight between Cobra Kai‘s leading ladies? The debate amongst fans rages on and the show could take things in many directions. But either way, when Tory and Sam step onto the mat, an epic karate clash for the ages is virtually guaranteed!

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