Who Leads the Angels Against the Forces of Hell in Diablo?

In the eternally raging conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, one angel rises above all others to lead the fight against the demonic evils that threaten the realm of Sanctuary—Imperius, the Archangel of Valor and Aspect of Valor. As the de facto leader of the ruling Angiris Council and undisputed champion of angelkind, Imperius stands at the forefront in the war against Diablo and his vile brethren.

Imperius, Aspect of Valor and Warrior Supreme

Imperius exemplifies the virtue of valor and courage, serving as a peerless warrior and battlefield commander over creation‘s long war against demonkind. His prowess and zeal for destroying evil is unmatched among angels.

  • Possessing incredible combat abilities and strategical knowledge after eons of warring with demons
  • Wields Solarion, a legendary spear imbued with fires of the Arch‘s valor
  • His angelic armor and wings shine with righteous fury and unrelenting determination
    -Led angels to victory over Diablo‘s brothers—Baal and Mephisto—banishing them back to the Burning Hells

However, Imperius is also known for a rigid focus on duty over all else, and displays a fiery temper when he perceives evil thriving under his watch. His anger led to conflict:

  • Harbored deep contempt for Diablo and the Great Evils ruining Creation‘s balance
  • Clashed frequently with Tyrael over decisions like helping humanity and becoming mortal
  • Unwilling to adapt strategies or moderate ruthless methods against demons

Yet none can match Imperius for sheer combat skill and commitment to defeating the Burning Hells forever. For the Angiris Council, he is still primus inter pares—first among equals.

The Angiris Council – Heaven‘s Ruling Body

The Angiris Council is comprised of the five archangels empowered by the Crystal Arch to preside over creation:

MalthaelWisdom (formerly)
TyraelJustice (mortal)

Originally united under Malthael’s leadership, tensions emerged once demons first spilled into creation, leading to Diablo‘s rise:

  • Malthael abandoned Heaven, renouncing angelhood after humanity was born from rogue angel Inarius and demon Lilith
  • Imperius has since assumed command against the demonic threat in Malthael‘s absence
  • Tyrael’s acts to aid humans instead of fighting Diablo directly led to further disagreements with Imperius

Now with Malthael mysteriously vanishing, Diablo defeated, and Tyrael made mortal, Imperius reigns over the council leading the war effort while other members support roles.

Analysis: Valor‘s Burden in an Endless War

As Diablo‘s demonic forces rally again, does Imperius have what it takes to lead heaven‘s hosts against the dark forces threatening Creation?

  • His combat record and commitment is undisputed after eons of war
  • But rigid fixation on fighting over more nuanced approaches may not apply as demons evolve
  • Angels numbers also dwindle with losses each era, limiting traditional tactics
  • Humanity‘s rise adds moral dimensions to war decisions that he struggles to account for

Only time will tell if Valor‘s ways still serve against Terror‘s innovations. But with Tyrael mortal, Auriel withdrawn, Itherael passive, and Malthael absent, Heaven continues to be led judiciously or not by its foremost remaining champion archangel.

For now, Hell awaits Imperius’ spear as he charges furiously ahead to purge evil in fiery waves. And Diablo shall feel his wrath above all other demons.

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