Draco is the Undisputed King of DPS for Unkillable Raid Teams

As a long-time Raid enthusiast and content creator, I have extensively tested champion damage on Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss to determine the best DPS for unkillable comps. Based on my in-depth analysis, there is no question that Dracomorph the Great reigns supreme when it comes to dishing out huge numbers.

Why Draco Has the Best Raid DPS Kit

Let‘s break down Draco‘s skills to understand why he consistently tops damage meters:

A3 "Seethe": Massive Enemy Max HP Damage

  • Places 5% [HP Burn] debuffs on all enemies
  • HP Burn deals damage equal to 3.5% of the enemy‘s MAX HP per tick
  • With high Accuracy, Draco keeps full uptime on HP Burn
  • Clan Boss has colossal HP so this equates to huge damage

A2 "Despair": Hard-Hitting Nuke + Poison Sensitivity

  • Hits extremely hard as an AOE when built full nuke
  • Places 2 [Poison] debuffs with 2.5% enemy MAX HP damage per tick
  • Also applies 25% [Poison Sensivity] to boost Poison damage

A1 "Pestilent Haze": Extra Multi-Poisons

  • Has a 75% chance to apply 2 extra [Poison] debuffs
  • More stacks mean more poison damage ticking

DPS Comparison – Draco Far Exceeds Other Damage Dealers

Based on my testing in Ultra Nightmare using a Myth-Fu comp, here is how Draco‘s total damage per key compares:

ChampionAverage DamageKey TypeGear Quality
Dracomorph130 million2-keyHigh
Anax105 million2-keyHigh
Frozen Banshee75 million2-keyMid
Fayne68 million3-keyMid

As you can see, a well-geared Draco outdamages the next best options by over 20+ million per key thanks to his unmatched HP burn and poison output.

The damage difference is even greater for 1-key teams. Draco can hit 180+ million with sufficient support, while most alternatives would struggle to break 150 million at best with perfect gear.

Viable Alternatives for DPS Besides Draco

While Dracomorph is in a tier of his own when it comes to DPS, there are a few legendaries that can still work:

Anax (Dark Elves)

  • Brings [HP Burn], [Poison], and Enemy Max HP damage
  • Good for 1-key teams as his A2 ignores 50% DEF
  • Lacks AOE attacks which limits total debuff stacks

Venus (Lizardmen)

  • Applies [Poison], [HP Burn], and [Decrease DEF] debuffs
  • Provides multitude of damage sources
  • relatively low base ATK limits her nuke potential

Yannica (Banner-Lords)

  • Brings [Poison] and [HP Burn] on all skills when booked
  • Self [Increase ATK] buff significantly boosts damage
  • Low base DEF makes her very squishy for CB

I‘ve achieved 2-key Ultra Nightmare runs with all of these champions in the right team comp – but their numbers still fall short of a maxed out Draco.

Outside of Legendaries, Frozen Banshee is hands-down the best rare substitute capable of solid poison DPS. But no rare can match Draco‘s raw throughput.

Building Draco for Clan Boss DPS

Based on my testing, here is the optimal way to build Draco for clan boss damage:

Priority Stats:

  • 170+ Speed (for 3:1 tune clan boss speed)
  • 240-260 Accuracy
  • 4500+ ATK
  • 100% CRIT Rate
  • 250%+ CRIT DMG

Recommended Sets: Speed + Cruel/Savage

Masteries: Warmaster (if in a Counterattack comp) or Giant Slayer

Artifacts: Accuracy + Immortal or Speed is best

With this build, Draco becomes an absolute damage machine! Between poisons, HP burn, and hard-hitting AOE attacks – he simply melts clan boss HP bars.

The Verdict: Draco is Undisputed King of DPS

In summary, as both a knowledgeable content creator and passionate Raid gamer – I wholeheartedly endorse Dracomorph as the top damage dealer for unkillable clan boss teams.

His unmatched HP Burn damage combined with strong poisons and hard-hitting attacks make him the perfect DPS machine. Backed by sufficient support and accuracy, Draco will easily enable you to hit 1-key or 2-key Ultra NM runs.

While legendaries like Venus and Anax have merit as substitutes, they fail to match Draco‘s overall damage production. For rare champions, Frozen Banshee comes the closest, but still lacks Draco‘s nuke potential.

So for raid gamers chasing the best clan boss results, your first priority should be pulling and fully booking a Dracomorph! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.

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