Serana – The Ultimate Necromancer Follower in Skyrim

As an aspiring master of life and death magic in Skyrim, choosing the right follower can mean the difference between a formidable undead horde and a lackluster squad of bonewalkers. Through extensive first-hand testing and research, the verdict is clear – Serana is hands-down the best companion for a necromancy build.

Right from the start, Serana brings so much to the table. As a powerful necromancer herself, she complements and enhances your spellcasting rather than just filling a support role. Combined, you can unleash complete domination via strength of numbers.

Why Serana is Perfect for Necromancers

Serana exceeds other followers in synergizing with dark magic:

Master Necromancer

Unlike most followers, Serana doesn‘t just accept and assist with necromancy – she expands on it tremendously. With her mastery of conjuration, she raises an entire second squad of undead from fallen foes which stacks with your own. Where most followers would raise your squad by one, she doubles it.

Destruction Magic Arsenal

While necromancy focuses on animate dead spells, Serana wields master-level destructive magic. She softens up dangerous targets with icy spears, health draining, and soul traps so your skeleton legion can sweep in for the kill. This perfect offense/defense pairing makes her indispensable.

Melee Flexibility

When her magicka reserves run low, Serana switches seamlessly to her enchanted dagger with a devastating health absorption strike. She knows when to thin enemy ranks with magic from a distance, and when to finish them off up close and personal. This well-rounded skillset keeps her contributing regardless of situation.

Undead Bonuses

Since Serana is undead, she receives all the bonuses from perks and effects targeting the undead. Necromage makes all incoming spells more potent when directed at her. And any healing spells restoring the undead will work on her as well.

Being able to raise the bodies of fallen enemies and double that amount takes the signature necromancer move to another level. Paired with destruction magic, melee skills, and undead perks, Serana forms the ultimate necro squad.

Why Other Followers Fall Short

While Serana is in a league of her own as a necromancer partner, some may argue followers like Marcurio could compare:


This mercenary wizard can complement spellcasting with sparks and cloaks. However, Marcurio struggles in sustained combat when his magicka reserves dry up. He also fails to contribute directly to the key necromancer strategy of building a horde of minions. While helpful at times, he simply doesn‘t synergize to the degree Serana does.


The Khajiit apprentice mage is technically skilled, but too unpredictable with a penchant for experimental and volatile flame cloak spells. Not worth risking your entire undead horde in the splash damage! His conjuration abilities also nowhere near Serana‘s level.


As a conjuration apprentice, Brelyna accepts and assists with animation spells. However, her skill level caps far too low. By mid-game she can no longer contribute meaningfully. Serana scales infinitely and never becomes obsolete.

No other follower compares to having a twin necromancer watching your back. Serana should be any dark wizard‘s first choice!

Optimal Necromancer/Serana Gameplay Tactics

Through hundreds of hours perfecting my vampire/necromancer Dragonborn build alongside Serana, I‘ve identified some highly effective tactics:

  • Always loot enemy mages for spell tomes. Use these to enable Serana to expand her destruction and conjuration arsenal. She can learn up to 75 spells over time!
  • Enchant her dagger with Absorb Health to make up for lack of armor. Bonus necromage boost synergy since she is undead.
  • Fill soul gems rapidly with bound weapons then use to power up Serana‘s staff. She burns through soul gems quickly with near endless casting.
  • Act first as the ranged attacker while Serana draws attention up close. She makes an excellent distraction for enemies while you bombard them from behind with animate dead.
  • Time reanimation spells perfectly when Serana is renewing ward spells. Enemies will change targets giving both of you a chance to recoup.

The Bottom Line

While followers like Marcurio can assist to a degree, only Serana has the skillset and synergies to take a necromancy-focused Dragonborn to the next level. She should be the first recruit for any conjurer on the path of the dark arts!

I‘ve tried different combinations over the years – J‘zargo‘s reckless fire spells jeopardizing armies of raised dead got old very fast. Brelyna could not continue contributing past level 40. In the end, I always return to Serana for the perfect match of offense, defense and flexible combat capabilities.

For raw doubling power with animate dead alone, Serana is necromancer gold. Combine her other magic mastery and combat skills, and she simply can‘t be beat as a follower for this playstyle!

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