Diona is Undoubtedly the Best Healer for Ayaka

As a diehard Ayaka main with over 200 hours of gameplay focused on testing her team compositions, I can definitively say her best healer is none other than our favorite bartender-catgirl – Diona!

Let‘s dive into why Diona is such an invaluable part of Ayaka‘s freeze teams and how she enables Ayaka to reach her full damage potential.

Diona‘s Kit Synergizes Perfectly With Ayaka

Diona may seem underwhelming at first glance but her abilities line up flawlessly to empower Ayaka teams:

Massive Cryo Particle Generation

Diona‘s press E generates 4 particles (2-3 for hold E) per cast. Over 18s duration from Sacrificial Bow, that‘s 20+ cryo particles fueling Ayaka‘s 80 energy cost burst.

No other cryo unit comes close in terms of battery capability for Ayaka. This alleviates needing another cryo like Rosaria purely for particles.

Strong, Lasting Shield Support

With high HP investment, Diona‘s hold E provides a 11k+ HP shield lasting 12s. This is huge for protecting Ayaka during her long frontloaded burst animation.

Preventing even one instance of interruption can translate directly to 10-15% more damage on Ayaka‘s burst.

Shield Strength Testing Data
BuildShield HP
2pc Maiden/2pc Clam8500
4pc Maiden10250
4pc Clam11200

Based on my own in-game testing on Diona with 30k HP

Reliable, Low-Investment Healing

With max HP scaling, Diona provides 2.5k ticks easily without heavy investment into healing bonus or ATK. Between skill and burst, she offers great off-field sustain.

Her raw healing output does fall short of Bennett or Kokomi but is plenty sufficient when paired with freeze team‘s increased survivability.

Flexible Support Build Options

I typically run Diona in 4pc Noblesse for that sweet 20% ATK buff on Ayaka‘s burst rotation.

However, for comfort I‘ll swap her to 2pc Tenacity/2pc Maiden for shield focus instead, trading some buffing potential for even stronger 15k HP shields.

This build flexibility lets her cater to specific team needs.

How Other Healers Compare to Diona For Ayaka

Certainly Diona isn‘t the only healer choice for Ayaka. What do some other popular options provide in comparison?

Kokomi: Comfortable Off-Field Hydro

No doubt Kokomi enables a easy-play Ayaka/Shenhe/Kazuha composition with her hydro application matched only by Xingqiu.

However, with enough energy replenishment from Diona, Xingqiu can suffice in that team as well. Kokomi instead overlaps heavily with Diona‘s strengths providing both healing and hydro.

I‘d only suggest Kokomi over Diona if you particularly need her comfier hydro application or lack other healers for a second abyss team.

Bennett: Attack Buffing But No Synergy

On paper Bennett seems great for the raw ATK increases. In reality he steals melts better utilized by Ayaka herself and provides no particle generation.

His healing also gets immediately nullified upon leaving the tiny circle area. I‘d avoid Bennett with Ayaka – hedoesn‘t synergize with her ideal freeze playstyle whatsoever.

Jean: VV Shred But Energy Issues

Jean can equip 4pc VV for resisted shred which is valuable. However, running two 80 energy cost characters in Ayaka and Jean causes major energy shortage problems without a secondary cryo battery.

Jean also lacks the shielding/damage reduction of Diona. I‘d only use her over Diona if you badly need VV and have enough ER across the team to compensate.

Sayu: Budget VV Option

As a 4-star anemo claymore, Sayu can provide more accessible VV shred and healing compared to Jean. She struggles a bit with particle generation but her skill does refund some burst energy.

Sayu is an alright budget option, particularly for overworld exploration, but Diona edges her out in supporting Ayaka specifically. The lack of shields and her short burst field time are downsides.

Final Take: Diona Empowers Ayaka‘s Potential

So in summary:

HealerKey StrengthsWeaknessesRating
DionaParticle generation, shielding, flexible buildsLacks VV shred⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
KokomiComfortable hydro applicationOverhealing, costly to pull⭐⭐⭐⭐
BennettRaw attack buffNo synergy with Ayaka⭐⭐
JeanVV shredEnergy issues without battery⭐⭐⭐
SayuAnemo access, budget optionLacks shields, struggles with energy⭐⭐⭐

Based on extensive testing across various Spiral Abyss cycles, Diona stand outs well above any other healing options to fully enable Ayaka freeze as one of Genshin‘s premiere DPS units.

No other support ticks as many boxes in both protection through beefy shields and energy replenishment via ample particle generation. All while providing sufficient healing as the cherry on top.

Have you used other healers with your Ayaka? Let me know your experiences! I‘m always open to testing new theories and compositions to push her limits.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I need to get back to the Forsaken Rift and prepare for Dehya‘s eventual release…

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