Who is the Best Sniper Specialist in Battlefield 2042?

If you want to one shot enemies from half a click away, a sniper specialist is clearly the way to go in BF2042. But which operator gives you the best tools of destruction? After countless hours getting #360NoScoped, I‘m here to breakdown the top long-range assassins.

For my Excalibur, hands down it‘s Wikus "Casper" Van Daele. His recon abilities allow you gather intel unseen while his traits let you disappear after doling out death. A true ghost.

However, Ji-Soo "Paik" Blasey is also an S-tier pick, using her electronics to sniff out hiding foes. And never underestimate Maria Falck‘s backup. Let’s dig into why.

Casper – The Professional

Casper doing recon

As someone who’s scored over 300 confirmed kills in PUBG, trust me when I say information is ammunition. The more intel you have on your enemies’ location and numbers, the more lethal your squad can operate.

That’s why Forward Recon legend Casper’s OV-P drone and movement sensors are clutch. You get advanced warning when hostiles wander into your web, helping line up that perfect cranium cracking Kraber headshot. Plus enhanced spotting and optics to further capitalize.

Add his sneaky disarming and disappearing tricks that keep you off the radar, and Casper has an ace toolkit enabling long-distance domination. Here‘s my build:


  • DXR-1 sniper rifle
    • ACOG 6X scope
    • Long Barrel
    • Straight Pull Bolt
  • PPK-PT side arm


  • OV-P Recon Drone
  • Movement Sensor
  • Prox Sensor
  • Smoke Grenade

You spot ‘em, I Got ‘em, comrades. This gives optimal awareness and elusiveness to punish pushers, vehicles, or anyone exposing themselves on Orbital. Now watch me quick scope 360 no-scope some n00bs camping a tower into oblivion from 400m out. Get good!

On the other hand, his EMP immunity doesn‘t compliment this lone wolf style quite as much Falck and Paik’s traits do. And Irish may fill forward recon better on more enclosed maps like Exposure or Manifest. But for wide open long shots, Casper‘s my man.

Paik – The Electronics Expert

Korean tech wiz Ji-Soo Paik brings some serious sci-fi combat gear for next-gen wetwork. We‘re talking scanning pulse waves that spot nearby hostiles through floors and walls – even if they‘re camping crouched in a bush!

Paik using her electronics

This advanced warning completely wipes out any stealth or secrecy the opposing forces thought they had. Your whole squad will feast as you barrage bombard them with hot plasma death before they can even react. Truly next level!

With her improved optics and target acquisition as well, you may not even need a scope lens to dome dashers at 200 paces either. The ability combos make Paik S-Tier easily.

Suggested Loadout:

  • SWS-10 Semi-Auto sniper
    • Variable 3-6X Rifle Scope
    • Subsonic Rounds
    • Extended Mag
  • MP28 SMG w/ laser


  • EM Scanner
  • SFAR-M GL grenade launcher
  • Ammo Crate
  • Insertion Beacon

Engineers beware – your AA turrets and proximity alarms are useless against this walking microwave emitter! One ping on my scanner, and I‘ll airmail a perfectly timed grenade bundle directly into your hidey hole.

While Casper may have better pure sniping synergies, Paik certainly disrupts. And with Angel always ready to revive, I can play super aggressive in vehicles too. Zap pulse to ID threats pre-fire and farm noobs!

Maria Falck – The Combat Medic

German gene therapy pioneer Maria Falck keeps our assassin squad in the fight with her high-tech health injectors, fast revives, and expanded healing aura. Plus her S21 Syrette Pistol dart heals from range – perfect for that blueberry you just headshotted!

Maria Falck healing allies

With snipers often operating alone behind enemy lines, we need to ensure our own durability, survivability, and sustainability too. Her improved health regen helps with that while boosting the overall team.

Maria‘s traits also enhance critical damage, which pairs perfectly with our cranium cracking rifle builds. Did I hear a 2X damage multiplier for landing noggin shots at 100m+? Yes please! This is how legends are made – 5 man wipe feed with some disgusting no-scope collateral madness at 300 meters out. I‘ll take PotG thank you.

Suggested Loadout

  • DXR-1 (obviously)
  • G57 pistol
  • S21 Syrette Pistol
  • Ammo Crate
  • Insertion Beacon

With my expert aim + Maria‘s overshield on revive + Paik‘s motion detectors, baby we got a triple threat squad going! Now time for Casper to deploy the drone while I glide to an unseen nest location. Shh…keep it on the down low guys – this spot gives me the entire B flag approach at easy 600m counter-snipes!

Sniper Weapon Meta

While specialist selection is critical, choosing the right tool for delivering that 1HK dopamine is equally key. Here’s my definitive sniper rifle power rankings for Battlefield 2042:

Battlefield 2042 Sniper Rifle Tier List

TierNameDamageFire Rate
SDXR-19839 rpm
ASWS-1088257 rpm
BNTW-5013030 rpm

Clearly the DXR-1 stands in a league of its own when talking anti-personnel ballistic destruction. With a guaranteed 1 shot kill to the head, neck, chest at any plausible combat range, it simply can’t be beat.

The semi-auto SWS-10 brings faster follow up shots when you whiff or need volume fire against groups. But bolt action is king for precision work.

I consider the NTW-50 niche and awkward. Technically highest damage but the fire rate is abysmal, and you only get one shot before a lengthy reload. Pass.

No debate that the DXR-1 will remain meta defining. Slap a variable zoom optic, straight pull bolt, and your preferred grip or laser. Then find a cozy nest and let the skeet shooting commence!

Closing Tips

To recap, here are my last few tips for BF2042 long range assassins:

  • Prioritize stealth first – concealment and repositioning is vital
  • Move with your squad – rely on their spotting and distractions
  • Prefire common peaks and paths
  • Quickscope liberally
  • Focus on counter-sniping when fights stagnate
  • Customize your sensitivity and aim assist settings!

Hopefully these breakdowns on the top sniper specialists, weapons to absolutely frag out with, and pro strats give you some new deadly tools for the Arsenal! Thumb skill is important, but game knowledge wins battles.

Now get out there and pwn some camping corner jumpers and vehicle farming exploiters with extreme vengeance! This is Wikus Casper Van Daele, signing off. knife flip emote

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