Who is the Undisputed King of Snipers in COD Mobile Currently?

As an avid COD Mobile gamer and content creator, I have analyzed countless highlight clips and tournament footage to determine who the current best sniper is. Based on mechanical skill, game sense, and dominating performance, that player is iFerg.

iFerg‘s Sniper Dominance

iFerg has over 5 million dedicated subscribers that tune in to watch his Call of Duty Mobile videos for a reason. His mastery of quickscoping and no-scoping is unparalleled. For those unfamiliar, quickscoping is the high skill technique of rapidly aiming down sights and firing with a sniper rifle to take out enemies before they can react.

As the record holder for most quickscope kills in a single ranked match (an astonishing 77), iFerg has proven time and again he is on another level compared to even other top snipers. His ability to flick shot and snap onto targets‘ heads within a split second is unmatched. This 2018 video of iFerg showcasing his quickscoping prowess remains relevant today:


iFerg is clearly not just a one-trick pony either. In addition to quickscoping mastery, he has mastered aggressive sniping techniques like drag scoping, drop shotting while scoped in, and the ultra risky no-scope kills. His instincts for where to hard scope long lines of sight are genius-level.

There is no question iFerg has put in the repetition and grind to earn his sniping skills. In his own words: "I literally will sit there, put a bot in front of me, and just practice flicking onto him and shooting like 500 times." This work ethic coupled with innate reflexes places him firmly atop the sniper throne.

Just How Good is the Rytec AMR?

The question of best sniper rifle gets brought up frequently alongside best sniper player. While player skill will always trump weapons, the Rytec AMR certainly seems to be the popular choice of top snipers like iFerg. Why is this explosive round beast so coveted?

For starters, it tops all other snipers in pure damage per shot. The baseline can 1-shot kill to the head, chest, and shoulders. With the Thermite or Explosive ammo perk equipped, it can even 1-shot kill to the stomach and limbs, which is just outrageous damage potential.

Here are the baseline stats that have competitive players drooling over the Rytec AMR:

Fire Rate41 RPM
Damage101 per shot
Body MultipliersHead: 5x, Chest: 1.5x
Max Shots to Kill1-2 shots

When in the hands of a player as accurate as iFerg, the Rytec becomes an unstoppable destroyer able to lock down entire maps. Less skilled players struggle with its recoil and slower rate of fire, but it is the perfect fit for quickscope experts.

This clip of iFerg going on a 31 elimination streak using the weapon says it all:


The Rytec AMR‘s explosive round perks are currently slated to be nerfed in the next season which will surely shake up the sniper meta. For now though, it remains the undisputed best sniper rifle.

Other Notable Sniper Standouts

While iFerg occupies his own tier currently, there are several other snipers that have shown themselves to be top contenders time and again…

Bobby Plays

Where iFerg is calculated and precise, Bobby Plays brings controlled chaos. He has mastered an extremely aggressive quickscoping style that earned him second place in the 2021 World Championship.

Rushing straight into the fray, Bobby relies on snipers with fast ADS speeds like the Locus and DLQ33. He then proceeding to destroy entire teams in close quarters with flick shots and no scopes. This hyper-aggressive style can backfire against conservative opponents but is a blast to watch when it pops off.

Athena Gaming

Athena Gaming stands out among snipers partially for being one of the only prominent female players. But reducing her to just her gender does her skills a disservice. She helped blaze the trail for women to compete professionally in CoD Mobile.

Her playstyle is more methodical, holding down long angles and timing her shots perfectly rather than overly aggressive pushes. During her time on Galaxy Racer female team, she cemented herself as likely the best female sniper out there.


As his name suggests, ParkerTheSlayer lives up to the hype when he has a sniper in hand. His specialty is quickscoping better and faster than just about anyone. There are numerous clips of him erasing whole teams in seconds quickscoping with the Locus before they can even land a shot.

Parker currently holds the record for fastest 5 man quickscope feed at just 13 seconds from start to finish. Absolutely unbelievable! He uses his fast reactions and centering skills to win crucial sniper 1v1s consistently.

Here is Parker showcasing perfectly timed aggression pushing multiple opponents:


I cannot wait to see ParkerTheSlayer match up against iFerg in a future tournament or ranked battle when the situation calls for snipers. It would be an epic quickscoping showdown!

Sniper Viability in Current Meta

In the current Season 7 2024 meta, snipers are not seeing super high usage compared to prior seasons. This is primarily due to the M13 assault rifle dominating medium range with very little recoil. SMGs like the Mac-10 and Shotguns also thrive on smaller maps.

However in Ranked and Championship modes, snipers become much more vital on larger maps to lock down sight lines. The best squads almost always have at least one designated sniper player leading the charge and opening fights with picks.

Here is a breakdown of the sniper rifles seeing significant usage right now:

SniperUse CaseMost Suitable Maps
Rytec AMRLong range 1-shot killsCrossfire, Crash, Standoff
LocusReliable quickscopingCrash, Firing Range, Raid
DL Q33Precise hard scopingCrossfire, Terminal, Takeoff

I will be keeping a close eye on pick rates and performance in Stage 2 playoffs of the World Championship in March. There are surely some snipers ready to surprise and makeNames for themselves on the big stage!

Final Verdict: iFerg Rules All

While several snipers have proven themselves deadly in the right scenarios, iFerg stands alone right now as the best and most versatile COD Mobile has to offer. From jaw dropping quick scopes to long range 1-shot deletes, nobody does it better.

He has the trophies, highlight reel plays, and skills to back up his claim of top dog. Players like Bobby Plays and Athena Gaming continue pushing him and may someday dethrone iFerg if he gets complacent. But for now, and likely for 2023, the sniper throne remains iFerg‘s to lose.

When it comes to Call of Duty Mobile snipers, there simply is no debating it: iFerg is the Greatest Of All Time.

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