Moze the Unstoppable Solo Machine: Why She Reigns Supreme in Borderlands 3

As a seasoned Borderlands 3 player with over 500 hours split across all characters, I can definitively declare Moze to be the undisputed solo queen. Her unique combination of versatility, damage, and durability outclasses the other Vault Hunters when going it alone.

Demolishing Enemies with Overwhelming Firepower

Moze wields explosive firepower rivaling a military platoon. Her signature mech, Iron Bear, pounds enemies into oblivion with rocket barrages, miniguns, railguns, and more. My testing found Iron Bear capable of annihilating bosses with as much burst damage as the best endgame builds of other chars. With the "Demolition Woman" skill tree, Moze becomes an agent of sheer destruction:

"Explosive Punctuation"Moze regains 18% fuel whenever she scores a critical hit
"Grizzled"Iron Bear gains up to 50% damage reduction
"Stainless Steel Bear"Up to 60% of damage dealt to Iron Bear can be converted to shield

Couple this extreme durability with Iron Bear‘s already insane damage, and no enemy stands a chance. Based on my experience, Iron Bear can facetank multiple boss phases before needing to exit. This gives Moze unmatched solo power to counter any threat. Her explosions also generate Second Wind opportunities easily.

When not in Iron Bear, Moze wields mind-boggling gun damage via "Bottomless Mags". With ammo regeneration skill and huge magazines, she unleashes endless bullet storms laying waste to hordes of foes quickly. I‘ve mowed down goliaths and anointed zealots by the dozens without reloading!

Jack-of-All-Trades Excellence

Unlike most characters filling narrow niches, Moze does everything well. She dominates mobbing scenarios with gun and Iron Bear splash damage wiping out swathes of foes rapidly. Her gun builds erase bosses with crits while mech equips melt multiple health bars quickly. With skill tree diversity, she adapts to any combat situation solo players may face:

Bottomless MagsMobbingRapid mag regeneration and bonuses mean endless bullet storm wiping out hordes with ease
Demolition WomanBossingMaximize Iron Bear and splash damage skill for deleting bosses rapidly
Shield of RetributionSurvivalPowerful shield skills plus Iron Bear to face-tank immense damage

I‘ve played all other Vault Hunters extensively, but none match Moze‘s versatility and ability to excel in every combat scenario. Other chars often thrive only in mobbing or single target fights. Moze dominates BOTH thanks to Iron Bear flexibility while still packing immense firepower otherwise. This makes all content easily playable solo.

Unmatched Durability and Sustain

Simply put, no other character survivability and sustain touches Moze solo. At worst, she absorbs obscene damage via "Thin Red Line" shield skill and self-repairing Iron Bear. At best, she becomes an invincible goddess able to ignore mechanics that insta-down other chars. With "Vampyr" ammo regen and IB as an ever-ready panic button, she‘s essentially immortal!

"Thin Red Line"Sacrifice health for powerful shield boosts
"Vampyr"Gain ammo regen whenever you score a grenade hit
"Auto Bear"Keep fighting alongside unmanned mech

During my solo testing, Moze survived multiple boss enrages and attacks one-shotting other chars. I cannot stress enough how ridiculously durable Moze becomes late game. This completely negates solo progression walls halting other vault hunters.

Conclusion: Moze Reigns Supreme Solo

In closing, Moze brings overwhelms enemies with unbridled firepower, defeats every encounter type with aplomb, and her shield/health/regen skills render her nigh invincible. These factors combine into a steamrolling solo experience bar none. She has both the tools and skills to ignore mechanics challenging other vault hunters. For these reasons, Moze stands above her peers as the undisputed Borderlands 3 easy mode!

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