Who is the Canon Love Interest in Persona 5? There Isn‘t One!

As a long-time Persona fan who has played through Persona 5 multiple times, I‘m often asked this question – is there a designated canon romance option or "one true love interest" for Joker in the game?

The short answer is nope, there is no canon love interest.

Persona 5 provides the freedom for players to pursue romantic relationships with various confidants, intentionally avoiding confirming any one girl as Joker‘s definitive partner.

However, that hasn‘t stopped endless debates amongst fans about who the "best girl" is and which romance makes the most sense from a story perspective. So let‘s break down the options and why there isn‘t a clear canon pick!

The Top Contenders

While completely subjective, a few romanceable confidants typically rise to the top in fan discussions regarding a "canon" love interest.

Makoto Niijima

As an integral member of the Phantom Thieves, Makoto checks a lot of boxes. Not only does she have great chemistry with Joker, but her confidant story arc leads nicely into a romance.

Plus, she has by far the most erotic rank 10 confession scene which surely boosts her popularity!

Futaba Sakura

Living under the same roof, Futaba and Joker build an incredibly close bond. Helping Futaba through her recovery makes their eventual relationship extremely heartwarming and fulfilling.

Ann Takamaki

Your very first female confidant, Ann‘s bubbly personality attracts many players initially. However, the more sisterly dynamic means Ann often gets friend-zoned in favor of other options.

What the Data Says

Looking at data aggregators and polls can provide some objective insights about romance option preferences amongst fans:

Romance OptionPercentage Choosing This Option
Makoto Niijima26%
Futaba Sakura20%
Kasumi Yoshizawa15%
Ann Takamaki14%
Haru Okumura9%
Takemi Tae8%

Data sourced from GameRevolution

While not a majority, Makoto edges out Futaba by a small margin. Generally, these two tend to lead fan polls, with the newer Kasumi also jumping up in popularity.

So in empirical terms, Makoto has the strongest numbers supporting her as a "canonical" choice, though nowhere near unanimous.

What Makes Makoto Stand Out?

Digging deeper, its clear Makoto checks a lot of narrative boxes that help position her above other great romance options like Futaba when it comes to matching a canon storyline.

Natural Progression

As referenced earlier, Makoto‘s confidant storyline flows very smoothly into a romantic relationship making it seem almost inevitable. By comparison, Ann and Futaba feel a bit more "optional".

Shared Hardships

Both student council president and Phantom Thief, Makoto goes through tremendous adversity alongside Joker forging an unshakable bond between them through the ups and downs.

Special Connection

Makoto herself admits Joker is the first person she‘s opened up emotionally to and relied upon. This key vulnerability and intimacy is unmatched with other social links.

Given the above and the chemistry between the two, its no surprise Makoto has a strong case behind her as the premier romance option story-wise, even if not the definitive canon pick.

Why No Canon Romance?

Of course as mentioned from the start Persona 5 does not actually establish any romance as canonical over others. This seems to be an intentional directing decision. Why avoid having a designated partner for Joker?

A few possible explanations:

  • Enables player choice freedom – Gives players control over Joker‘s fate
  • Replay value – Encourages multiple playthroughs to experience different story arcs
  • Player projection – Allows players to imprint onto Joker their own ideal romance fantasy

Based on interviews with the Persona development team, the priority seems to be crafting complex romance narratives while avoiding confirming any singular experience as definitive for players.

The Takeaway

Who you choose to romance as Joker in Persona 5 comes down purely to player preference – the game imposes no right or wrong decision. Debates may wage endlessly within the passionate fanbase, but there is no clearly established canon love interest in the game‘s narrative.

Makoto makes a strong case as Joker‘s closest thing to an "implicit" romance given story progression and themes. But ultimately who to romance depends on which character you vibe with most!

Let me know in the comments who your Persona 5 romance option was and why!

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