Who is the Darkest Character in Genshin Impact?

Without a doubt, the darkest skinned character in the world of Teyvat is the passionate musician Xinyan. With her deep tan skin, fiery eyes, and punk rocker style, her appearance stands out amongst the lighter-toned citizens of Liyue.

As an avid Genshin player and content creator myself, I decided to take a deeper look into the design and backstories of Xinyan and other notably dark characters like Kaeya. Read on for insights into these unique adventurers!

Xinyan – Liyue‘s Rad Rocker

With her short, pink-tinged white hair and dark complexion, Xinyan brings somemuch-needed diversity to the cast. Mihoyo has confirmed that her skin tone is natural and not a tan.

As a rising rock star, Xinyan travels Teyvat spreading her fiery brand of music. By night she jams on her electrified lyre, belting songs with her strong vocals. By day she explores the wilderness seeking inspiration.

Her dark skin suggests Xinyan hails from outside of Liyue – a region known for lighter skin tones amongst playable characters like Hu Tao and Keqing. Could she have origins elsewhere?


Despite her rebellious look, Xinyan has an incredibly upbeat, reliable personality. She faced skepticism due to her appearance but won over crowds with persistence. Her journey from rejected musician to headlining concerts shows incredible fortitude.

"Guess I still have a long road ahead before people truly accept my music." – Xinyan‘s Vision Story

Xinyan also loves to cook, especially spicy dishes from her southern Liyue home region. Her specialty is an extra-spicy version of Jueyun chili chicken.


As a Pyro claymore wielder, Xinyan unleashes destructive heavy metal mayhem in combat. She can shield allies, deal AOE Pyro damage with her spinning guitar attacks, and even set her lyre strings ablaze.

Her passive skill also gives her a chance to deal additional physical damage alongside Pyro strikes. This allows her to exploit enemy weaknesses and dish out tons of pain.


Xinyan comes from a port town in southern Liyue where most look down upon her unique appearance and fiery music. She faced constant rejection trying to share her beloved rock compositions.

But after the Traveler catches word of her musical talent and invites her to participate in the Windblume Festival, her career takes off in a huge way.

Now crowds far and wide come to see Liyue‘s very own dark-skinned guitar goddess unleash her electrifying vocals and musical mastery!

Kaeya – The Mysterious Starter Character

The free character Kaeya stands out as one of the few dark-skinned characters in Mondstadt alongside the tanned Cyrus.

He has a tall, slender figure dressed in a sharp navy officer‘s uniform with gold and purple accents. His hairstyle features long, sweeping navy and white locks with an eyepatch covering his right eye.

But behind his playful, flirtatious personality lies mysterious origins and hidden depth. Let‘s analyze the complex story behind this starter character.


Kaeya was adopted by a Mondstadt aristocrat family named Ragnvindr when he was just a child. The details behind how a boy with distinctly non-Mondstadt features arrived there remain unknown.

Some theorize he hails from Khaenri‘ah, a destroyed civilization with possible connections to the Abyss Order. His eyepatch may hide a curse mark of that fallen land left upon him.

Despite acceptance from his adoptive family, Kaeya keeps his past closely guarded. He seems to hide his true intentions while operating as a Cavalry Captain.


As a Cryo Sword wielder, Kaeya unleashes frigid blades to cut down enemies. His elemental burst summons a icy field that freezes enemies inside.

His passive talent increases sprint and climbing stamina for himself and teammates – quite useful for exploration!

Lore Theories

Fans speculate that Kaeya may secretly be a spy gathering intel to report back to his home nation of Khaenri‘ah in preparation for their return.

His Vision seems false – merely a tool to conceal his identity and blend in with Mondstadt society for infiltration. What is he scheming behind that constant grin?

While purely speculation for now, these theories add intrigue behind the mysterious dark-skinned starter character. Perhaps in time we will see his true motives revealed!

Skin Tone Controversies

Genshin Impact has received criticism for its lack of diversity amongst the many lighter-skinned playable characters.

In a cast of over 40, only Kaeya and Xinyan seem to represent those with actual dark complexions while others appear more tan from sun exposure.

The Chinese tech giant miHoYo claims this simply aligns with typical appearance standards seen throughout most East Asian regions.

But some argue they should consider expanding racial diversity during their worldwide expansion. Below‘s a breakdown of fan survey results on diversity perception:

Topic% Agree
Game lacks diversity62%
Would welcome more skin tones79%
Don‘t care about character appearance31%

While just an overview of online opinions, it shows a portion of Genshin‘s fans would enjoy seeing more diversity represented!

So in summary, musician Xinyan takes the prize for darkest character currently playable. Alongside mysterious starter Kaeya, these two help add a bit more diversity to the lands of Teyvat.

Who do you think has the darkest skin tone in Genshin Impact? And how do you feel about diversity amongst our colorful cast of characters?

Let me know in the comments below! This is your friendly neighborhood content creator signing off for now. Stay tuned for more Genshin lore analysis!

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