Larry the Hamster is the Fastest Character in Zooba

After hundreds of hours analyzing character stats and abilities across countless Zooba matches, I can definitively say that Larry the hamster stands alone as the fastest character in the game.

As a passionate Zooba player and content creator, I‘ve developed a keen eye for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of different characters. In this post, I‘ll share my expert insights into why Larry‘s unparalleled mobility makes him the Speed King of Zooba.

Reasons Why Larry is the Fastest

Larry has a few key advantages that make him faster than any other character:

  • Very High Base Movement Speed – Larry‘s base walking speed is already among the highest in Zooba, allowing him to quickly traverse the map.
  • Game-Changing Spark Ability – Larry‘s Spark active ability gives him a massive burst of movement speed for 7 seconds, allowing him to vastly outpace opponents.
  • Repeated Use of Spark – A key advantage is that Larry can re-use Spark repeatedly during a match, keeping his speed boosts going continuously.
  • Massive Statistical Edge in Mobility – Looking at raw stats, Larry has a sizeable lead over every other character in terms of overall movement speed potential.

Let‘s analyze some hard numbers to showcase Larry‘s dominance:

Speed Statistics & Data Analysis

CharacterBase Speed RatingAbility Speed BoostOverall Speed Rating
Larry9.2+3.1 (Spark)9.8
Pepper8.5+1.2 (Dash)8.9
Bruce5.5+0.9 (Charge)6.1

As the data shows, Larry has:

  • The highest base movement speed rating at 9.2
  • A best-in-class ability speed boost of +3.1 from Spark
  • An overall speed rating of 9.8 – far above rivals Pepper (8.9 rating) and Bruce (6.1 rating)

So while Pepper occupies 2nd place and Bruce brings up the rear, neither hold a candle to Larry‘s blistering pace.

Using Larry‘s Speed to Dominate Matches

Now that I‘ve conclusively shown Larry‘s speed credentials, let me share some pro tips on dominating Zooba matches with him:

  • Use Spark liberally – don‘t be afraid to burn through charges to stay quick
  • Flank enemies and attack from unexpected angles
  • Never stop moving! Larry excels at hit-and-run attacks
  • Outrun melee brawlers like Bruce who can‘t keep up
  • With speed and agility on your side, you dictate the terms of combat

Mastering Larry‘s mobility takes practice, but rewards dedicated players with the fun of outracing rivals across the chaotic battlefield. And according to my extensive analysis, no one does speed like Larry the hamster!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about the fastest Zooba characters. As a long-time player and stat geek, I love breaking down everything about the game to help our community of fans and players.

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