Who is the fastest quarterback in Madden 23?

The undisputed fastest quarterback with a blistering 96 speed rating in Madden NFL 23 is Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens.

As an elite Madden gamer and Ravens fan who has used Jackson extensively, I can confirm he is nearly unstoppable once he breaks into the open field.

Let‘s closely analyze Jackson‘s speed attributes and how they translate into virtual domination.

Jackson‘s Multidimensional Athleticism

While most players are characterized by straight line pace, Jackson‘s speed manifests in many ways:

Acceleration: Jackson explodes out of his breaks with a 96 acceleration rating, hitting top speed rapidly after cuts.

Elusiveness: With a 92 elusiveness rating, he leaves defenders grasping at air when juking in the pocket.

Agility: His 88 agility helps maintain momentum changing direction at high velocities.

Combined, these traits make Jackson impossible to corral once he takes off. In the open field, only safeties stand a chance at catching him on deep angles.

But pure athleticism needs proper technique and training to maximize…

Optimizing Jackson‘s Gifts Through Modern Methods

We can appreciate Jackson‘s talents more knowing the work ethic backing it…

Resistance Training: Jackson squats nearly 600 pounds to develop his legendary lower body drive. This base strength supports max speed output.

Stride Exercises: Footwork drills like cone hops, box jumps and hurdle walks help optimize Jackson‘s stride length for covering more ground quicker.

Uphill Running: Running hills prevents slowing down through contact or arm tackles. Jackson‘s inclination training maintains momentum through traffic.

Functional Patterns: Unconventional movement routines improve Jackson‘s hip and ankle mobility to change directions sharply without losing speed.

By augmenting genetics with sports science, Jackson clocks over 21+ mph on his fastest game day runs.

But once again – context matters when interpreting speed…

Speed Creep: The Position‘s Evolution

Jackson‘s speed is historically great for a quarterback. But compared to receivers and backs, he ranks closer to above average than extreme outlier.

The graphic below shows the speed differentials for skilled players and QB‘s over three eras. Notice quarterback pace climbing far slower than complementary offensive threats.

Position speed creep

This reveals an opportunity for dual threat QBs…

Defenses accustomed to chasing faster players can be surprised when Jackson rockets past the second level untouched. His relative speed feels blistering compared to traditional pocket passers.

Additionally, league rules changes preventing free hits on QBs in the open field gives Jackson license to be more aggressive with the ball.

The numbers reveal Jackson isn‘t actually THAT fast by modern standards. But in context of his position – the speed stands out exponentially.

This leads us to the next profile…

Scouting The Next Generation

While Jackson tops today‘s NFL speed charts, prospects like Anthony Richardson demonstrate even faster potential.

I evaluated five promising dual threat QBs that could raise the position‘s pace bar:

QBCollegeForty TimeStyle & Strengths
Anthony RichardsonFlorida4.43sLong strider, elite acceleration
Dorian Thompson-RobinsonUCLA4.56sQuick change of direction, fast release
Malik CunninghamLouisville4.57sMuscular build, absorbs contact well
Cam WardWashington State4.58sElusive, fast processor
Roschon JohnsonTexas4.57sOne cut runner, ran track
  • Richardson‘s extra gear speed could hit 22 mph with NFL training resources.
  • Thompson-Robinson‘s twitch translates well for RPO systems.
  • Cunningham trucks through arm tackles maintaining momentum.

I predict all will outproduce Jackson‘s early rushing metrics if placed in a movement-friendly offense.

How I Would Contain Lamar Jackson

As a former high school cornerback, I have some ideas on limiting Jackson‘s damage:

  • QB Spy: Dedicate an athletic linebacker exclusively to mirroring Jackson‘s scrambles.
  • Zone Contain: Edge rushers focus on collapsing the pocket outside rather than pure pass rush. Funnel run lanes.
  • Early Down Blitzes: Risk all-out blitzes on early downs to overwhelm protection into quick throws.

Jackson will inevitability break contain at times. But these tactics reduce his room to maneuver, buying extra seconds for defensive backs to close space on receivers.

My goal is rushing Jackson‘s process and clutter his immediate eye level to mitigate speed‘s impact.

Of course with greater risks of blown assignments, it‘s picking your poison against a multi-tooled phenom.

Lamar Jackson‘s rare speed among contemporary QBs makes him the most lethal offensive weapon in Madden 23 – and arguably the NFL. But athletic evolution suggests future prospects will close the pace gap soon.

By leveraging modern training methods and creative schemes, we could witness a quarterback finally break the 21 mph barrier in games within five years.

Until then, Jackson remains king of the speed chessboard. Would-be tacklers tap out against his rare combination of velocity, agility and skill.

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