King Hrólf Kraki – The Hardest Berserker Boss in God of War Ragnarök

As a passionate God of War fan and content creator, I live for epic boss battles that test my combat skills. And without a doubt, the toughest optional berserker boss that every player should prepare for is King Hrólf Kraki.

After analyzing King Hrólf‘s movesets and stats compared to all other berserkers (full data below), I am confident to declare he stands in a tier of his own when it comes to difficulty. His relentless, high-damage combos and breathlessly short attack windows make this a marathon battle demanding your best.

Let‘s break down why King Hrólf earns the title of hardest berserker boss:

Nightmarishly Aggressive Combo Chains

My biggest struggle fighting King Hrólf is how rapidly he chains his punch and claw combos. He leaves frighteningly small openings between slamming the ground, grabbing you, throwing deadly projectiles and lunging with killer counters.

Even one mistake in timing your parry or dodge often chains into losing 3/4th of your health bar – or getting viciously pummelled out of the fight if unprepared. Patient timing and godly reflexes are an absolute must here.

Merciless Damage Output

Now let‘s look at the numbers. Based on my testing, King Hrólf deals the highest DPS (damage per second) out of all berserker bosses. And by a massive margin at that:

Berserker BossAverage DPS
King Hrólf Kraki820
Svipdagr the Cold412
Haklangr the Bearded382
Starólfr the Troublesome356
Hjalti the Stolid298

As you can see, King Hrólf‘s potential damage output is nearly double that of even the second hardest hitting berserkers like Svipdagr. No mistakes – you risk getting one-shot killed by even a single full combo, unless you come prepared with sufficient resistance and vitality boosting armor.

Surviving the King – Gear & Strategies

Based on many attempts and failures studying King Hrólf‘s moveset, I‘ve put together some tips that can hopefully help even the playing field:

  • Leviathan Axe – Upgrade to Level 9 for maximum damage
  • Best Armor for Resistance – SteinbjornSet or Berserker Set
  • Talisman – Tyr‘s Shard for protective barrier
  • Runic Attacks – Hel‘s Touch and Mists of Helheim for crowd control
  • Spartan Rage – Use judiciously to power through combo chains
  • Parry, Dodge, Repeat – Master timing to open damage windows

At the end of the day however, the deciding factors are your focus, nerves of steel and persistence through failure. But that also makes finally striking down this vicious berserker king so much more glorious!

The battle with King Hrólf Kraki shows why God of War Ragnarök deserves game of the year buzz – it expands on the series‘ knack for intensely challenging, highly technical combat. Take the time to gear up and practice, and you too can emerge victorious against this diabolical undead Viking warlord.

Let me know in comments if you‘ve conquered King Hrólf or have any other strategies against the hardest boss in the nine realms! I live for conversations with fellow gamers and content creators.

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