Who Is the LGBTQ+ Character in Devil May Cry?

Let‘s address the giant red-and-black demon in the room upfront: there are currently no explicitly canon LGBTQ+ characters in Devil May Cry games or media. However, that doesn‘t stop passionate fans from fervently reading between the lines and advocating for more inclusive representation.

Game ReleasePotential LGBTQ+ Characters/Themes
Devil May Cry 5– Nico Goldstein
– Homoerotic themes
Devil May Cry 4– Unexplored sexuality/relationships
Devil May Cry 3– Dante and Vergil‘s bond

All About Nico – DMC‘s Resident Tech Expert

In Devil May Cry 5, sharp-tongued weapons artisan Nico Goldstein joins the demon-hunting crew – and many fans believe she just might be DMC‘s first canonical lesbian character.

While there are no explicitly romantic storylines with female characters, various subtle hints clue fans into Nico‘s potential LGBTQ+ identity:

  • Masculine gender expression – from her deep voice to tomboy-ish style
  • Comments like enjoying the "finer things…and the ladies"
  • Intense relationships with female friends/allies
  • Lack of shown interest in male advances

Of course without confirmation from the game developers, her identity remains open to interpretation. But the case seems strong for fans eagerly looking to welcome an LGBTQ+ character into the stylish, flamboyant world of DMC.

Homoerotic Themes in Devil May Cry

Beyond Nico, the series has sprinkled homoerotic subtext between various male characters for decades – often as a stylistic choice or to showcase deep bonds.

Dante and Vergil‘s intimate twin relationship fuels tension that fans analyze from all angles. And hero Nero has undeniable chemistry with Dante too – with intimate gestures like caressing faces, slit throats, and sword fights serving as metaphorical stand-ins.

While not overt, these elements encourage queer readings between beloved male icon characters. And that alone is empowering LGBTQ+ visibility – even if not literal representation.

Why Fans Demand LGBTQ+ Characters

Greater visibility for marginalized identities in games has been an ongoing cultural conversation – especially regarding mainstream AAA titles like DMC.

Fans advocate for representations matching their own identities in escapist power fantasies centered around demons and superhuman abilities. They analyze relationships seeking intimate connections they identify with on personal levels.

And while subtext provides some validation and community, canonical representation would further empower LGBTQ+ fans who already resonate so intensely with characters like Dante and Nero.

YearLGBTQ+ Characters in Top Games

With LGBTQ+ representation in top gaming franchises slowly rising but still under 10% – devoted niche fan communities keep campaigning for the creators they know and love to fully embrace them.

And mainstream singleton male power fantasies like DMC still have room to evolve with diversely layered characters explicitly living their truth.

What Does the Future Hold?

So could a future DMC game introduce an openly LGBTQ+ hero?

Longtime developers like director Hideaki Itsuno continue to tease interests in exploring relationships deeper in sequels. And evolving social values make that more possible each year.

Itsuno himself confirmed stated ambitions to build on bonds between Nero, Dante and Vergil – relationships fans read queerly for decades. So the groundwork is there narratively.

Meanwhile CAPCOM as a company has seriously invested in inclusive representation across gaming properties – evidencing shifting priorities for diverse characters.

So while there are currently no definitively LGBTQ+ identities in DMC canon, themes of found family and acceptance in the demon slaying crew certainly mesh nicely with introducing openly queer characters down the road. Fans remain ever-hopeful and motivated.

And Nico Goldstein blazing trails with butch lesbian visibility? This author is betting on that stylish possibility.

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